

He watched weakly as his heart was plucked out by an Oni. Not only that, his whole village including his parents are wiped out by the Oni. Giving in to his fate, Hel accepted death............................but instead, what came was......... [ Conditions for unlocking the Oni Slayer system has been met] Now he resolves to become the strongest Slayer. To wipe out all Oni.

Anoneemos_1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Two: HEL

A young man was standing in the middle of a forest with a sword stretched out. He seemed to be waiting for something that was about to attack.

He had white hair with beautiful mismatched eyes. The eye on the right had blue pupils while the other on the left had red. He had a smooth but chiseled face that would make almost any woman Fall in Love with him at first sight. He had broad shoulders that complimented his tall and lean figure. He was wearing a long sleeve with black trousers and brown leather boots.

As if on impulse, he took a side step. Just then, something fell past him.

" Nice one human, but you are going to need more than that to defeat me", it was an Oni with dark scales around her pale skin. she had two horns and was wearing a kimono that moved freely even as she stood up. She licked her lips with a serpentine tongue.

Naga species.

Oni's were divided into dozens of species and one of them was the Naga species. A specie of Oni that looked like snakes. With scales all over their bodies and serpentine tongue. They were mostly feminine .

She gathered dark aura around her. The aura formed a long chain.

" DEVIL CHAINS", the Oni screamed as she attacked the young man with the sword.

The sword wasn't a grimoire, instead, it was a normal katana blade used by samurai. The young man swung the sword, clashing together with the chain.

The Oni leapt back wards.

" Just so you know, the name's Hel", the man yelled and attacked the monster again.

" why do I need to know that", the Oni smirked and moved the chain towards the man's neck.

" That would be the last name you'd hear before your death", the man shouted, moving out of the chain's reach.

The chain missed his neck by just an inch making the Oni smirk.

" proud are we?", she pulled the chain back. The chains hit his neck.

He felt a painful sting at the back of his neck. The pain seemed to be weighing him down and he fell on his knees.

Smiling, the chains on the Oni's hand dissolved. She instantly dashed toward the kneeling Hel who was trying to pull himself up. Her speed was so much, he couldn't react to it.

Hel swung his sword but he was not fast enough. In an instant, the Oni appeared behind him and gave him a kick to the back which immediately sent him flying meters away.

Before he could move again, she was already in his front.

" Pathetic, to think you would fight an Oni without a grimoire", she said and kicked him in the stomach. Hel fell coughing out blood.

He stabbed his sword into the ground used it as support trying to stand up. He stood on wobbling legs . His white sleeves now filled with blood.

He made for the Oni attempting to slice her but in an instant the Oni teleported, therefore causing him to hit nothing but air.

The Oni appeared again and delivered an upper cut to his jaw. The hand connected and Hel staggered backwards.

" it's like you are a new toy", the Oni said licking her lips and revealing her serpentine tongue once more" I want to play".

" Damn you", Hel spat out.

" Oh I see...", the Oni said .

She dashed toward him with speed and began striking the vital points in his body with her claws.

Hel fell to the ground. The Oni smiled and squat beside him.

" Hmmm dead already?awwn and I wanted us to play some more", she said." well it doesn't matter now", she said and raised her legs ready to hit him again.

Hel swung the blade towards her legs. The Oni tried to dodge but it was too late. The katana came in contact with her right leg cutting it off.

" Ahhhhhh, damn you", the Oni cursed.

Hel struggled to get back to his feet with resolve in his eyes.

" I'll kill you", the Oni smiled. Her legs began regenerating. A characteristics of the Oni__ regeneration. She immediately ran towards him again, summoning her chains.

The Oni flung the chain again. This time, Hel docked and gave her a slash towards her knees.

The Oni leapt back but not without receiving some wounds. The wounds began healing.

" Seems you want to play", she gave Hel a sadistic smile.

The young man walked towards her . The Oni ran to meet him. She tried swinging her chains again. But this time, she froze on the spot. She tried moving but couldn't.

Something was happening to her. Her body would not budge . Her sadistic smile turned into worry.

" what is this?", she furiously screamed.

It was Hel's turn to smirk.

" I put a substance called ' paralysis poison' in my sword", he said " I just needed one strike to get you" .

He began walking towards her.

' Who would have thought that stuff would work?' Hel wondered to himself. It was a gamble he had made.

Fighting an Oni without a grimoire was like asking for death .

But Hel came up with an idea. The paralysis poison. Normally, if the Oni was a stronger rank, it wouldn't have worked. But it appeared she was E rank. The lowest rank.

He had put paralysis poison in the sword and when it came in contact with her blood after the first strike, the poison mixed with the blood. It just needed a few seconds to commence it's work.

" You Bastard", the Oni cursed.

" I told you my name would be the last thing you hear before you die".

He swung the sword towards her neck. Her head fell off immediately.

Immediately, Hel heard a ding.

[ Congratulations, Host has completed the partial quest: kill an Oni] [ Oni killed 1/1]

[ Rewards: First level unlocked]

[ Host has unlocked the grimoire, dragon vonneiseur]

[ The inherited grimoire, dragon vonneiseur is now usable]

[ The host has awakened his own grimoire, Undead crimson earring]

[ The awakened grimoire, Undead crimson earring is now usable]

" Finally", Hel sighed " After two and half years after Yuta's death, you finally unlocked the first level". He slipped his hands into his white hair and gently ruffled it.


Hel was in fact Yuta but with a different personality.

The old Yuta was dead. And when the system awakened him two years ago, he noticed changes.

His black hair had turned white and his left eye became red. It was as if the system was asking him to take on a new identity which he did .

He was no longer Yuta the weak. No Yuta had died in the chaos of that Oni. Now he was Hel, the wanderer.