
One Piece: Yama the Necromancer

A pirate group attacked an island in east blue; they killed everyone on the island except for two orphan kids, Yama and Lily. They both made a promise to themselves to protect each other and seek vengeance. Both kids got an interesting power of which they are unaware. Follow two kids who are overprotective of each other and wreak havoc in the world. PS: This story is adapted from my second account. I couldn't remember my email's password, and I couldn't recover it either, so I hope you guys liked it.

Pratik_Subedi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Wise Choice

A week passed, currently, Yama was in the forest crying and punching a tree his tiny hands were all bloody because he was punching the tree for quite some time.


"Why! Why! Why! Why don't I have any superpower, Sister Sita said I would get power if I eat the fruit. Lily ate the fruit and got a superpower, but I just have a curse and no power. Why is this happening to me? I have tried to sense my power for a whole week but I can't sense anything."


"How am I supposed to protect Lily if I have no power? How am I supposed to avenge everyone? How can I keep my promise? Am I going to fail my promise again? I am truly useless. I should have just died back then, I am worthless. Should I just kill myself?"


He spent a couple of hours in the forest crying and venting out his anger. He started to remember the crying face of Lily when she came running to his room cause she was scared.


"No, I have to live, I have to live for Lily's shake. I have to protect her, I can't give up yet."


With a newfound motivation to live and become strong Yama started to think about how he could become strong. He thought for a while and found 2 things he could do, which in his mind were both not that powerful.


'If I can't have superhuman abilities then I guess I can only make myself physically stronger, but just being physically strong won't help me too much, it can't help me defend against a sharp weapon like sword, knife, or spear.


'Also if someone has a similar ability to Lily like using heat or other supernatural abilities then just being physically strong won't help me. So maybe mastering some weapon will be a help for me? I don't think a knife is a good choice of weapon for me, it's too short.'


'Sword is a good choice but most people use a sword so the majority of experienced fighters would have defiantly fought against someone using a sword and would it would probably be easy for them to deal with them. It's also not very versatile.'


'Gun is a good choice but if I also train my body then it doesn't complement my physical strength so it's also probably not a good choice for me'

'Now the only reaming options for me are a hammer, axe, and a spear. All three weapons would complement my physical strength but the hammer lacks the piercing and cutting attack which makes it harder to deal fatal damage to the opponent.


'Axe is also a good choice but it lacks versatility compared to a spear, with a spear I can deal cutting, piercing, and blunt attack. It's also unique and will take most opponents by surprise. Its length is also longer compared to other weapons so I can attack my opponent's from outside their attack range.'


He had already spent a couple of hours inside the forest so he returned to the village otherwise Lily would be worried.


When he returned home he saw Lily training her power by trying to boil water using her body temperature but wasn't even close to being successful.


"Where have you been brother, you have been gone for a long time?"


"I was training in the forest."


Lily avoided asking him if he figured out his superpower because she knew he would tell her if he found out so she didn't want to make him sad for no reason. She looked at him and saw that both his hands were bloody and had various cuts all over them.


She ran over to him and carefully pulled his arm. "What happened to your fist? Why are there so many cuts all over them?"


"I was just training to make my fists stronger."


Lily could recognize his lying voice but she didn't say anything about it. "Follow me I will wash them and put some bandage on them."


Lily then carefully washed his hands with clean water and put a bandage on them. "If you are going to hurt yourself again then I won't let you train from today. I will tie you up and keep you in the house."


"Sorry, won't happen again."


"Stupid brother always making me worry." She grumbled.


A day passed and Yama took Lily to the house of uncle Krishna who was a blacksmith in the village. They entered the house and went to his workstation. There they could see a lot of weapons, the majority of them were swords but there were a few spears.


3 to be exact, it was not like he needed to pay for them or anything. He also took some small daggers and some throwing knives to use in case of emergency.


"Lily I think you should also use a weapon. Even with your power, it won't be possible for you to defend against weapon user."


"What kind of weapon should I use brother."


"A weapon that works well with your special power, I am thinking about a special sword whose handle is also made out of metal so that you can easily channel the heat through it to deal more damage to your opponent."


"But where can I find that kind of sword?"


"Train with a normal sword, for now, I am sure I can make you a somewhat decent sword before we leave the island. There is a lot of raw material here so it doesn't matter how many times I fail so I will be able to learn it quickly."