
One Pregnancy, Multiple Relationships: The Best Actress Is Cute And Sweet

Chi Yaoxi, showbiz's most famous figure and winner of the best actress award was being cheated on by her boyfriend—and it had to be with her stepsister! And his excuse was that she's not willing to cohabit and have a child? Laughable! Chi Yaoxi attended a high-class party, intent on getting drunk and throwing money to a handsome face, whom she would spend the night with! Once she got tipsy, Chi Yaoxi threw herself into the arms of a gorgeous man. "You've caught my eye. Come to my room tonight, and I will give you millions." Li Qianming, a CEO of his own right, was stunned. He had met countless women who wanted to seduce him—this was the first time he met one buying him for the night. At the same time, the woman's stunning figure was latched to himself, her warm breath spraying all over his face. He carried her to his room. *** Waking up the next day, Chi Yaoxi smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I was drunk last night, but I will pay you anyway." Li Qianming studied her in her naked form with just a towel covering his own modesty, and whipped out a prenuptial agreement. "My son likes you. Let's get married today." "What??" Chi Yaoxi was shocked. The adorable kid helped his daddy get the girl by wrapping himself tightly around Chi Yaoxi and cried, "Mommy, my papa is actually kind on the inside. You won't lose if you invest in him—it's your victory if you marry him!" The great CEO nodded. "Marry me, and I will get you anything you want." The indomitable thespian somehow lost to the father and son duo, becoming a CEO's wife and a mother. As her man pinned her down and demanded a child, she realized she had thrown herself to the wolves and was going to be devoured clean.

Qin Jiujiu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
623 Chs

Is She Something You Can Touch?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Dad, Mom, open the door!" Chi Yaoxi pressed the doorbell anxiously.

After a long while, the inner wooden door was suddenly pulled open. "What are you doing! Why are you shouting!"

Looking at her impatient stepmother, Chi Yaoxi felt a little stifled. "Mom, I'm back to get my clothes."

"Pay up if you want to enter!" Li Lijuan crossed her arms and refused to open the door.

Chi Yaoxi smiled bitterly. "Mom, I didn't bring any cash today. Can I transfer the money to you later?" She was really muddle-headed. Before she could find a place to stay, she moved out of the apartment where she lived with the jerk and had no choice but to send her luggage back. Why didn't she learn her lesson? Why couldn't she remember that this family didn't belong to her at all and only belonged to her half-sister, Chi Jiaojiao!

"Alright, I won't ask for more from you. Just fifty thousand yuan. I have to save it for your sister's dowry."

"Dowry…" Chi Yaoxi pursed her lips. She's just going to treat it as giving that pair of scumbag and b*tch a coffin. Otherwise, given her stepmother's personality, she would definitely kick up a fuss and refuse to let her in. She would then not be able to get the dress that the brand had lent her. It would be a huge loss if she delayed the afternoon shoot.

The moment she entered, Chi Yaoxi's smile froze on her face. "Who allowed you to enter my room and rummage through my things!" The dress that Chi Jiaojiao was wearing was lent to her by the brand to shoot an advertisement! Chi Jiaojiao had made a fitting dress into a tight fit! She could not bear to look at this Michelin tire! Now, every step Chi Jiaojiao took made her heart tremble. She was afraid that this woman would accidentally burst her dress.

Chi Yaoxi tried her best to suppress her anger with the last bit of rationality she had. "Take off the dress. I need to wear this for my commercial this afternoon…"

But before she could finish speaking, Li Lijuan interrupted her angrily, "What's wrong with your sister wearing your clothes? It's just a dress. Anyway, you don't lack that bit of money. Just buy another dress! Since she likes it, you should give it to her!"

Chi Yaoxi was stunned by the scolding. It was like this when she was young. As long as Chi Jiaojiao liked it, she would give it to her. What she liked… No, she didn't need anything she liked. She just needed to pick up what was left of Chi Jiaojiao. So, her boyfriend also became Chi Jiaojiao's engagement partner?

Chi Yaoxi turned her head away, no longer looking at the woman who kept cursing her.

"Dad, you can't buy this dress outside. I really need it for filming." She really needed someone in this family to speak up for her. Even if it was just for show. At the very least, she wanted to know that she had not sacrificed for this family for nothing all these years. She still had her family and people who loved and protected her…

Slap! The sudden slap made Chi Yaoxi dizzy. Her ears were ringing as she stared blankly at her father. "Dad… why did you…"

"You're already a cripple. You should take advantage of the money in your hands to take good care of your sister. Don't you know that you can only rely on her and her child when you're old? Why are you so insensible!"

Chi Yaoxi was stunned. How was she a cripple! Why did she have to rely on Chi Jiaojiao!

"You can't even give birth to a child. If this gets out, I'll lose all my reputation! Hurry up and get some money from some men while you're still young…"

"Dad, if I can't have children, then so be it. I can earn money myself. I don't need to rely on men or anyone else." Chi Yaoxi suppressed the grievance in her heart and tried to make her voice calm.

"Tsk, if you didn't rely on men, where would you get so much money? You didn't even graduate from university and you already have tens of thousands of yuan. Now, you're even filming TV commercials. If you don't rely on men, where would you get the money?" Chi Jiaojiao chimed in with a disdainful smile.

Where did all that money come from? Holding her aching cheek, Chi Yaoxi felt a chill in her heart. It turned out that the money that she had saved up from waking up early and working late at night to subsidize her family's expenses was unclear and dirty in their eyes. After so many years, why was she still hopeful? She foolishly thought that as long as she gave enough, she would be like Chi Jiaojiao and be loved by them!

How stupid! Gritting her teeth, Chi Yaoxi dragged Chi Jiaojiao into the room. She did not want to tolerate it anymore!

"You have to take off this dress. Otherwise, I'll call the police and tell them that you stole it. The price of this dress is enough for you to stay in the detention center for a while!"

Li Lijuan panicked and rushed to protect her daughter. "Are you crazy?! How dare you hit people when you have so little money?! Your sister will be the future Mrs. Lin. Is she someone you can touch?" Seeing that Chi Yaoxi refused to let go, she gritted her teeth in anger and raised her hand to slap her.


Chi Yaoxi was stunned. The slap… did not land on her face.

"Who said no one wants her?" A cold questioning voice came from above.

Chi Yaoxi was stunned. This familiar voice was… the host from the clubhouse! Why was he chasing after her!

Li Qianming's lips curled into a smile when he met the woman's surprised gaze. "You're pretty brave to run away, aren't you?"