
Substitute Chief

"Remember, Junior Sister: with this token, all pupils must obey you as they would obey the chief of the sect." Liu Xiaochen pressed the chief's token into Wang Jingyuan's hands. They stood in front of Xuanyan Sect's front gates. Xiao-Wu, Shi-Tou, and a couple other pupils were standing at the top of the stone steps, waiting. Other pupils stood a respectful distance behind Wang Jingyuan in the open doorway.

Liu Xiaochen was taking a trip into the nearest town to buy the necessary supplies and hire workers for rebuilding the sect. Although he felt a little uneasy about leaving the sect, he felt that it was necessary for him to personally make the trip because he wanted to ensure everything was done right. However, this trip would take several days, so Liu Xiaochen made Wang Jingyuan the stand-in chief in his absence.