
one time sign in system in Harry Potter

, a boy died and met God who gave him to chances to choose from multiverse system and he ends up with one time sign in system let's see how he becomes a king from nothing ... .. .. .. . . . , English ain't my language first time writing a novel don't mind it do give your feedback please thank you and enjoy and you can take the ideas from my novel and create your own , and for description purposes Harry Potter series of novel doesn't belong to me but the original author only thing that belongs to me is the OC MC Si

GOD_OF_ENAS · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


"what will be the reason for you to show your identity in front of Mr. pendragon"

Michael: well you see I got to know you owe a good amount of gallons to my house and the amount is quite enormous too as well I just wanted to tell you this but looking at your condition you are living currently as you only have a house in the muggle world and nothing else for to be called as your assets I would like to make a deal if you don't mind in such a way you don't have to pay me back and if the favours are kept me satisfied then maybe I may be as to make you or get you back to the house of prince and yes I know where you belong from and the noble house of prince owes me a life debt too so you can understand where I am going with this.

Snape understood everything and then took time to question.

snape: what is it you desire heir black.

continued ~

Michael: well for now I want you to make me the new seeker of the quidditch team of Slytherin and from now on you will not treat harmony as Gryffindor but a Slytherin and guide her properly.

I took out a bag of gold galleons and gave it to him

"here are a bag with 100,000 galleons in it use it from now on to get me some materials legally or illegally and one of more thing from now on treat me as your apprentice in potions so people will not be alerted with your change in character. now get me these materials, for now, werewolf teeth, Yerevan, mistletoe, all the ingredients for polyjuice potion, archon potion, Felix potion for now"

snape: the werewolf teeth should be transformed n right Mr. pendragon.

Michael: yes professor: )

after I was done conversing with the Batman I headed towards the Dungeons as I entered the Slytherin common room I saw Daphne and track studying on a nearby bench I went towards them and thought of something so I went behind them unnoticed and with an eerie voice close to there ears I whispered in an eerily voice~soss~whatczz~doinzz...

well, they yelped pretty loudly too gaining the attention of others.

Daphne: what are you doing you freaked us out.

"well I was just wondering what you were doing nothing else (innocently)"

Daphne: we are studying but we are having some problem with charms homework can you help us.

"yeah I can come to my room both of you ladies and I shall guide you to the best of my abilities."

then I took them to my room and closed the gate when they entered for the first someone else entered my room and as expected they were flabbergasted as you see I needed a few things to be kept in my room so used some spatial charms now my room consist of a bed king-size, a porch, a desk, cupboard, and a fridge containing coke and sweets which shall be perfect for such moments.

I went behind them and put my arms on both of their shoulders and said"so what do you think"

they replied while forgetting my arms around them"it's beautiful why is the room so big did you used a spatial charm you see we also have it on our luggage as it makes it easier to carry more things but how did you do it spatial charms are 6th-year material and still really hard"

Michael: I am a prince ladies nothing is hard for us and we know how to please a lady or ladies shall we I guided them to my bed and then we started the homework while in the middle of it I gave them coke they were surprised first then asked for more while Tracy wasn't that surprised as according to her, her mother used to be a first-generation magician and being a half-blood she did spend her time in the muggle world as her grandfather is a noble in France on the muggle side and a businessman. so she did enjoy the wonders of beverages too while Daphne burped and had a tinge of blush on her cold face and we laughed.

The next day a piece of new news fell Michael pendragon became the seeker of Slytherin this caused the Slytherin to cheer.

Ron: this is unfair harry flew very well and he became the seeker why did the pendragon become the seeker he must have paid his way in.

Hermione: Michael belongs to a royal house and he must have been chosen on his skills too just like harry.

Ron: who asked you snake lover only you can be friends with the snakes.

Hermione fumed and stood up and left.

harry: she is not wrong you know Michael is good at the magic he must have been good at Quidditch too.

Ron: you don't understand harry all these slimy snakes only know how to cheat there a way to the top always.

Draco: who did you call a cheater weasly just your half-blood boyfriend is the only one who can get into the team and not pendragon.

Harry: shut up Malfoy.

Draco: and if I don't what are gonna do fight me ha you have stuck in the name of a wand.

Ron: we can duel you and beat you easily.

Draco: oh really fine then who's your second.

Ron: harry what about you.

Draco: Goyle then at midnight in the trophies room we will have our duel but if you are scared you don't have to come.

Ron: we will be there.

Harry: what's a duel?





after being announced as the new seeker to the Slytherin team practised started some of the old players didn't think of me as a good player at the start but afterwards due to my perfect skills I became the best-known player to them and they became confident for their win in the upcoming match.

I got the ingredients I needed from snape and then signed in on them and then created the potions and signed them too other than the lunch potions I only got an improvised version of all the potions which I launched on the market with the patents obviously and made a good amount of money through it. but the best one I got from the werewolf tooth I got


"system sign-in"

*signing in successful congratulations to host for getting wolfsbane potion *

*wolfsbane potion: a potion which helps a werewolf to control his shift and never lose his or her mind dosage per 50days of being consumed*

I opened the inventory and took out the bottle which contains the potion and the recipe. I took out the recipe and signed in on it.

"system sign-in and use all the combo sign-ups too"

*signing in successful congratulations to host for getting werewolf recipe and werewolf cure recipe *

*werewolf recipe: any werewolf who takes this potion will have complete control over his shift forever once taken.*

*werewolf cure recipe: as the name suggests forever cure Lycan curse once consumed*

hell yeah!!!

now I can have an army of true werewolf's I will let the world know about the wolfsbane potion first and then after some time when I worldly recognised the cure and for the werewolf recipe that will be for my army hehe Voldemort face will be amusing when he sees my army.

afterwards nothing much happened other than Malfoy duel that he didn't attend and the golden trio had their first encounter with Cerberus and in class today the whole drama on wingardium happens with a furious and crying Hermione well time to be a hero and we were sitting in the hall as today was Halloween with Hermione nowhere to be found well time to be a hero i got up and left to find her before boldyshorts appeared and went for the first-floor girls washroom to meet her as soon as i entered i heard a whimpering sound coming from one of the stalls i went ahead and knocked.

'tok tok tok'

Hermione: someone is in here.

Michael: I am pretty sure you are not using it for its actual purpose miss granger.

Hermione: what you are a boy what are you doing in a girls toilet.

Michael: I heard the weasly and potter being mean to you I couldn't just let you spend your entire evening in a stall.

Hermione: why do you care about a muggle-born like me as a pureblood.

Michael: pureblood and half-blood doesn't matter to me as I am a prince before this hypocrisy this magical world has created and even still them being pureblood you are still the brightest which of the year sometimes people don't. need your help as being next to a genius make you feel low and people don't like it and you my beautiful friend are a genius.

Hermione: we are friends.

Michael: not until you come out.

then the stall gate opened with a dry tear up Hermione and then she said"so are we friends now"

Michael: yeah we are friends from now on but if you want to be more I don't mind.

Hermione blushed and shook her head and Michael laughed as they were about to leave came in the troll just like the movie it looked disgusting Hermione was shocked he looked at us and swung his bat towards us I pushed Hermione away and jumped back as this process was going on weasly and potter came from behind and started throwing shrapnels at the troll to distract him as I finally got some time I took my wand and transfigure the land the troll was standing on into a big spear as it formed it pierced the troll from his stomach to his collar bone and it died then the spear fell back to where it came from and the troll fell with a thud everyone was shocked in the room well that was that.

suddenly there were footsteps hand came and all the teachers and Dumbledore this of the Dead troll McGonagall exclaimed

McGonagall: what..what's happening here why are you not in your houses dorm.

then she looked at me and said

Michael: well professor I didn't know about the troll I left early on from the dine as you see I heard from some friends that Hermione was crying in the toilet alone all morning as her friend I had to come to comfort her as some of her classmates do not understand basic etiquette while looking at weasly but then we saw the troll came to the toilet and I rushed to save Hermione while potter and weasly distracted the troll I used Transfiguration on the floor and the floor pierced the troll and it died and then you people came in.

dumbledore: nicely done Mr. pendragon for your courage to fight a troll to save your friends you were very brave and so are you harry and Mr Weasley I shall give 10 points to each of you for your courage to Gryffindor and 5 points from Slytherin for entering a girls toilet hence breaking a rule hope you understand. "and I shall give 50 points to defeat a troll in your first year".well you should head to your beds as you have classes tomorrow well goodnight then.

The next day the entire school was on fire people started calling me trolls slayer well the weasly started telling everyone another story of him and harry were the main characters of the fight and it seems the golden trio has been formed and soon enough the Quidditch match was about to be held and to demotivate the Gryffindor I thought of something. for the next few days, classes and practice were going on on the same routine while the golden trio started solving the mystery behind the third floor. now a day before the match the entire hall was having lunch on the Gryffindor side was having fun with others as the twins were joking around and suddenly an owl was screeching all around the hall as the owl came in while carrying what looked like brooms the owls dropped the brooms to the Slytherin table with a letter on each broom while an extra two on the Gryffindor table in front of the twins they looked at each other and opened there parcels so did the Slytherins and soon enough there was exclamation all around the hall as there were 8 nimbuses 2000 on the table soon enough they got the letter and some opened it and I left the hall as I wasn't interested.

(Fred pov)

it was a fun morning as people were laughing at our jokes but then suddenly 8 owls carrying what looked like brooms entered the hall and dropped 2 in front of me and my brother and while all the others at the Slytherin as we were confused we opened the parcels and behold there was a nimbus 2000 and two at that the entire table went crazy with this sight I looked back and all the Slytherin also had the same brooms on them I was confused and then I saw the letter as k opened it and as George opened his there was are bench mates reading it with us and it read

nimbus 2000

as a token of friendship to the new mauradaures from the pendragon.

mauradaures how does he know about it I looked up and saw George looking at me I looked back at the Slytherin table and not finding Michael but then ron started shit-talking " why did you and the snakes get brooms".

(3rd POV)

A day before the first Quidditch match the Slytherin and two from Gryffindor was given a nimbus2000 as a present which is around 2000galleons per piece from Michael pendragon.