
Chapter 4

 Kurt rested his body on Clinton. At that moment, he began to think. He was overwhelmed by his feelings. George noticed from afar the long face Kurt pulled. He went over and sat with them.

 "Hey there! What's wrong? You look sad. Are you overthinking again?" George asked him in a sweet voice

 "Oh George!" Kurt hugged him

 "It's okay, baby. Let it all out" Clinton rubbed his back. "Take your time"

 Kurt continued to sob on George's shoulder. "Can you stop treating me like a baby?" He hit George slightly on the chest

 "But you are a baby. You'll always be to us. Now tell big brother what's wrong" George told him as if he was talking to an actual baby

 "This might sound childish but, I feel like I'm a burden to the boos. You should be out there living your lives, spending time with the ones you love" Kurt looked over at Jeremy and then turned back to look at George. "Instead, you're stuck here dealing with an emotional mess like me"

 Clinton pulled Kurt to himself. "Kurt, that doesn't sound childish at all...it is just childish. Yeah we have our individual lives but if there's any reason that I, personally, am staying with you, it would be because I love spending time with you. We all know what childhood was like. For us boos, childhood was hard in the Mansion. You were the only one who showed us what love is about and your childhood was shit as well". Kurt smiled a little

 "Kurt, you don't know what you've done for me neither do you know how much I adore you. I used to think about killing myself once. I thought there was nothing to live for. I've never seen my parents, I have no relatives. You became my family. You did for the rest of us too" George told him

 "Before Craig left for the army, we all know what he was going through. His parents died right in front of him when he was five. You took the loneliness he felt away. In the end, we made an oath to always be there for you and that is what I'll do until my last breath"

 "Enough, you killed the sad vibe. Go back to Jeremy" Kurt pushed him away. He used the sleeve of the jacket to clean his face

 "I'm just trying to cheer you up" George said and turned his back to him

 "More like, making me feel bad about our childhood! Just go already" Kurt used his leg to push him away. George almost stumbled to the ground by the impact

 "Don't you dare think of such a despicable thing ever again. I feel bad if you feel bad. I'll find you some suitors. How's that sound?!" Clinton said in a serious manner 

 "Like mom! Don't arrange anyone for me. How long did we spend on mainland?"

 "Approximately, five hours"

 "What?!" Kurt shouted making Clinton flinch. Even the power couple turned around to look at them. "How's that possible? It's noon. My client should be awake now. We need to hurry" he stood up

 "Hold your horses, Mister. You're not attending to anymore clients. Once we get home, I'll get the doctor to treat you, then, you'll rest in your room. Got it?"

 "It's useless arguing against you so, fine" Kurt said and sat back down

 "I'm glad you're aware of that" Clinton rested his back against the cushion and closed his eyes

 "So how long have you been dating for?" Kurt suddenly asked making Clinton choke on his saliva

 "What the heck?! Where'd that come from?" Clinton pushed Kurt's head in a playful manner

 Kurt played with the sleeve of the jacket. "Just answer the question. Do you think you'll tell me you're dating and I'll just let it off without interrogating you? Hmph! Dream on. If you're gonna be dating my big bro, you'll have to explain yourself"

 "HEY! I'm your big bro too" Clinton complained

 "But, are you my favorite? Just answer the question" Kurt snapped at him

 "Go ask your favorite big bro then, if you're so desperate"

 "I'll throw myself in the ocean" Kurt trailed off in a serious tone

 "Five days! We've been dating for five days" Clinton covered his face with his palm to hide his flushed face

 "Details, boo 2, details"

 "Stop! I feel embarrassed" Clinton pushed his head backwards

 "Oh, get over it! You're a major weapon, human killing machine. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. But if you don't want to talk, it's okay. You should know, you're carrying a very huge burden on your shoulders. You now have to juggle your normal life and the rough life in the secret service. Either way, I'm here for you. Whenever, wherever!" Kurt found Clinton's cheek and squeezed it with his good hand


 Kurt was back at the Mansion. He his arm treated by boo 6, Nale, who also happens to be the family doctor. Nale started to questioned him the second he saw Kurt's arm. Kurt was too tired to answer his questions, so Nale let him off the hook.

 Taking the secret route, he went back to his room, appearing in the closet. He took off the jacket and threw it into the laundry hole that led straight to the laundry storage in the storage room in the kitchen.

 He took off his shirt and spread it open with his hands. "It's a pity I have to throw you away". His ex, Peterson bought the shirt for him when they went on a shopping spree once. After they broke up, the boos destroyed him and the shirt was left in Kurt's. "Well, now I have a reason to throw you away". Kurt threw it into another hole in the wall which led to the shredder (Only activates at 8am and 8pm).

 Kurt took off his other clothes, threw them in the shredder and wrapped him self in a towel before going into the bathroom to soak himself in the bathtub filled with a special mixs, giving off a soothing fragrance. He wanted to soak his hair but he was too tired to loosen it

 He was about to fall asleep when a knock came on the door. He heard the door open slightly and footsteps which sounded faint. Kurt opened the mini fridge and took out a gun. He slowly got out of the bathtub in order not to make any sound. He put on a robe from the bathroom door.

 Kurt stood behind the door and cocked his gun. It gave out a gentle noisy sound that was very obvious to the person in the room

 "Kurt, are you in there? I'm here like I said! This is your room right?!" Danny asked. He looked around the room in surprise. "This place is massive. It looks like my room" he said more to himself. 

 Kurt gave a sigh of relief. He quickly hid the gun back in the mini fridge beside the tub. He tied his robe properly before going out to address the individual.

 "Mr. Alexander?!" Kurt said with a shocked face

 "It's just Danny, thanks" Danny corrected.

 "Mr. Danny. You're here early"

 "Yes and I have a lot of questions" Danny sat down on the couch. "You have the time, right?"

 "Give me a minute to get dressed please"

 "Of course". Kurt excused himself into the closet. When he opened the door, Danny could see the large room that his behind the door. He became curious about Kurt. 

 'Do all the butlers have this palace for a room?' he thought to himself as he looked around the room again.

 Another knock came on the door. Danny got up to open the door. He looked into the tiny hole on the wall to see who it was. He saw a young man dressed like a maid, holding CJ's jacket which was stained with blood.

 Danny opened the door to a nagging man screaming at his face.

 "This came from your room, Kurt. How many times have I told you to-" The guy shut his mouth when he saw that it wasn't Kurt who opened the door, but the extremely handsome man instead.

 He gasped silently with his chest slightly raised and his hand on it. Kurt rushed to the bedroom when he heard Damien's nagging voice coming from there.

 Damien turned to look at the half naked Kurt who just ran in. His legs failed. He fell down shocked, thinking Kurt and Danny had done something.

 "You two-" Damien tried to talk but he was already too confused.

 "Damien, it's not what you think. I was-" Kurt tried to explain but Damien wasn't in the mood to hear it

 "Don't!" Damien stood up from the ground. "You have some explaining to do, young man" He went out of the room with shaking legs

 "Oh my goodness! So childish" Kurt went back into the closet to finish dressing up.

 Danny stood there in confusion. 'What just happened? The bloody jacket came from here. I didn't see any cut on him! It must be his arm. How did he suddenly get hurt? There's something about this Kurt I have to find out'. Danny sat down waiting for him as he examined the large space.

 Kurt came back out a while later. His hair properly tied and completely in his butler outfit. "Mr. Danny, I'm afraid we'll have to do this some other time. You didn't have lunch and dinner is about to be served. We have a lot to prepare for"

 "I thought you were free. I'm very curious about somethings and I was hoping you'd be able to tell me" Danny stood up from the couch

 "I will! But, that will have to wait. If there's still time, we can still do it today" Kurt went to the door and opened it

 "Let's go, Mr. Danny" 

 "Alright then. I am a little bit hungry" Danny went out of the room with Kurt.

 "What were you doing over the past hours?"

 "I was playing chess with myself...I lost" Kurt told him and they both laughed

 Cassandra came out from a corridor and approached them.

 "Hey! You're my butler too"

 "Unfortunately. But my butlering duties commence tomorrow. I'm my own self today"

 "Why are you helping him then?"

 "Because I want to. You have a problem?"


 "Follow me please. Dinner is almost served"

 Cassandra scoffed. She didn't want to go with but her body wanted to. The lunch they ate was magnificent. The food served in the Mansion must be the most delicious foods around the world, with a lot of secret recipes.

 As they walked downstairs, Kurt could see the boos in the Mansion looking at them. The looks on their face weren't channelled at him, but at Danny. He knew Damien would have said something to them about the misunderstanding that happened earlier.

 Kurt lowered his head at the sight of any boo he saw, afraid to look up to their blazing gazes. He'd better protect Danny from them. They might kidnap him and go crazy. 

 They were able to get to the dining hall safely, fortunately. The other couples were already there. Some were engaging themselves in conversations while some are just...there. Kurt thought he was safe since there were no boos there. Then, he saw Kyle, the boos apprentice, also his best friend. Kurt didn't dare look at him. 

 "Mr. Alexander, Miss Cassandra, please have your seat. Dinner will be served in a while" Kurt told them. And, when they had just settled in and eating, Kurt excused himself, going into the kitchen. Kyle followed.

 In the spacious kitchen, stood the 14 boos. Damien stood in front confidently ready to criticize.

 "You can just explain to us and help confirm that what I saw was me hallucinating and not you actually in your room with a guy. It wasn't just any guy, it was a Greek god I saw in your room and that Greek god happens to be your client" Damien stated.

 "Here we go again. This is all a misunderstanding. I'm a victim of your theory in this situation" Kurt tried to explain

 "Don't force me to call boo 1. You know what'll happen if I do so" Damien pulled out his phone

 "Please don't call him! I promise this is all just a misunderstanding. He told me he had a lot of questions about this whole couples mediation shit and I told him I'll enlighten him after he woke up from the nap he was about to take. Then I went to mainland with boo 2 (Clinton), boo 4 (George) and boo 5 (Jeremy) to meet boo 3 (CJ). Then we went to meet one of my clients who refuses to pay back my money. I was wounded on the arm. When I got back to my room, he came in. I went to dress up and that's when boo 7 (Damien) came in. When Mr. Alexander opened the door, I knew boo 7 would misunderstand, so I came out of the closet when I was getting dressed, I didn't know I was without my shirt. It's all really just a misunderstanding I promise" Kurt explained

 "Are you okay though?"

 "Oh poor baby" they all came to hug him

 "Wait, you're not mad?" Kurt asked with an uncertain look on his face

 "Oh most certainly"

 "We definitely are"

 "Does that mean you're still going to kidnap him?" Kurt asked them in hopes and expectations that they wouldn't

 "Yes we are"

 "We're not true boos if we don't kidnap the one our baby likes" Yoko, one of the strong boos said and hugged him. 

 "I don't like him that way, boo 7" Kurt clarified 

 "Of course you don't" Raphael sarcastically. "You can go back now. Kyle, you know what to do" Raphael nodded at him

 Kyle nodded back and he took Kurt out of the kitchen.

 "Why do they have to ask you to monitor me? That's so unfair" Kurt complained to him

 "How'd you know that's what they want me to do?" Kyle asked him in complete astonishment

 "Oh, come on! They're my boos. I can predict their every choice and every move" they both went their way and used their eyes to communicate.

 'I'm coming to your room later' Kyle signalled to him

 'Don't! I have other plans' Kurt signalled back

 "Kurt, can you get me some ice now? My back is killing me" Danny asked

 "I can take you to the hot spring to chill if you want" Kurt suggested

 "There's a hot spring?!" They all asked in unison