
One Sided Love

School starts face to face after 2 years of quarantine because of COVID. Conner wakes up early to get ready for school all excited, not only because he finally gets to meet his classmates but also because Mia is his classmate.

Conner enters the classroom and is hit by a wave of nostalgia, the memories of him and Mia playing in the classroom. It is safe to say that Conner likes Mia but he has yet to confess.

After a few minutes Mia enters the room as well, looking for a seat, Conner waves his hand showing an empty one beside him. Mia happily takes the seat and says hi to her best friend.

"Conner! Long time no see, how are ya?" Mia said happily.

"long time no see Mia, I'm doing fine. What about you?" Conner asked.

"I'm doing great, it feels great going to school again instead of being cooped up in the house all day" Mia replied.

"That's nice" Conner answered.

The bell then rings signalling the start of the school day.

The day goes as any other first day of school. Introductions and getting to know each other though Mia and Conner spent the time catching up with each other.

Everyday Mia and Conner would spend their free time talking to each other or playing games.

Then one day the school opened up the clubs, everyone could join a club that they like. Mia went with the drama club and Conner went with the science club.

Even though they have clubs now nothing really did change between them.

Skip 2 months

Mia became a bit distant to Conner since the start of clubs. Conner, not knowing anything became a bit worried but gave her space.

During lunch break Mia and Conner would eat at the cafeteria together as usual.

"Hey Conner" Mia said a bit excitedly

"What's up Mia?" Conner replied

"I finally confessed to my crush at the drama club and he liked me back!" Mia is brimming with joy as she answered.

Conner's heart broke into pieces as he heard what Mia just said. Looking at Mia, she looked so happy.

Instead of showing his sadness he instead put up a fake smile and congratulated Mia.

"Is that so? Congrats then Mia! I wish you the best" Conner said.

When Conner got home he slumped into his bed and slowly cried to his pillow. The thought of Mia with another person tore him apart.

He cried so much that he fell asleep exhausted from all the crying. He didn't feel well the following day and called in sick.

During the day he would reminisce about all the fun memories they had. But realizing all this, Conner made up his mind "as long as she's happy I'm ok with being just a friend".

When Conner went to school the next day, Mia was waiting for him by the gate filled with anxiety.

"What happened? Are you ok? Why didn't you text me?" Mia bombarded Conner with questions.

"I'm fine now, I just had a mild fever that's all" Conner answered.

"So how are you Mia?"

"I'm fine I guess, next time text me ok?" Mia then playfully punched Conner.

The day went on and Mia would often mention her crush.

"Me and James are going to be partners for a new act in the drama club" Mia said.

"That's good to hear" Conner replied.

James is the mu of Mia. As days went by Mia would talk non stop about her and James.

Conner trying to continue the supportive best friend act would do nothing but show happiness for her.

Mia slowly stopped spending time with Conner as she would go on and hang out with her mu, James instead.

Mia and Conner would slowly be distant with each other as Mia would prefer to spend her time with James and Conner would spend his time alone.

Months go by and James and Mia would go on dates. They were now boyfriend/girlfriend.

Conner would still have feelings for Mia but keeps it deep down not wanting to ruin their friendship.

Skip 1 month

Mia caught James cheating on her with another woman. Broken down, Conner could do nothing but to console his best friend and be there for her.

Mia was devastated by the fact that James would cheat on her. She loved him so much but he decided to "play" around with other women.

A few months go by and Mia said she has gotten over him already. Mia and Conner went back to the everyday interactions.

The school year was almost over and Conner mustered up all his courage to finally confess his feelings to Mia.

"Mia, I have something to tell you" Conner said nervously.

"What is it Conner?" Mia asks confusedly.

"I... Like you, I always have ever since the day we met. I was always too afraid to confess to you and seeing you with James tore me inside. Not wanting to ruin your relationship I stood back and let you be with the person you like. I love you Mia and I hope that you feel the same" Conner then felt a huge burden leave his body but anxiety remained "what would she say" he thought.

"Conner.. I feel the same, ever since me and James broke up, you were always there for me and I realized, you always were. From every good morning and goodnight you were there. And I like you too" Mia answered.

Conner, filled with joy, jumped to the air in excitement leaving Mia laughing.

Skip 1 week

Conner and Mia would text each other even more but Conner noticed that in every conversation they have somehow James was mentioned at least once.

Conner read back their messages and noticed how Mia would often compare their relationship with hers and James, and not in a good way.

Mia's habit of mentioning James would grow and she starts sending pictures of them together.

Conner being confused about this stayed quiet about it and just went along with her.

Conner noticed that Mia hasn't let go of her feelings for James. It seems as if Mia loves Conner because she sees James in him.

One day Mia left her phone unattended with Conner. The phone vibrates and lights up, Conner notices this and out of curiosity looks over to see.

It was James asking Mia for forgiveness and asking if they could go back to how they used to be.

Conner left the phone and sat in the corner thinking about his decisions and Mia. He certainly doesn't want to lose Mia but Mia on the other hand seems to still love James.

The following day

Conner went out to clear his mind. Thinking of what to do. He loves Mia but he wants to see her happy, even if she is happy with someone else.

He decides to let Mia go and let her go to the one she really loves.

Mia would then text Conner more on about how she misses the life she had with James, unknowingly hurting James in the process.

Conner texts Mia to meet up in the park.

It was a cold and breezy night and Mia and Conner would sit at a bench in the park.

"So why did you want to meet up so suddenly?" Mia asks

"The other week I saw a message on your phone, it was James" Conner said

"What about it?" Mia asks

"You seem more happy with him rather than with me" Conner said slowly tearing up

"I'm happy with you Conner" Mia answers

"What did you say to him" Conner asks

Mia then left speechless realizing that she still loved Conner.

"That's your answer then" Conner finally bursts into tears

"I'll let you be with him. I want you to be happy even if it's not with me" Conner said his voice was a little shaky and tears running down his face.

Mia on the other hand was just speechless about the entire thing.

"Thank you... Thank you for everything Conner" Mia said as she left the park.

Conner cried under a tree seeing as Mia didn't even deny the fact that Mia loved James. Conner was prepared for this yet he can't seem to understand why it hurts so much.

"Why why why. Why does it hurt" Conner balled his eyes out and went home past midnight.

Once again Conner found himself slumped in his bed crying to his pillow. His phone vibrates and he sees a message.

"Thank you for helping me realize things Conner. I wish you the best, this will be my last message to you as your girlfriend. Goodbye"

The end.