

  The bonding 5

  He adjusted himself to ensure that they maintained some space in between them. Nichole was taking a step by inching closer, but Mr. Bailey was disrupting her steps.

  'You can't fool me. You want me to take you to your date. No way.'

  Soon, Louis's janitor served lunch and Louis announced.

  “Father, Mom, shall we move to the dining table?”

  Mr. Bailey walked to the table without waiting for her to get up. She walked to the table too and sat beside him, and they ate their meal silently. Then, Louis phone rang, he checked, and it was Freya, he smiled and picked while his parents looked on.

  “Hello, big sister. Good to hear from you.”

  His parents concentrated on their meal when they discovered that it was Freya that was on the line.

  “Last born, how are you?”

  “Fine, big sister. And you?”

  Freya ignored his question and went straight to the point.

  “Where were you going with mom, that she looked so beautiful?”