
The Right Hand of Doom

"The Goddess of Matter?" I asked for clarification to Konny, as I approached her. I was stopped by two other members of what seems to be the council of the base. "It's fine, fellas. He's with me." Konny told the two extremely masculine men, and they stood aside. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I looked at Konny with both shock, and disappointment. "Because I was instructed to wait for Takeuchi to inform me about who we can trust. I also wasn't sure if I could trust you with my identity." She told me calmly. "Trust me? Konny we've known each other for 2 years now. How could you not trust me?!" I started to raise my voice unconsciously. "Because Taki didn't want me to trust you." She told me, and I went still. Takeuchi didn't want her to trust me? What was that supposed to mean? "Takeuchi came up with every possible contingency plan. If they fail, we're the second thing standing between our timeline, and him." One of the council men spoke up about the topic. "Him, Who's Him?" Takeuchi told me someone was coming. He never told me who it was. Konny sat down on this Crimson Red chair and explained to me, in detail of what we're dealing. "A few months ago, something broke through the gates of Alterra. It was different from what the Devine Protectors faced in the past. It was an entity that could take any shape it wished, possess any power it so wishes. Like Takeuchi himself, It feeds on energy. They've been holding it at Bay for weeks now. Only half of Alterra remains. Once it gets here and we're not ready for it, it will consume the entire multiverse." I took a seat, trying to understand what we're dealing with. "Which is why we came up with a solution." Konny stood up, as a hologram flashed in the center of the Desk. It was a blade, burning brighter than a sun. "The Blade of the Red Sun. Made out of Pure energy, forged by the Best blacksmith in Alterra." "You made that, didn't you." I looked at the blade, then Konny. She chuckled and confirmed that yes, she WILL make it. "She has not formed the the blade yet. This is simply a blue print." Another council member added. "Sorry, Kibo. These are the 4 remaining council members. Zeus the first God of Lightning," He had a silky silver hair with an army cut. His gotee was amazing, shining in the light of the room. "Hermes, the God of Speed." He was a stunning specimen to behold. "Hades, The first God of the Underworld, and the Alterran God of Distraction." He didn't seem like the demonic figure I always thought he would be. He was like a Spartan, ready for battle. You could have easily mistaken him for Ares. "and Poseidon, The Real king Neptune. " A glorious warrior, with diamond scales for his armor, and an Obsidian trident. The council banged their fists against their chest, and cried out a loud "HAU!" "The Greek Gods are your council? You have to be kidding me." I was in Aw, I never expected to meet such legends in person. "You must be Kibo Toishi. Konny has talked a lot about you." Zeus appeared beside me, and he rested his hand on my shoulder. "She has told us many stories! Like how you took on an entire army with only your fists! A brave warrior indeed!" Hades yelled and Cheered to me. I was flattered. "Enough about me, where are the rest of the Greek gods?" I asked the council, as the room went dead silent. They all looked at each other, then Poseidon spoke a deep, soothing voice, speaking dreadful words. "They gave their lives to Protect Greece. We are all that is left of the council." "But there's more of you, right? A multiverse and multiple timelines must mean you're not the only Greek Gods." Once again, silence filled the room. Konny stood up, and addressed my question. "Kibo, we can't just take other universe's Gods. If we do-" she got cut of by Hermes. With a serious tone, and a deeper voice than I expected, he said, "That universe will spiral out of control. Thus causing it to be erased from existence." I got his point. We were trying to save the multiverse, not destroy it. "The Entity has already sent counter parts of itself to every known multiverse there is." A map of the multiverse appeared beside the blueprint. It was Enormous. Multiple points connecting to one another. Multiple Earths, connected to each other. "If we do not take care of this problem any time soon, It will consume the entire multiverse, and form it in its own image." Hades slammed his fist on the desk hard. "It would be hell on all Earths.." I added as I looked in shock of what was put in front of me. "This weapon is made out of Pure energy. The only thing that could harm it. We already have the first material I need." Konny said as she showed me exactly what she took from the crash sight. It was a silver fabric, that seemed to be a part of Neon. It must have came off her wen she landed. "A fabric of Divinity. That was provided for us by Neon. Thank you for getting here on time by the way." Konny gestured behind me, Behind me was Neon giving a thumbs up to Konny. "When did she get here?" I asked Konny. "She's been hiding in your pocket ever since you got in to the base." She chuckled at the thought. "All she needs now Is Terra steel. The same material used to create the very equipment you are currently in possession of." Poseidon added, as I looked at my gloves. I that explains the power boost I got from them. They were made by a literal god. "After the blade is forged, we need to sink it deep in to the flames of The Red Sun." Hades added, as he flashed the final outcome of the blade. It glowed a Bright Red, with a silver outline. "We just haven't figured out how we can actually get the blade to absorb the energy of the star." Konny added to the situation. I looked at the blueprint, and I thought of a way. "Terra steel can absorb any type of Kinetic energy, correct?" I asked to the council, as they nodded. "Then all we have to do is modify the steel, or re enforce it with something that can withstand such a degree of energy." It was that simple, I told them. "The heart of the Underworld could suffice. All we have to do is take a piece of it, and use that to enforce the base to what we desire." Hades suggest we take a material from the Underworld. Seems legit, he can just go down there and gut is a piece. "The Entity has already taken over the Underworld. They no longer recognize me as their ruler. They see me as a traitor to them. Abandoned them in the dark. The heart of the Underworld's protection has been modified. It surrounded by a barrier of pure negative energy. If we as so touch it-" Hades said as Konny butted in. "We'll turn in to one of those things." I scoffed and tried to figure out a solution. "I could get my hands on it." Akira walked in to the council room. Bandage on his lower body. "I still have my armor. It can take the negative energy long enough for one of you to take a piece of the Heart." He stood beside me, as Neon Lit up with pure joy. She shrunk down in to a very small form. She could probably fit inside a pocke- Oh. Not it makes sense. She rested on Akira's shoulder, as he explained his game plan. "We need to get that piece as soon as possible. This base probably has enough Terra steel for that blade. For now, we need that piece." It was nice to see him back on his feet. "Are you sure you and your team can take the Underworld's Undead?" Hades looked at Akira and let out a soft chuckle as he did. Akira approached the Council with a serious look, and said "You have no idea what we can do." Hades smirked at him, and obliged his request.

"You and you're Team Deploys at Dawn for the Underworld. For now, you all need some rest."

Hours later, I sat alone in the clinic. Trying to contact my family. The phone rang, that was a good thing. "Come on, pick up." I said to myself, I prayed that they were okay. Eventually, Mum picked up. "Hi sweetie! What's going on over there?" Boy was I Happy to hear her comforting voice. "I'm fine, Mum. Where's Haruhi?" I asked her about my sister. "She's asleep. We got transferred to the Evacuation Center. It's been heavily guarded ever since we got here." That was a sigh of relief. "They're real, Mum." I told her over the phone. "The Gods. They're all real. I've met some today." I chuckled as I told her what went down my entire week. "Oh my God, Are you okay, sweetie?!" She yelled over the phone. I understood, she only wanted the best for me. And for me to stay a live. "I'm fine, Mum. You raised a strong boy." I chuckled as I assured her that I wasn't harmed to try and comfort her. "I'm going to the Underworld at dawn. We think we've found a way to end it all." I paused , as I looked at my current situation. "I'm not sure if I'll make it back in one Piece. So I just wanna let you know, I love you and Haruhi, Mum." I told her. Every battle I fight, I'm never sure if I'll make it or not. What more if we're going to the Underworld at Dawn? "Be safe, my son. You're father would be proud." She told me, as I chuckled in comfort. She hung up the phone, and so did I. I could sleep easy tonight, knowing my family is safe. I sat by the bed of the clinic, and just looked around. "We're a part of something much Bigger now, Captain." I heard from beside me. It was Zando, looking around as well. "We're no longer fighting for the continent, sir." "We're fighting for all of existence, Zando." I pat his shoulder, assuring him that it's all going to be fine. "I've come from a strange family." He told me. This was unexpected. But he seemed to be in distress, so I had to help. "My father was the best Doctor in Germany. He fought in the Mechanical war back in 20XX. Came back a different man. He put some type of Formula in our blood stream to try and push the human evolution faster." He took a pair of medical scissors, and gave it to me. "Slit my arm, Captain." I went pale when he said that. "What? That's too dangerous, Zando. Why would I-" "I assure you, Kibo. I'll make it till dawn. Now please. I need to show you something." He said with pure confidence. I was nervous, but I did as he asked. I took the Scissors, and slid it across his skin. As expected, it cut through like butter. But as fast as it appeared, was as fast as it healed. I was in Aw. I let go of the scissors, and analyzed his arm, Nothing. Not a scratch on him. "How did you do that?" I asked him, out of pure curiosity. "My father put some kind of Healing agent in our blood stream. With the gloves I designed, I can heal all of you in battle without having to stop running." It was a unique ability, something I thought only the Gods could possess. "We're most certainly going to need that in battle tomorrow." I smiled at the thought. Some one who could heal faster than a Normal human, just the thought of it astonishes me. "Get some rest, Zando. We got a long day tomorrow." I dismissed Zando, and we Hit the Hay to get as much rest as we could. Tomorrow, we storm the gates of Hell.

As Dawn struck, we suited up for the raid. Our armor was heavily upgraded. The shock absorbent fabric had been massively reenforced, the team's weapons and my Gear had been Improves ten folds. Hanzo was the one who was overly excited. "Look at these stingers!" His darts could now shoot small lighting bolts. "A gift from yours truly, My boy." Zeus and Hanzo laughed out loud at the thought. Akira's armor looked a hint different than what I was used to. "New paint job, Akira?" I asked as I looked him, from bottom to top. He chuckled, and replied "Yeah. These Alterrans really know their style." His armor had a bright silver and Gold accent on them. The primer was a Glossy Purple, with a hint of Grey to it. Konny walked in to the armory, wearing armor of her own. It had a Bright neon Green primer, with a black and silver accent. On her side were two pistols, made out of what seemed to be made out of Terra steel, with an obsidian clip. "Are we all ready here?" She asked all of us, as we all dawned a salute. "Where's the portal?" I asked as I collided both of my fists with my newly upgraded gloves. She smiled at me, "Follow me." She walked us to an enormous portal, made out of something something not of this world. "This portal will transport all of you to the Gates of the Underworld. You're going to need a strong force to break it down." Hades explained to us what we had to do. "Leave that to me." I cracked my knuckles at the thought of what I was about to do. "After you enter, you will be greeted by a sea of the modified undead. You need a lot of damage, really fast." "That would be my Job." Jake said, as he dusted off his newly modified, heavy artillery. "Once you get inside the chamber of the Heart, you'll know what to do from there." Hades bid us good luck, and stood aside. "This will be a fight to remember." Han said as he gripped his staff, getting ready to enter the unknown. "You ready Hanzo?" Haru joked around, as Hanzo hunched him on the side. "I'll bet you Five bucks, you won't last 10 minutes in there." They both laughed, seeing how they've bonded through the timespan we were down here. "We'll be fine, Kang. I'll keep all of you alive." Zando said to Kang who was nervously shaking. He looked at me, and I did the same. We nodded to each other, and I walked forward to Konny and Akira. "it's Just like night of the living dead, Kibo." Akira said, and I chuckled at the statement. "Except the dead will be far more of a challenge." I looked at Konny, and she looked at me. "Ready for battle, Koneko?" I asked her, and she chuckled in response. "I was born Ready, Toishi." She clanked her gauntlet against her chest, and we followed with a loud 'HAU'! One by one, we slowly stepped into the portal. As soon as I stood foot in to the Underworld, I looked around, to see something far different from what I was expecting. "It's Cold." I said as the troops started to flow through the portal. "Not what I was expecting at all." Han added as he turned on his armor's heater. It radiated to all of us."Convenient. Thanks, Han." Jake said as all of us were surrounding Han like moths drawn to a light. "Focus, men. We're approaching the gates of the Underworld." Akira said, as Konny slid down from the hill we were on. I followed right after. "Goddess of Matter, huh? Should I address you as your highness or.." She hit me in the shoulder, and I laughed as a response. "I'm still the Konny you know, Kibo. No need to be so formal about things. I'm practically your Equal." She chuckled. "I'm sorry, Equal? I'm a Human, You're a God. What are you-" As I was about to finish, I Hit my head on a large structure. I fell on my bum, and Konny giggled. "Heads up!" She said as she helped me up. "A bit too late for that, don't you think?" I rubbed my head, as I looked at the thing I bumped in to. The gates of The Underworld were much larger than I expected. "You think you can break that thing Down, Kibo?" Akira walked beside me, and looked at the enormous structure. "Don't break your hand in the process, Toishi!" Jake yelled out with a loud HAH! "Step back fellas, it's gonna get messy." I shook my arms and hands, warming up for the hit. Everyone stood back, and prepared for the impact. I stretched my legs, and got ready for a kick. I pulled back my left leg, and charged some energy in to it. "Hup!" I yelled as I kicked down the gates of the Underworld with a side kick. The team Applauded, and Hanzo whistled. "Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind!" I chuckled as I bowed. "That's enough, for now." Jake slid down from the Hill, and walked passed me. "Step aside, Toishi. It's my Turn." He walked in to the Underworld, guns a blazing. Akira followed right behind Him. "Don't let him walk in by himself, Troops. Let's move out!" He yelled as we all followed in after him. As soon as we entered the gates, we were greeted by a sea of the Undead. All of them were as pale as snow. "It's like something out of Resident Evil." Haru said, as we all stood there in shock. One spotted us on top of the entrance, and it let out a loud "Graaaaaaaaaaagh!!!" and it pointed at us. The entire sea, looked at us, and started to run. "Now it's some World War Z shit." Jake said as he revved up his New Machine Gun. "We can't let you take all of the fun away now, can we, Jake?" Hanzo stood beside Jake with his newly modified blasters. "Let's make this Fun." Kang said as he drew both his pistols. "I thought you used a staff?" Jake chuckled, and Kang responded. "Han and I decided to Trade." The three of them stood in front of the line, and started to run. We ran right behind them. "What are they doing?!" Konny yelled at me as we ran towards the entrance of the Heart of The Underworld. Jake started to run slower, and so did Hanzo and Kang. They all started to blast the Undead around us. Creating a path for us to get through. Together, they yelled "For Asgard!" and fired all of their firearms. Something must have been in those rounds, because these in worldly undead, exploded. "That's, interesting." With that said, we ran in in to the chamber. We slowed down, as we were stopped by the Guardian of the entrance. "Hades didn't say anything about a guardian." Han said as he Gripped his staff. "I'll take care of this," Konny said, but was stopped by Han and Haru. "No," Han said. "You're needed inside that chamber. We'll take care of this Giant Golem." He said as he split his staff in to, now having dual scythes, flaming a bright purple aura. "This will be fun." Haru said, as he drew his blades that was attached to long chains that extended to his will. He spun them around, and retracted them to his hands. The golem let out a loud Roar, that shook the entire Chamber. "Fight!" They both yelled as they charged towards the golem in full force. Han hit it so hard, it almost fell over. "You're up!" Kang yelled as Haru threw his blades to the Golem's eyes, and yanked on their chains. Han dropped down, and pulled on the chains with Haru. They drew the Golem away from the entrance of the chamber. "GO!" Han yelled, I nodded to them, and the rest of us Ran in. We entered the chamber head on. Akira stopped in his tracks, and so did we. Zando stepped forward, and analyzed the chamber. "Hades was right," He approached the Heart, it was much smaller than I thought. It ran Red with the blood of the damned, and it pulsated with a dark aura. "It's pure Negative Energy." He told us, as Akira stepped forth. "Alright, Here goes." He dug his gauntlets in to the forcefield, and pulled it open. "Kibo! Take a Piece! Quick!" Akira yelled out at me, and I followed. I took a deep breath, and reached in. "Almost there, Kibo." Konny said from behind me. As I got closer to the heart, I was hit across the face so hard, I flew across the room. I rolled, then caught myself on my feet. "New suit I see!" what would you know, Yoru found his way to the Underworld.

"This time, I won't go down without a Fight!"

I yelled as I dashed towards Yoru, and He dashed towards me. We Clashed our forearms together in an attempt if attack. "You're helping the Enemy." I told him with a straight face. "I'm helping the world evolve!" Yoru replied with a smile on his face. I shoved my left knee in to his gut, and threw him across the room. He recovered, and in the blink of an eye, he punched me straight in the face. I almost lost balance. "Kibo needs my help!" Akira yelled out to me. Konny looked at my situation, and drew her pistols. "Here we go." She ran towards the fight. As she did, Yoru threw blows so fast, I could barely see them. "Feel the pain, Kibo? I want you to feel the pain you maid me Feel in my mortal body!" He said, laughing as he did. The armor had absorbed enough of the blows. So I Charged the energy in to my left fist. From behind, Yoru got hit by something hard. It seemed to hurt a lot, because when he turned around, he had multiple rounds dug in to his skin. He bled out a black liquid, but it all eventually healed. Out of them came obsidian, in the shape of bullets. "That actually hurt." Yoru said, as he Faced Konny with a look of frustration and excitement. "Come get some you bag of Golem Shit." She said as she fired a Hale storm of bullets. He took the shots like god, and dashed towards Konny. She started to run while firing. "You'll give out eventually!" She yelled as she leaped in the air, preparing a charge. "Eat Obsidian!" From above, she rained hellfire on Yoru. Just like that, Yoru appeared behind Konny, with a very serious face. Konny was in utter shock, and fear. "W-what?! How did you-" "You're good." He said as slammed Konny's head in to the ground. She laid there, unconscious. "KONNY!" I yelled out, as I stood there in shock. "Ngh....." She started to move, as Yoru started to walk to Akira. "Now it's your turn bug guy." Akira had no difference. He had to keep that field open. I looked at Konny, and back to Akira. It was a choice I had to make. Then suddenly, from the armor that Akira had, emerged Neon. She formed in to her original form, and let out a large energy wave, that knocked Yoru back. It caught him off guard, He went Flying across the room. I ran to Konny, and stood in front of her. "K-Kibo.." She muttered, as I charged my fist. As Yoru started to fall, I leaped in the air, And threw the strongest punch I had ever punched. "Touch her again, and you'll never see the light of day again..." I said as the kinetic energy from the blows I took earlier exploded in my punch. He flew out the Underworld like team Rocket, Then I landed back in front of Konny. I picked her up, and walked towards Zando. "NGGGGAAAAAAA!!!" Akira yelled out, as his armor started to give out. Zando pulled him from his current situation, and laid him on the floor. "Z-Zando! What have you done?!" Akira yelled out. He tried to stand, but his gauntlets have already given out. Zando stood there, between us, and the heart of the Underworld. "You need to rest." He healed Konny to full strength, but she was still unconscious. "Kibo, what ever happens, If I turn, End me." Zando said as he approached the heart of the Underworld. Akira got up and tried to stop him, and so did I. But with Konny I'm my arms, I couldn't do much.

Neon Stepped in between Akira and Zando, stopping Him from what he was about to do. "Move Neon!" He yelled. She refused, as Zando looked at the heart. They must have had a conversation, because Akira stepped away. I forgot the Neon only talked through telepathy. And Akira was the only one she spoke to. She stood beside Zando, and they looked at each other. "Here goes." Zando said, as he raised his right hand. He dug it in to the field around the heart, and yelled out in Agony. His right arm started to turn, But not fully. Neon grabbed his left Arm, as she turned a neon green. His healing factor was boosted faster than it was before. He was able to withstand the pain the negative energy did to him long enough for him to rip off a piece of the heart, and yank it out. He fell to the ground, clutching his right arm. "Zando!" Akira ran to him, and helped him up. Zando's Right arm started to Form, shed it's skin. It morphed in to a Diamond like material. His glove was now a part of his arm. "I'm fine.... I'm fine..." He told us, as he showed us the Piece of the heart. "You got it..." Akira looked at it, as Neon shrank back down again, and hid in Akira's armor. "Let's go home." I said, as Konny opened her eyes, and looked at me. She looked at Zando, and came down from my arms. She analyzed his arm, and was completely amazed. "Zando, how did-" "It's a long story. For now, we need to get out of here, and fast." He said, as his right arm glowed a bright light, and we all stood back. "This is new..." Zando said, and he reached out to the open. A beam shot out of his arm, and opened an alternate gateway out of the Underworld. "Zando, Did you know you could do that?" I asked, as Jake and the rest of the team bursted in to the chamber. An army of the Undead followed behind them. They seemed to have a had a hard time fending them off. "Jake! What-" "JUST GET TO RUNNING!" Jake yelled as the army screeched behind them. "Alright everyone, In the portal!" Akira yelled as we all ran to the Portal. Before it closes, Hanzo peaked back out, and grabbed a rock from the Underworld. "Just a quick souvenir!" He said as the portal closed, and he returned. We all panted, as we emerged in the base, at the same place we entered. "That was quick." Hermes said, as the other Medics Helped Konny and the others up. Me and Akira stood there looking around, confused. "How long has it been since we were down there?" I asked Zeus, who was waiting for us by the portal. "Three seconds." He replied. We all looked surprised, time must be different down there. "Here's the piece you need..." Zando said, as he gave Hades the piece of the heart we needed. "Now if you excuse me, I need to go get checked on." He said as he passed out on the floor. the other Medics picked Zando up, and pulled him to the clinic. Hades looked at Zando's Right arm the entire time. Akira followed the medics, as I Approached Hades. "How did Zando survive that?" He asked me, without taking his eyes off of our medic. "It's a long story sir. Why?" He looked at me, with a proud look on his face. "He now possesses the Right Hand of Doom. Something that can create, and destroy things at the wielder's will." He said to me.

A Medic possessing a tool of Divinity. What are the odds?