
OnePiece | | Angel among the Devils [AldaLevina]

AldaLevina Summary: Straw Hat pirates countered an unexpected person on their ship, who is it? ⚠Disclaimer: One Piece does not belong to me, it belonged to Eiichiro Oda⚠ ⚠ I do no accept requests nor adding them in my fanfiction ⚠ ⚠ if you still writing your ideas / request on the comments, it will be deleted immediately ⚠ Notes: hello! this is my Angel Among Devils - Rewrite, which is I'm changing half of the story of my previous fanfiction, Angel Among Devils. if you haven't noticed, I have deleted it yesterday and starting this one instead( ̄︶ ̄)↗ I hope you liked this new version of Angel Among Devils fanfiction _ _)/❤

JUST_S0ME_GUY · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Chapter 18: Alabasta War

The Straw Hat crew and the Captain of Marines who was trapped inside the sea prism cell, widened their eyes the moment they saw a familiar figure standing next to their enemy. They wanted to know what is (y/n) doing next to Crocodile. While she didn't say anything and just stare at her friends with a cold expression.

Crocodile grinned in victory and slide his arm over (y/n)'s waist to pull her closer to him "Labelle D. (y/n) is working with me now. Everything about her is also mine, also I'll give everything to her. We are one" Crocodile claimed.

He pulled (y/n)'s chin to take a closer look at her "just look at her. my perfect woman. The most beautiful than any treasure out there" Crocodile kissed her on the lips to show others the proof. (y/n) didn't pull back.

Luffy become madder and kicked the bars "Croco—you bastard! Let go of my sister!!" he shouted as he tried to break free, but his attempt failed because every time he touched the bars he went very weak. Nami couldn't believe her eyes and shouted at (y/n) "(y/n)! are you out of your mind?! we're your friends!!"

"…" (y/n) did not say any word and simply just stare at them.

At the same time, Mrs. All-Sunday came with Vivi being tied in the chair. It seems she was sneaking around the building but Mrs. All-Sunday caught her first. Crocodile approached her "do you know why I want Alabasta this bad, Mrs. Wednesday?" he asked.

"How should I know what goes on that rotten minds of yours?!" Vivi shouted.

"such a sharp tongue for a Princess"

Vivi fell on the floor while struggling to break free, Crocodile told them that he's planning a war in Yuba where the rebellious versus the Soldiers of Alabasta. "who do you value the most… your father or your people?" Crocodile asked Vivi "but you're welcome to come with us if you wish" he throws a key at the aquarium full of giant alligators. It looks like it's the key for the trap cage. Unfortunately, one of the alligators ate the key. Even though, Vivi wanted to get the key to free her friends she can't fight a giant alligator.

Crocodile warned them that the entire floor area was about to sink, they could get drowned if they didn't act fast. Then he takes his leave with (y/n) and Mrs. All-Sunday.

While walking on their way out, (y/n) expressed a very dark face. Crocodile noticed that and grabbed her shoulder, he asked why is she making that face. (y/n) roughly slapped his hand away and glared at him "I've told you to not hurt my friends" she said with an angry tone.

"your friends walked into my place in the first place. It's not my fault that they would get trapped" he grinned "besides I gave them the key. It's just how exactly they're going to get it back"

Crocodile grabbed (y/n)'s arm and pulled her closer so they're facing each other "what about you? you also let them die eventually"

"not if I—" when (y/n) about to punch him in the face. An arm appeared behind her back and hold back her fist, it was Mrs. All-Sunday's devil fruit ability.

"I'm sorry I stepped in between you two quarrels, but Sir Crocodile you have a call" Mrs. All-Sunday gives him a baby snail phone.

Crocodile answered the call and asked who's calling him, then the person who's calling him replied with a cool tone "this is… restaurant le crap" it says.

Crocodile widened his eyes, he remembers the voice from Little Garden island "who are you?!" he demanded.

"me? I'm… Mr. Prince"

(y/n) also recognized that voice. Suddenly, a loud sound of a gunshot could be heard. Another voice called and claimed that he has taken down Mr. Prince. Crocodile had a hard time believing that and closed the call. He quickly went to the casino room and saw everything go chaos, everyone escaping for their lives. He went to the front door and saw his men are laying on the ground. when he asked one of his men who's still half-conscious who did this to them. the man replied it was Mr. Prince doing. But then he noticed someone running away from the distance, he thought it could be Mr. Prince. Without further thinking, he went to check it. unfortunately, when he returned he failed to catch the mysterious person earlier.

"…empty-handed?" (y/n) asked in a mocking tone.

"shut up—" Crocodile suddenly grabbed (y/n)'s collar "you're planning something behind my back, aren't you?"

"I have no idea what are you talking about"

Crocodile clicked his tongue and released her, he ordered Mrs. All-Sunday to keep an eye on (y/n) and went back to the casino to check the Straw Hat pirates. But when he's back, the cage supposed to capture Luffy and the others is empty. The giant alligators have beaten up by and the cage door was opened by someone.

Crocodile realized that making him out of the casino was a trick to let Mr. Prince in and free everyone. He wanted to kill everyone who stands in his way. He turned to (y/n) and roughly grabbed her chin to make her look at him in the eyes "I have a mission for you" he grinned "congratulation on your first mission with me. your job is easy—kill Mr. Prince" he ordered. (y/n) widened her eyes in shock.

"now, go. Do not disappoint me" Crocodile released (y/n) "after that, maybe I'll take you to the Poneglyph we're talking about" he said and leave the building first.

(y/n) never thought of killing her friends in her mission. Killing is easy for her, but friends? It's another whole story. Her heart hurts when she thinks about Sanji's blood in her hands. (y/n) sighed and touched her forehead "This is why I better off alone…"

Mrs. All-Sunday noticed at (y/n)'s troubled face "are you really going to do it?" she asked.


"killing people is an ordinary job for an assassin. I thought you already knew?"

"yes, but they're different"

"is it because they're your friends?"

"…that's right. But I've betrayed them, I don't think that they thought of me as a friend anymore" (y/n) turned to Mrs. All-Sunday "you saw them, didn't you? the way they look at me with those eyes—"

Mrs. All-Sunday look at (y/n) for a moment "you know what… we're actually not very much different"

"that's a big assumption to someone you've just met. What makes you say that?" (y/n) crossed her arms.

"you… can read Poneglyph too, right?"

"…?!!" (y/n) stare at Mrs. All-Sunday's serious expression "wait—too? Is that mean—"

But Mrs. All-Sunday didn't answer and just smiled at her like she knew that answer already. Then (y/n) remember that Crocodile once said that he wanted to do something with Mrs. All-Sunday 'so he knew about Mrs. All-Sunday's could read them? is he know about I could read them too?' she thought.

"you probably wondering if Sir Crocodile knows about you reading this script. Well, the fact is he doesn't"

"you didn't tell him?"

"if I told him then I'd be killed, right? I won't be any of use for him" Mrs. All-Sunday shrugs "besides, I also aim for that Poneglyph. I will not die until I found it as well"

"Hey, let's make a deal, Mrs. Jewel" Mrs. All-Sunday proposed.


Right now, (y/n) went around the town by flying. She looked down and saw the city in chaos and people are panicking. More Marines are around the area as well. Then she spotted a familiar man riding a motorcycle heading outside of town. (y/n) flies down and grabbed the man's shoulders as she looked at him right from above "Oh my, you're still alive Smoker~". Her sudden appearance surprised Smoker "the hell, (y/n)? you've gotta stop coming out of nowhere like that?" he said but he didn't stop his vehicle.

(y/n) laughs and sat right in front of him. Her position is facing Smoker as she wrapped her arms around his neck "what are you doing? I thought you're with that bastard. If you have nothing to tell me, then leave. I'm in a rush"

"buu—so cold. I'm on a mission too, you know" (y/n) pouted "I want to thank you for helping Luffy earlier"

"he's not the one who saves me. His blonde friend came and break us free. When we're almost drowned in the sea, that swordsman saved me"

(y/n) blinked a few times and never thought that Zoro and Sanji would save him "Ahahaha! That's amazing!!" she laughs.

"are you finished?! I'm in a hurry!!" Smoker scolds.

"Okay, okay! Calm down!" (y/n) finally composed herself and prepared to leave "still… I'm really glad you're still alive"

Smoker look at (y/n) for a moment, he grabbed her collar and pull her closer "you better live too, you idiot" Smoker kissed her on the lips.

Thus, Smoker slowly lets her go and watch (y/n) fly away. He starts to speed up his motorcycle to somewhere.

(y/n) finally arrived in the middle of the town of Alubarna, the place where Alubarna palace is located. Vivi's home. There she met Crocodile and Mrs. All-Sunday has arrived there as well "ah, my jewel. you're just in time" Crocodile greets her "the Straw Hat pirates have arrived at the gate of Alubarna. They're facing my agents right now. Make sure that you finished your mission as well". (y/n) didn't say anything and just nodded, Crocodile grinned widely and told him that he'll meet the King personally to show him the Poneglyph.

"one question, Crocodile—"


"once you get the Poneglyph in your hand, once the country falls into destruction… what will you do then?"

"easy, create the ultimate ancient weapon… Pluton"

"…?!!" (y/n) widened her eyes "so that's your real motive—"

"Indeed, my jewel. and I will get it no matter what it takes. And you shall be there with through it all" Crocodile turned his heels and walks ahead "now do your job, my dear jewel"

"…" Mrs. All-Sunday and (y/n) exchange looks until Mrs. All-Sunday followed behind Crocodile.

Meanwhile, the Straw Hat pirates are fighting the Baroque Works agents by splitting into groups of two. One of the agents, Mr. 2 is fighting with Sanji. Both of them are pretty beat up right now. Sanji is struggling to get through Mr. 2 because he's using his devil fruit ability into a woman's face which is one of Sanji's weaknesses, he can't hit a woman. Plus, both of them have the high-karate ability. Then they heard someone's footsteps, they turned to see a woman figure walking in their direction. Sanji's eyes widened when he saw the figure familiar to him "that's—(y/n)-tan?!!" he gasped.

Mr. 2 turned to (y/n) as well "ooh, so you're Mrs. Jewel. Boss's right hand" he started to grin widely "luck on my side today! You're here to kill him, right?"

"What--?!! (y/n), does this clown just say was true?!"

"…" (y/n) didn't reply, she pulled out her Holy sword from her chest and her expression as if she's ready for battle.

"…no way" Sanji's jaw dropped.

"HAHAHA! You're dead meat now!" Mr.2 mock "she's here to annihilate you! Your own once-called crewmate! What are you going to do now?!"

Sanji stand in place and look at (y/n) approaching with a long sword in her hand, ready to finish him "…(y/n)-tan, when you leave us just like that, we're pretty sad, you know? Especially me" he pointed himself "but I know my (y/n)-tan—"

"what the heck are you blabbering about?" Mr.2 gives a confused look.

"She's a little naughty, a trickster, Devilish and Angelic at the same time, strong woman, very beautiful and very very very cute" Sanji said with a serious expression "I love her regardless--!!"

"that's why—whatever she chooses, whatever she does, I will always trust her and still think of her as my friends!" Sanji spread his arms open "so if (y/n)-tan wanted to kill me—DO IT!! I WILL NEVER HATE YOU!!!"

"…" (y/n) widened her eyes and stare at Sanji. His eyes tell no lies.

Mr. 2 laughs at Sanji "are you an idiot?! She's not your friend anymore, she's here to kill you!! Aaah—so sad. You can kill him now—"

"…be quiet"


When (y/n) next to Mr. 2 she swings her sword toward him, Mr.2 is shocked that (y/n) is against Baroque Works. (y/n) thrown Mr.2 across the ground and hits the wall behind him. As the result, he fell to the ground and was unable to move.

Sanji sweat-dropped to see (y/n) defeated Mr. 2 in one attack "(y/n)-tan—" he called her name.

(y/n) turned back to Sanji and summoned her sword back. She ran and flung herself toward Sanji. He quickly grabbed her in a tight embrace and swings her around "Sanji, you trusted me!" (y/n) smiled happily, and almost cried.

Sanji hugs her tight "of course! I'm still your shining Knight in armor!" he smiles "I will always protect you, (y/n)"

(y/n) nodded "thank you for believing in me" they're apart a little until their lips met.

Sanji told her what happened to the others right now and (y/n) tells him about Crocodile's plan at the Alubarna palace. Now they know about Baroque Work's whole plan, they decided to catch up with Vivi at the palace, everyone has promised to regroup there to stop the war that will happen. Then (y/n) asked Sanji for his coat. Sanji removed his coat and give it to her, he asked her what is she going to do with it?

The coat has some dirt and some blood on it "I need this to convince Crocodile that I have killed you. I still have something left to do. I'll meet everyone at the palace!" with just like that, (y/n) spread her wings and fly away.

(y/n) finally arrived at Alubarna palace, Crocodile and Mrs. All-Sunday has succeded captured King Cobra by pinning his arms into the walls with giant metal nails. It looks like he's also pretty beat up and covered in blood. Vivi and King's guardian, Chaka, are also there as they are horrified to see the King being pinned on the wall mercilessly. Crocodile noticed (y/n)'s arrival first "you're back. Did you finish your mission?" he asked.

"(y/n)-san?!" Vivi was shocked to see her appearance.

(y/n) showed everyone the suit covered in blood "I, Labelle D. (y/n), have succeeded annihilating Mr. Prince from Straw Hat pirates, a. k. a Sanji" she stated.

Crocodile smiled in please "good girl" he compliments.

"NO! IT CAN'T BE--! YOU'RE LYING!!" Vivi shouted in disbelief.

"can't you see it with your own eyes, Princess? Your friend right here just killed her own crewmate for me. you can tell who's that coat belonged to, right? her hand covered by his blood--" Crocodile grinned.

Vivi cried for 'Sanji's death', she couldn't believe (y/n) would kill her friend. Crocodile turned his attention back to King Cobra "now tell me, where is the location of Pluton?"

The King and the guardian are surprised that Crocodile knows the name of Pluton, except for Vivi. Crocodile starts threatening the King that he will release a special bomb that will destroy the whole city if he won't tell him. Then a group of four people called The Kicking Claw Force came to challenge Crocodile in order to protect the King. It looks like they have a drink a potion that could give them temporary superpowers in exchange for their life. But when they tried to attack Crocodile, he suddenly disappear.

Turns out he was on top of the building in a blink of an eye, he laughs at the force team "if you're going to die anyway why should I bother to fight you?" he said.

Chaka couldn't believe that Crocodile didn't even put on a fight with them. His anger increased as he watch his subordinates die caused by the potion right in front of them. Chaka uses his devil-fruit ability, the zoan-type to attack Crocodile.

But when Chaka battling Crocodile, he defeated the guardian easily "weakness… is an unforgivable sin" he said to Chaka.

Out of nowhere, a leader from rebellions named Koza appeared Vivi's childhood friend. His eyes widened in shock to see the King and the Alabasta army are being killed by the national hero. Crocodile finally revealed his true identity and act. Koza was speechless now that he knows the truth. All this time, he was fighting with the army for nothing. King Cobra's voice snapped him back by asking him to save everyone's life as much as he can and warning him about the bomb.

When Koza tried to run away, Vivi hurried to push him down and told him to think straight. She wanted Koza to do the right thing without being hurt or hurting everyone else. But when they were about to carry out their plan, Crocodile suddenly came down to kill them. thankfully, Chaka is still alive and blocked his attack "as long as there's a spark of life in me--… I will fight on!!" he said as he panted and injured heavily.

(y/n) was almost pulled out her Holy sword to stop Crocodile, but if she does that he'll think that she's betraying him. She's glad that guardian stops him just in time. Thanks to Chaka, Koza was able to escape from there.

Koza did manage to make the army raise the white flag and show the rebellions about peace. But out of nowhere, a man from the army shoots him. It was one of Baroque Works doing as well to stop Koza made peace. Thus, the rebellions and the army are going to war once again. the situation become more intense and the wind current increased as well, a hurricane are coming their way as well. Vivi cries in desperate to see her people fighting and killing each other.

"RUN VIVI! GET AWAY FROM CROCODILE!!" shouts King Cobra, he doesn't want his own daughter killed in front of him.

But Vivi refused and wanted to stay to keep fighting. She still believes she could save everyone. Crocodile getting irritated by her idealism roughly grabs her neck and lift her in the air. He carry her to the edge of the building, he laughed at her that she could everyone "this kingdom is doomed. You can't save it!" he said and released her. Crocodile laughs while Vivi fall from the tall building 'Princess--!!' (y/n) was about to save him until someone appeared from the sky.

"CROCOCDILEEE!!!" a familiar voice shouted.

"Luffy!!" Vivi cried happily to see Luffy riding a zoan user flying in her direction.

"Straw Hat…?!!" Crocodile couldn't believe see Luffy out of nowhere.

(y/n) widened her eyes to see her little brother looked injured a lot has appeared 'Luffy--!!'

Luffy successfully caught Vivi before she hits the ground. They safely landed back on the palace ground. the one who gave Luffy a lift was also one of King's Guardian named Pell. It seems he's the one who saved Luffy when he almost died from battle. This time, Luffy is ready to battle Crocodile once again. Crocodile glared at Luffy "how did you get out of the quicksand?".

(y/n)'s eyes widened when she heard Crocodile almost kill Luffy, her hand went to her chest as she prepared to pull out Holy sword and attack Crocodile. But an arm grows on her shoulder and stopped her. (y/n) turned to Mrs. All-Sunday, it was her doing. She shakes her head and told him it's a bad idea to go against him now.

"…" (y/n) look at her for a moment. Then she calmed herself back and pull her hand back.

After that, the rest of the Straw-Hat crew came together. everyone is heavily injured and happy to see each other again. Luffy apologized to his crew for being beaten by Crocodile a while ago "but I won't lose again! take care of things here" he asked.

"Luffy! Remember we have to bring someone home!!" Usopp shouted.

Luffy grinned "absolutely! I will drag my sister back!" then he gives a serious expression "let's end this once and for all!!"