
One Piece World-Only I Know The PLOT!

Rifan, chosen as a 'Reincarnator' of the Earth by the Copy Space, sets off on an adventure toward becoming stronger in a world about which only he knows the plot. Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker. Ongoing Project(s): One Piece Golden List __Latest chapter 1000 Danmachi: 100+ chapters Ps: Ccto to the book cover's owner...

Novelette_Seeker · Anime e quadrinhos
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518 Chs

Chapter 115: Devil Fruit Awakens! 

Seeing Rifan's reluctance, Robin chuckled and pulled Nojiko to the deck.

A moment later, the people on the Black Pearl naturally exclaimed after seeing Nojiko use her ability to change into their appearance.

The Blue Star audience in the real world were also quite surprised watching this scene.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Eagle Audience: Clone-Clone Fruit, if you can only change into someone else's appearance, wouldn't it be too rubbish?]

[Will it be possible to use other people's fruit abilities after becoming their appearance?]

[Goat Audience: If that's the case, then the power of this Devil Fruit is too perverted. ]

On the deck of the second floor of the Black Pearl, Nojiko and the others watched with a smile on their faces.

Just like what the Blue Star audience thought, Rifan let Nojiko eat Clone-Clone Fruit, of course not just for the sentimentality of doing intimate things, although that sentimentality is quite suitable for Rifan liking.

In addition to sentimentality, Rifan also considered the follow-up ability of Clone-Clone Fruit.

Unawakened Clone-Clone Fruit can take on the appearance of others, so after awakening, can it use other people's Devil Fruit ability?!

In the original book, after Mr.2 became someone else, he was unable to use the tricks he was good at because of the change in his body. Rifan felt that this was also the reason why Clone-Clone Fruit had not been developed to its limit.

If a capable individual truly awakens the Clone-Clone Fruit, it is highly probable that, after transformation, the user can utilize both the physical abilities of the Devil Fruit user and the abilities of the transformed individual.

Rifan thinks that, to some extent, the Clone devil fruit may be a type of Devil Fruit like Munch-Munch Fruit.

Of course, this is all based on the fact that Clone-Clone Fruit can really use other people's abilities after awakening.

If this is the case, then to some extent, Clone-Clone Fruit will be more convenient than Munch-Munch Fruit.

After all, if the Clone-Clone user records the information of other ability users in advance, they can become that person at any time and use their ability.

As for Munch-Munch Fruit, you need to swallow the ability user on the spot to use the ability of the ability user. (Tl/n: We're also talking about the munch-munch awaken ability.)

In terms of convenience, Munch-Munch Fruit is not as convenient as Clone-Clone Fruit after awakening.

However, Munch-Munch Fruit naturally has its own advantages.

For example, a Munch-Munch Fruit ability user may be able to swallow multiple devil fruit ability users, and use multiple abilities!

Speaking of which, if Clone-Clone Fruit can really use other people's abilities, this fruit should be regarded as a TO-level Devil Fruit. '

'Or Clone-Clone Fruit has the power to use other abilities, but it is too difficult to develop the Clone-Clone Fruit to the awakened state, so it has no way to enter the rank.'

'The current Munch-Munch Fruit user Wapol definitely did not cultivate his devil fruit to an awakened state.'

'But although not awakened, he can still use other abilities by swallowing other people, so it seems that Munch-Munch Fruit still has the possibility of TO.'

'But I'm curious to see what kind of power it would possess if the Munch-Munch Fruit were to reach its awakened state…'

Rifan stroked his chin and began to think about the possibility of Munch-Munch Fruit.

After a while, Rifan had the answer in his heart.

After the Munch-Munch Fruit is awakened, it is possible to directly turn the swallowed Devil Fruit power into a part of itself, and permanently preserve its ability.

However, considering that this is equivalent to one person owning two kinds of Devil Fruit directly, without the system of Blackbeard and reincarnators, it stands to reason that the body should explode.

So Rifan thinks this possibility is not high.

'Sure enough, after the awakening of the Munch-Munch Fruit, it should expand the range of abilities just like the awakening of the Golden Fruit. '

Rifan thought to himself.

Just as Rifan was thinking, Igaram quietly came to Rifan's side.

"What's the matter, Igaram?"

Hearing footsteps behind him, Rifan turned his head with a smile on his face.

"That...that, Mr. Rifan, I thank you for saving us."

"But can we discuss Princess Vivi not becoming a pirate?"

"Alabasta has only one heir, Princess Vivi, if she leaves the kingdom, Alabasta will have no heir."

While talking, Igaram looked at Vivi in ​​the distance.

At this moment, she was looking at Nojiko who had changed into her own image with interest.

Just now, he had persuaded Vivi.

What he didn't expect was that Vivi was extremely resolute and had no intention of leaving the Black Pearl Pirates.

What Igaram didn't know was that Princess Vivi's heart was like a mirror.

Rifan strengthened her with magical powers, so she naturally couldn't choose to leave without helping the Black Pearl Pirates.

Moreover, now that the matter of Alabasta has not been resolved, it is even more impossible to mention the matter of leaving.

"It's very simple, as long as your king give birth to a child, wouldn't it be fine?"

Rifan smiled and said.

Just kidding, now if Vivi gets off his ship, he's going to be punished by the copy space.

And the points previously used to strengthen Vivi will be in vain.

How could he agree with Igaram?

"Mr. Rifan must be joking, King Cobra loves the princess deeply, it is impossible for him to marry another woman."

Igaram shook his head and said.

If Cobra truly had a willingness to take multiple wives, it is quite possible that Alabasta would have more than just a prince and princess in addition to Princess Vivi by now.

"Well, let me give you a suggestion."

At this time, Robin walked over with strides.

"Miss All Sunday, what do you want to say?"

Igaram looked back at Robin.

Although Robin is now considered a partner, Igaram is still instinctively wary of Robin.

"Since Cobra doesn't want to marry a wife and have children, wouldn't it be all right if Princess Vivi gave birth to a child?"

Robin said with a smile.

"What?! Princess Vivi having a baby?!"

Igaram's eyes widened, and his voice involuntarily became louder.

Hearing the word baby, the girls who were not far away directly look over.

Vivi directly crossed several meters in one step, and came to the side of Igaram and Robin.

"Igaram, you you you...what are you talking about, why am I going to have a baby?!"

Vivi grabbed Igaram's collar and said with a red face.

"No... No, Princess Vivi, I didn't mean that, you misunderstood...misunderstood."

Igaram turned red from suffocation, and his voice was intermittent.

Being pulled by the collar by Vivi, he even had the thought of ​​dying.

Seeing this, Vivi quickly let go of Igaram.

"Sorry, Igaram, I can't control my strength well yet."

Vivi said apologetically.

But soon, she immediately became serious again, crossed her arms and asked Igaram what he meant.

"Igaram is actually worried about Alabasta's heir."

"After all, Princess Vivi, you have become a pirate, and no one will inherit the position of the king."

"So I propose to Igaram that you have a child."

"Since it's inconvenient for you to become a king after becoming a pirate, why not just let your children return to Alabasta quietly and be raised by Cobra?"

"To the outside world, Cobra just needs to declare that it was adopted by him."

Robin said with a chuckle.

At this point, Igaram blinked, thinking about the feasibility of this method involuntarily.

As for Vivi, her face turned even more flushed.

"Miss All Sunday, I'm only 16 years old, I-I haven't planned to have a baby yet."

"And, I don't even have a boyfriend…"

Vivi pursed her lips and said shyly.

"Boyfriend or something... Isn't there a good candidate next to you?"

Robin raised her eyebrows and signaled Vivi to look at Rifan.

All of a sudden, Vivi's face turned redder.

"Okay, Robin, stop making fun of Vivi."

Rifan stood up, patted Robin on the shoulder, then looked at Igaram and Vivi, and said with a smile:

"However, Robin's proposal can be used as a reference."

"Igaram, after returning to Alabasta, you can use this plan to mention it to Cobra."

"Anyway, I'm not going to let Vivi go."

After speaking, Rifan patted Igaram and Vivi on the shoulders, and walked towards Carina and Nojiko.

"Mikita and Nojiko, since you are free, let's continue to practice Marine Six Styles and traditional Kanpo Kenpo."

At this time, Igaram also seemed to have figured it out, and turned to look at Vivi.

"Princess Vivi, if you insist on going to sea, I think Miss All Sunday's suggestion is worth considering."

"Otherwise, you choose a man to marry."

"It just so happens that King Cobra has long wanted to see you get married and have grandchildren."

"If possible, I also want your child to inherit the throne..."

Before Igaram finished speaking, Vivi slapped his face shyly.

"Stop talking, Igaram, I have no plans to get married and have children!"

With a snap, Igaram's body whirled and flew to the deck on the first floor.

Under the force that Vivi had not fully controlled, Igaram rolled his eyes and fell asleep forever…

Just kidding.

Seeing this, everyone on the Black Pearl laughed heartily.

Suddenly, even the neck of Vivi, the protagonist, became beet red.

Amidst such laughter and teasing, the speed of the Black Pearl seems to have also accelerated, and it is heading towards the next island at high speed.

After about a day.

Black Pearl, captain's cabin.

"It's already dawn, Captain Rifan."

Beside the bed, a mature voice woke up the sleeping Rifan.

He slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was Robin, with healthy skin and a pretty face.

Rifan blinked the second time, and Robin's beautiful figure came into his eyes.

"It's Nojiko, good morning."

Rifan propped himself up and said with a smile on his face.

"Sure enough, there is still no way to fool you, Captain Rifan."

"I thought that in the morning, you would admit your mistake because of the hazy sleepiness."

Nojiko smiled mischievously and touched her face with her left hand.

With the activation of the Clone-Clone Fruit ability, Nojiko changed back to her own appearance.

Then, she walked to the side and started putting on her own clothes that were hanging on the hanger.

"How could I admit a mistake? After all, you were with me last night in the form of Robin."

Rifan chuckled, walked behind Nojiko and hugged her slender waist, leaning his head gently on her shoulder.

"Don't make trouble, Rifan, everyone is already awake at this time..."

Nojiko's face was flushed, and she held the long dragon on her ass with her right hand, trying to restrain Rifan's impulse.

"Hehe, it's just a normal reaction, I know it's not convenient now."

Rifan raised his mouth and turned to look in the direction of the door.

The next moment, a knock on the door rang.

"Captain Rifan, are you awake, we are about to land on the island."

The voice coming from outside the door belongs to Robin..

Hearing this, Nojiko accelerated her speed of changing clothes, and then quickly started to help Rifan change his clothes.

"Rifan, is it really okay for us to be crazy like that at night?"

"What will we do if they all hear our voices?"

Nojiko asked worriedly while helping Rifan get dressed.

"Don't worry, Nojiko."

"This room is specially made."

"As long as the doors and windows are closed, the sound inside will not be heard from the outside."

"Only the voices from outside can come through."

Rifan laughed.

Of course, if others use Observation Haki, that's another matter.

But Rifan didn't plan to tell Nojiko about this now.

Otherwise, his nights would be as lonely as snow.

Nojiko was slightly relieved when she heard Rifan's words.

After changing all the clothes for Rifan, she walked to the door and opened the door.

"Ah, I thought you would look like me, Nojiko."

At the door, Robin rested her chin on one hand and looked at Rifan and Nojiko with interest.

Nojiko's face immediately flushed a little, you know, she was still Robin just now.

"Let's go, Robin, Nojiko, everyone should be waiting for us."

Rifan took a piece of bread from Robin and said as he walked towards the deck.

Nojiko and Robin are naturally close behind.

Soon, the three of them came to the deck.

At this time, the Black Pearl just docked on the shore of the island.

"Captain Rifan, this is the latest newspaper.

"Your latest reward has come out."

Mikita fell from the sky, holding a newspaper and a stack of reward orders and landed in front of Rifan.

"Is it finally here, Mikita, judging by your expression, your bounty this time should be quite a lot~"

Rifan took the newspaper and said while browsing the news about him/and the Black Pearl Pirates.

"Hmm! Captain Rifan, my bounty has reached 100 million Berry!"

"And Nami, her current reward is 50 million Berry."

Mikita took out two reward orders and said to Rifan as if asking for praise.

—•—|Rifan Live Broadcast Chat Room|—•—

[Goat Audience: It's unbelievable, aside from Rifan, the Captain, even a crew member already has a reward of 100 million Berry!]

[Chollima Audience: None of the other reincarnators has offered a reward of over 100 million, but now Rifan even has a crew member who has a reward of 100 million Berry!]

[Eagle Audience: And Nami has not shown the power of Thunder Fruit to Marine, otherwise she might offer a reward of more than 50 million Berry!]

[Kangaroo Audience: Not only Nami, Nojiko and Carina may also be worthy of their title and reward of tens of millions, but because they did not make a move in front of Marine, so there is no reward. ]

The Blue Star audience couldn't help sighing in their hearts when they saw the picture of Mikita holding two reward orders.

The same goes for the crew of the Black Pearl Pirates.

"What, Nami has already offered a reward of 50 million Berry!?"

"I want to sell Nami to Marines more and more!"

Carina looked at Nami who was frowning with a smile on her face.

"That former Miss Valentine has already offered a reward of over 100 million?"

Princess Vivi opened her mouth wide and looked at the proud Mikita in disbelief.

"As expected of Mikita and Nami, the name of the Black Pearl Pirates will be even higher in this way."

"And me, what's my bounty, Mikita?"

After quickly browsing the newspaper, Rifan looked at Mikita with great interest.

"Hee hee, Captain Rifan, you are now a big pirate with a reward of 500 million Berry!"

Mikita took out the last reward order and said excitedly.

In the photo of the reward order, it is the image of Rifan with one hand of lightning and one hand of darkness.

Rifan raised his eyebrows, and just as he was lamenting when Marine took a picture of him, the reminder of copy space suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Rifan, you have been offered a reward of 500 million Berry and the reward order has been widely circulated. Congratulations on achieving the achievement "The first reincarnator with a reward of more than 500 million Berry" special reward" Paramecia Devil Fruit Awakening Scroll!]

[For more chapters = 400stones= 1 extra chapter.]

Advanced Chapters on my (P)(a)(t)(r)(e)(o)(n).com/LazySeeker.

Novelette_Seekercreators' thoughts