
One Punch Man - Master of All Arts.

A cultivator who was betrayed has now appeared in the One Punch Man universe, what will he do in this unknown world? He will battle and have fun while drinking wine on the side.

Atarired · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 4:Saitama.

{Note: Mc's core can only hold 20% of his original Qi and his Qi is like nerfed because of his injuries which will be fully healed by the start of cannon, but his core is still broken so he basically only has 20% of his original power: Items can heal his core but he lost them in the other world before coming into Opm and he only can live for 100 more years and it would take 200 for his core to fully heal within time, this will make him Op but not at Saitama's level.}

After killing the robber, I walked out of the alley without acting suspicious and slowly blended into the crowd.

'Hmm, now that I think about it, I just want to have an exciting and happy life here, I do not want to go back to that cursed world.' I did not want to go back to my old world, this was the truth since that world had too many problems and made it where I could not live freely, but here I can live without any problems.

I looked up to the sky, my mind and personality has been a mess since being stranded here but I made up my mind. I will live my best life here doing what I want.{Mc's personality is humble but carefree and sometimes can be cold like killing the robber or fun like the note, his personality will be like this.}

'Of course I already checked for any cultivators for the past three years from using a couple of items and some of my Qi techniques, I will continue investigating using this city as a new place to research since there is a lot more information here than the cave.' I have been researching and investigating but I have found no clues of any cultivators if they are here so I am 70% sure there are none.

I smiled before looking either way on the sidewalk, both paths lead to corners extending to another path. Cars zoomed past me while people talked all around me, some giving me weird looks because of my eyes or wondering why I am standing still.

I felt excited, although I may be called a coward for hiding in a cave for three years and just training a disciple who I used to have fun a lot of times but why I may act like a coward is because I was trained to be ready for anything and to not die.

Dying is something I do not want to experience so I did my best to prepare for any sudden battle but I also want to explore this world so I ventured into the city.

'Finally, I can have fun without thinking of the consequences, I spent three years preparing for any battle so now I can slowly blend into this world and live a fulfilling life, although that is being very optimistic since if I fight a monster who is more powerful than me, I might die without a chance to fight back.' Thinking these things I shook my head, my master always got mad at me for being too prepared and a worrywart.

"Enjoy life and have fun before coming to terms with death" Is what he always told me so I will follow his teaching.

Looking around, I saw a bunch of markets and stores written in Japanese, I have a Qi marking imbedded into my storage ring which allowed me to understand any language and speak it fluently but this is the same language as my first world which means this might be a Alternate Universe of earth or an entirely different world based on earth.

'In all truthfulness it is probably the second option since the first is too far fetched for this world to just be an alternate universe so it is probably an entirely different one' I thought while walking among the crowd of people traveling on the sidewalk.

While walking I looked around and remembered something.

'Wait….I don't have any money!'

I need money, maybe I could exchange my gold shards for any? Always kept my money in my useless ring since it just takes up space.

'There should be a pawn shop nearby, I should ask someone if there is one nearby.'

I kept walking and looking for anybody who looked like they were not in a hurry and found an old lady standing by the road waving for a taxi.

I walked over and tapped her shoulder, inputting a little Qi making her calm down in case I scared her.

"Mam, is there a nearby pawn shop near here? You see I have some antique items I want to sell but….I'm new to this city since I moved from a village on the east side." I said while inputting a foreign accent.

She listened to me and smiled. "There should be a pawn shop if you go right on the next corner and it should be the fifth building down, be careful now."

"Thank you very much." I said before walking off. I turned right on the next corner and went down to the fifth building and read the sign which was on top of the wooden store.

{Alginor's Pawn Shop}

I walked in and exchanged pleasantries with the Owner of the store and found out I can exchange a gold shard which is the other world's currency for 10000+ dollars.

I had thousands of pieces and much bigger pieces also since these shards were like dollars in the other world.

So I exchanged 30 pieces for 300,000$.

"Come again" He said while waving and i waved back while walking out of the shop

He called a buyer for the gold shards who wired money over to the owner who then put the money on a card and handed it to me.

I was in a good mood walking out with the card. The card was black with my name and everything since he has to personally make them for big customers such as me where no one can scam each other, I verified he was not lying by using a technique I learned from a torturer in the Guin Palace.

I walk through the streets to see a Japanese store. I entered it and saw some products that might be good for me and Shigeo, since it's been a while since we had anything other than fruit and meat.

So I picked up some snacks, and other vegetables. I also packed some wine that would be good for a loneliness package.

I also buyed candies and other good drinks that are good for teenagers, since I don't want my disciple to drink alcohol and only on occasion only.

I walked through the counter and put all the products and got my card out of my space ring by putting my hand in my pocket so I could secretly get it.

I put the card on the scanner and then paid for it all.

After paying and getting all my groceries ready I walked out of the store and went to a nearby alley. It was currently 9pm or so, I am guessing since I don't have a watch. I crouched down and jumped silently, covering my foot with Qi and spread it throughout the ground making it where the ground won't crack.

I jumped and took off my illusion while flying to the cave.




I arrived at the cave and landed loudly to wake up my disciple so he would know that I am here.

Right after landing a rock was thrown at me but I caught it by raising my hand.

"Oi, don't you know throwing rocks at your master could hurt?"

I saw Shigeo walk out of the cave with veins popping out of his face.

"You woke me up two times! And I don–" Before he could finish his sentence I chopped his head with my hand making him instantly cover his head and crouch down in pain.

"Don't speak to your generous master like that! Now get ready for a night! I bought some alcohol and food!"

"But I can't drink alc-" I shoved a couple of teenager friendly drinks in his arms interrupting him once again.

"I do not know which kind of drink you like so I just got a bunch." I said before walking into the cave with him following me.

I took some food out of my storage ring and started cooking them over the handmade cooker.

Taking out some wine, I started gulping down shots of them without stopping.

Shigeo watching me was lifeless before drinking some of the drinks I gave him and mumbled to himself while drinking them.

'Man this wine has no effect on me whatsoever. I need wine from my previous world to truly make me feel drunk. Well I am happy I bought a bunch so if I keep drinking I eventually get drunk right?' I thought to myself and kept drinking.

After drinking so much I just gave up and fell asleep with Shigeo inside the cave.

Soon four years passed after this event and many things have happened.


An average height man with short silver hair could be seen stabbing a boulder with both index fingers at a rapid pace.

He had no shirt on and was wearing white training shorts, his top body was chiseled and had muscle everywhere with small scars all over his body.

There was another man near him, he was taller and had short white hair, he was sitting down a couple of meters away from the other man.

This was Shigeo and Vanir.

"Hurry up, I have to go buy some wine soon! It is on sale for a limited time!!" I yelled at Shigeo who kept stabbing the boulder with his index fingers. He was practicing a technique which uses Qi to strengthen his fingers and allow them to pierce even metal, but Shigeo needs to do it continuously since this is a part of his training.

" You drunken bastard! I have to train everyday and all you do is either watch or go buy some random wine!" Shigeo yelled out without thinking and immediately regretted it.

I instantly appeared behind him and smacked him with 5% force on top of his head with a karate chop sending him into the ground.

His head was sticking out of the ground and a bump was steadily rising on top of Shigeo's head.

"Damm disciple! You do not respect me after all I taught you! And for your information I only have gotten drunk three times off of the stupid wine they sell in this world and I do a lot of important things!" I huffed before sitting back down a couple of meters away. "Now get back up and continue your training before I smack you again." I yelled at him before looking at the watch I bought.

It was currently 1pm and we live inside the city now, although I have enough money to buy a house, we chose to live inside a big apartment since doing house papers and bills is annoying to deal with, rent is much easier to deal with.

Shigeo has improved over these past four years but he still only reached the stage before soul wandering which is quite bad compared to others but the soul wandering stage is either the hardest or easiest for other cultivators.

For the soul wandering stage you need to follow your path, basically it purifies your body to be able to handle whatever path you're going to follow. My path was sword and hand to hand combat which I found out through a life or death battle with a giant gorilla.

The only way to pass it is to gain enlightenment on your path or realize your path during a fight and I did the second option.

Ignoring his struggles of getting out of the ground, I remembered what I found out two years ago.

The Dragon Cicada that I have eaten had Golden dragon's blood inside it which allowed me to gain the advantages of using it as a cultivation item and eating it. I used it as an item since I thought it was more useful that way before I had to eat it to survive and doing that gave me a sudden boost of pure Qi which helped me immensely and saved my life but that Qi went away after falling into the mountain.

After eating the Dragon Cicada I thought it did not have many advantages besides increased gathering of QI and increased regeneration of the body but I was wrong.

I concentrated my Qi into my right hand and my hand started morphing into a claw with golden scales and a golden orange color with black claws coming out of where my fingernails were.

I found out I could control parts of my body to turn into dragon parts, for example a claw or the muscles of a dragon which is very tough and powerful, even the scales which cannot be penetrated by normal means.

I found this out around two years ago but it takes a lot of concentration and it is hard to control it, but it is very powerful on whatever body part I focus on, for example if I were to punch something then it would have 30% more power than normal punch just because of a little amplify so if I were to amplify my whole arm or my hip and back muscles, it might be 90 or 100% more powerful.

This made me truly happy but the biggest drawback was the consumption of Qi which I have to use sparingly because of how hard it is to gather Qi in this world besides using Qi on your body which only wastes a bit compared to sending it out as an attack but for some reason doing this wastes a lot of Qi and I think the reason is because it is partly dragon which are the most powerful race of monsters in the other world.

I can gather all my Qi back in a couple of days currently but that is long compared to the normal time I gather in my previous world, which was hours but now it takes at least a couple of days.

My hand turned back to normal after cutting off the input of Qi. After doing this Shigeo finally destroyed the small boulder with his index fingers.

After Shgieo finished he suddenly screamed "Man that hurts!" Shigeo said, waving his fingers around violently.

"Suck it up, *Crunch* I have been through *Crunch* worse and that was a small boulder." I said while eating some snacks.

Shigeo after waving his fingers around sighed before looking around.

"So when are we leaving?" He asked

"Right now pack up your equipment while I go out and get some groceries. Make sure to be home by the time I am there, which should be around 6pm since I have some other things to do so you have some free time to do what you want." I said before disappearing using {Kuri Movement}

Shigeo was very happy since he got a lot of free time today.

"Amusement park here I come!" Shigeo yelled out before packing everything up in his own ring which can hold over a hundred feet of items and he started running as fast as can to the city.


I was currently flying through the air to City Z. The names of cities in this world are weird but because the cities get destroyed so many times the government made named cities after letters.

I live in city S with Shigeo but I am going to City Z for a special wine on sale which is unique to that place. I have searched all over for different wines and special ones but only a couple made me feel nice. It was annoying for me to not get any feeling out of this world's alcohol or wine since I like those things.

I landed in Z City crashing onto the ground since I learned that people do not mind random occurrences, I have heard of a flying girl and robots so this should not be a problem, hell this world has monsters so I should be fine.

I looked around and found myself inside a neighborhood with no one around.

'I did hear that not many people live inside this city because of how many monsters appear here and it is called a ghost town, although that is only a part here but most people assume it is the whole city, it seems I have landed in the ghost part.' I thought before looking around.

I took out my phone and searched up the map of the city and activated voice gps.

"Where do you find Dio's wine store?"

The phone then showed a path from my location to Dio's wine store.

I smiled and followed it, not minding a nearby flower shop covered in blood.

I kept following the path until hearing some screaming nearby and decided to investigate.

I saw a crabman talking to a man who was protecting a child.

'Huh I think I've been here.. before? Deja Vu? Was it?' I put my finger on the bridge of my forehead which was scrunched up from thinking. 'was it from One slap man? No….One Trick Man? No it was not that either it was...One Punch Man!' I made a happy face remembering the anime which is very good before frowning.

I watched the anime but it is almost impossible to remember it perfectly besides the Mc being insanely strong and a couple of characters like Genos and...that's it.

I slapped myself in the face. 'I should have remembered it! and there's monsters everywhere and the names of the city! Also that weird girl with green hair!" I was depressed for a moment from realizing how dumb I have been before calming down. 'No.. I am very lucky since from my memory there are very few monsters who can rival or kill me, and now that I met Saitama who should save this child which should cause the start of the Hero Association, I can get a head start after all I now know some information and can get some extra excitement and money on the side of being a hero. Most importantly I can become friends with the Op Mc who shall carry me in case something happens.' I smile since I don't have to investigate cultivators anymore and can get some benefits that some could never have.

I will not interrupt this fight since it is the start of Saitama's journey in becoming the strongest but I should be ready to save him in case I changed anything or this is an alternate universe of the anime or manga.

I was wearing casual clothes and had my four sheathed swords on me since I can just put it off as being a sword master or something and that excuse works very well in this world.

Watching the event between the crab monster and Saitama happen I was wondering something.

'Why did even Saitama save that child? He's not even cute at all..' I look at the child who has a really huge chin, that it literally looks like a butt. I looked towards the crab man and put my hand on my chin, looking at it with curiosity. 'Hmmh Can I cook with the upper half of his body? Since it is basically a crab I could cook it since he is a monster now, but would that be considered cannibalism?'

I was on top of a roof watching the event happen and finally saw Saitama killing the crabman by tying his tie around the crabman neck and pulling its eye out causing blood to go everywhere like a fountain and the body of the monster falling lifelessly and I made my entrance.




{Saitama's pov}

Blood was raining after pulling out the eye of the crab monster with my tie. A moment passed as I stood up before hearing a thud behind me reassuring that the monster was dead.

Huffing and trying to catch my breath, my right eye was covered in blood and my ribs felt like they were broken but I smiled in Happiness of being able to kill a monster.

As I was catching my breath, A loud crash was heard behind me, turning my head preparing if it was another monster but it was someone who looked very weird.

He was wearing some old fashioned clothes which seemed to be some kind of training clothes and had four really unique sheathes at both sides of his hips with each side holding two sheathes.

He has light brown eyes and white hair that was naturally slicked back which made him look unique but not old. He had this aura on him that made him feel very formidable, and wise.

His face was sharp and had a scar over his right eye, he looked around twenty five and had a calming smile plastered on his face.

He was walking towards me and for some reason I felt scared before looking towards the child and getting in front of the child shielding the boy.

I sweat, with every step he takes I think of a thousand situations which could happen. I gulped as he finally arrived before me.

Preparing for him to do anything I got into a defensive blocking stance I saw on tv.

He opened his eyes in surprise before looking at his sheathes and then looked back at me before he started laughing, surprising me.

He kept laughing before coughing. "Sorry about that, I was just laughing at how you get into a defensive stance when seeing me, am I that scary?" He laughed before talking again. "But please be reassured I would not hurt the child nor you." He said waving around before looking at me and then the child.

"I was kind of interested in how this fight will turn out, so I watch from afar and if you lose I'll save the both of you." He explained. "Since, I wouldn't want to lose a goodwill hero."

I got embarrassed at his exclamation and scratched my head. "Well, anyone would save that child.. and even if I die here, I don't really have anything to lose."

He nodded. "Now it is not, because you have found something to not lose for" he pointed at the child. "This child.. You saved him, doesn't it feel good saving someone?" He asked.

"Yeah, it does..but I only won due to the monster being weak! I can't save anyone else with my weak strength can I?" I asked while looking at the child and the guy patted my back.

"But you defeated him, that's all it matters."

Hearing that I looked at him. "I am Saitama by the way."

"I'm Vanir."

He smiled and looked at me.

"Call me Vanir."