Author's Note: in next chapter, I'll try writing in 3rd pov and i want you guys suggestion on which better.
--------------------------{1 years later}---------------------------
"Take this, <Hell Claw>" Toru said as he swing his partial transformation armed into Yu.
(Click for Image)
"<Jab>" Yu counter with his own technique.
they countinue sparring for 30 more minutes as they stop cause the training ground no longer exist as they completely destroyed it.
'It's been a year huh? It's time" i thought while sunbathing not far from the training ground.
its been a year since i got reincarnated here in one piece. And in the span of year me and my nakama got so much much stronger that even i couldn't believe.
<Name>: Saint Heart Zayn
<Identity>:Celestial Dragon
<Title/Nickname>: None
<Species>: Human
<Physique>: Limitless Potential Physique, Titan Physique
<Power Scale>: Peak Low Yonko
Devil Fruit: Hazu Hazu No Mi/Momentum-Momentum Fruit
<100x Training Effect>
<Slave Mark>
<Holy Body>
<Diamond Skin>(Peak)
<Gamer's Mind>
<Ultra Regeneration Speed>
<Parallel Thought>
<Accelerate Thought>
<Compressed Body>
<Three kinds of Haki>
<Armament Haki><Advanced>(Low)
<Observation Haki><Advanced>(Mid)
<Conqueror Haki><Intermidiate>(Peak)
<Momentum-Momentum> <Intermidiate>(Peak): is a Paramecia type devil fruit that allows it's user to become a "Momentum Man" as it enables them to change momentum and by extensions the inertial state of their own body and of other living being and objects.
<God's Speed>: by increasing the the momentum of the user's body can accelerate humself to speed that would normally not be possible to achieve without special training.
<Repulse>: By expanding the inertia field around him to greater distances, the user can then impart momentum to objects or beings coming in contact with the field, or lying within its sphere of influence. This causes the object to be pushed away in a direction of the user's choosing at speeds depending on the amount of momentum imparted via the field and the mass of the objects in question. This technique can be used defensively to repel objects launched towards the Host or offensively to launch high speed projectiles at his enemies. This form of application of this technique is normally used for offensive purposes but by opting to impart the momentum by physically coming in contact with the object, Host can make the object go even faster and control its direction with even grater accuracy.
<Atttract>: By expanding the inertia field around him, Host can change impart momentum to an object so that it starts moving towards him, as if experiencing a pull towards the him. The farther away the object is the more strenuous this technique is and weaker the pull is.
<Levitation>: By modifying the momentum of the air below his feet, the user can make the air itself move upwards, imparting an upward force from below him which launches him skywards. This technique can be used to levitate
<Amplified Punch/Kick>
<1000 Ton Punch/Kick>
<10000 Ton Punch/Kick>
<100000 Ton Punch/Kick>
<1000000 Ton Punch/Kick>
'Hehe' seeing my status, i could help but recall how hard i trained to reach where i am now.
i trained like a madman so even without a life and death situation, i have manage to reach Yonko stage.
Rokushiki all reach advance rank and i also learned rokuogan. i decided not to trained life return cause it has a minimum increase in his strength.
i have also learned Armament and Observation Haki and manage to reach the advance rank while my conqueror haki was stuck into peak intermidiate.
And the main reason why my strength got much stronger, my Devil fruit. yes i eated a devil fruit.
<Momentum-Momentum Fruit>
one of the most underrated fruit. i saw this in the Devil fruit shop and was only at 150 Million Berries.
Curious, i could help but ask why it was cheap and they told him the reason.
because all of this fruits past user couldn't develop it's maximum potential, as they couldn't even stop a bullet.
but anyways after buying it about six months ago, i put my 80% focus on developing the devil fruit in the remaining six months which also they reason the other skill slow down in developing.
Of course im not the only person that got stronger. Toru and other also got much stronger than they was before.
<Name>: Anzai Toru
<Identity>:??? Crew Member
<Species>: Half-Flame Half-Human
<Title/Nickname>: None
<Physique>: Flame Physique
Devil Fruit: Inu inu no mi: Hellbound
<Power Scale>: Quasi Yonko
<75x Training Effect>
<Flame Body>
<Clear Mind>
<Accelerate Thought>
<Parallel Thought>
<Three Types of Haki>
<Armament Haki><Intermidiate>(Peak)
<Observation Haki><Intermidiate>(Peak)
<Conqueror Haki><Intermidiate>(Low)
<Modified Rokushiki>: a rokushiki that Toru modified to fit even in his hellbound form be it partial, Hybrid, or Fullform.
<Inu Inu no mi:Hellbound><Awakening>: let toru transform into the mythical creature hellbound.
<Fire>: the fire of mythical creature hellbound. Toru could control it as he see fits.
<Full Form>: Toru transform into a 10 meter black dog that was surrounded by fire. giving toru a big boost in physical strength.
<Hybrid Form>: Toru gain canine features standing at 2 meter tall. he will have black skin with red lines. giving host a lot of mobility but lower physical strength compared to the Fullform.
<Partial Form>: Toru could transform a single part of his body to that of a hellhound form making his attack much stronger.
Toru was already the peak of quasi Yonko rank.
He learned Armament and Observation haki and reach the peak of intermediate rank.
He also has a Conqueror haki but couldn't fully develop it as he really don't have much ambition.
He also made a self made Rokushiki for himself to perfectly fit his hellbound devil fruit.
His main strength was depends on his Devil fruit ability as he trained and manage to awaken it.
just a little push and he will finally step into yonko rank.
Author's note:For those who would still ask how they got so much stronger in a span of just a year. well just to remind you, zayn has a skill <100x Effect> which makes the 1 year of training into 100! a 100 year.
i also add some bottleneck but when ever zayn gets into a life and death extend fight, zayn would have a tremendous boost in strength.
also guys drop a powerstone, some comments and suggestion. I'm reading those.