
One Piece: The Uncrowned Emperor

Killed by truck-kun before his time was up, a young and painfully average okatu named Michael ends up reborn into the world of One Piece. In the Afterlife, he was granted his wish to control time and space, but the problem was that the angel granting his wish had forgotten to mention a thing or two... "Wait a minute... Why am I silvery blue and can't wear clothes?! I am not Dr. Manhattan!" Watch as Michael D. Saint unintentionally influences the Events of One Piece, travels this familiar jet unfamiliar world, grows his own Mercenary Company, builds a space station/ satelite cannon and conquers the hearts of three incredible women. ... For he will be Uncrowned Emperor... _______________________________________________ P.S. +Length: Average Chapter 1200~1500 Words; +Harem: Yes, but only three heroines introduced in the first three Volumes and no NTR. +Explicit Sexual Content: M/F; M/F/F; M/F/F/F; F/F; Bdsm; Shotacon; Large Dick; Big Breasts; Blow jobs; Creampie and the other good stuff for men and women of culture. +Regarding grammatical errors and spelling mistakes: Please keep in mind, that I am not as good as I would like to be with the english language but am working on it. Also I don't employ an editor since I am writing for free and fun. Disclaimers: -I do not own one piece. Please support the official release and understand, that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. - I am not taking money for my work so please don't expect regular updates.

Zibarn · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 2: Power over both Space and Time

Docks of Nanohana; Alabasta Kingdom

Having used my powers to easily bend space to imprisoned Smoker one minute, they already failed me the next. With bullets flying through the air behind me, Ace and I miraculously out ran the majority of marines chasing us, as whe reached the docks. On the horizon, we could see the Strawhats waving at us.

-God dammed. I forgot about that!- I thought, remembering the scene from the manga.

"Are you coming or what?" I heared Ace, who had already jumped onto his ship/surfboard.


Going Merry; Sandora River; Alabasta Kingdom

Soon we caught up to the Going Merry and Ace officially introduced me to his brother. "Michael, may I introduce to you my little brother, Monkey D. Luffy."

Curious Luffy instantly asked, while we shook hands. "Nice to meet you, Michael. Are you also part of Whitebeards crew like my brother?"

"No, Luffy he obviously isn't!" Answered Nami his question for me, before Vivi explained to the crew.

"Nami and I already met Michael while shopping..." Turning to me she added with a seductive smile. "... By the way, Michael. You have great tast. Both Nami and I love our new Bikinis."

-How old were those two again? 16 and 18? God, I can't wait to get some legal pussy... Isn't Robin currently 28?- I thought, unaware how much Vivi's smile had affected me.

"Ahm... Nice to meet you, Michael. Don't you want to cover that up?" Asked Sanji, hiding his anger regarding Nami and Vivi's odd behaviour.

"Don't you dare!" Shout Nami and Vivi simultaneously attacking the cook.

Meanwhile, Zoro told me, while pointing at my semi hard cock. "I guess you are roughly my size. Wanna to borrow some clothing to cover that up?"

Embarrassed, I shook my head, able to cover only half my dick with both my hands. "I wish I could, but I only recently got my powers and are still unable to fully control them just jet. It would be a waste of good clothing if I were to disintegrated them."

"Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Must be hard for you with people constantly staring at you like those two." Commented Luffy, pointing at Nami and Vivi and instantly attracting their craft.

"Angrilly, Nami and Vivi instantly let go of Sanji and shouted. "At whom are you pointing your dirty fingers at?!"


The next morning, I  decided that I would for now be staying with the strawhats to learn from Luffy some practical knowledge on how to use my powersand. As such with Ace gone, I was first taught by Luffy how to fully control my powers.

"... You have to just let go. Don't fight it!" Reminded Luffy me after the hundredth unsuccess attempt of me bending space and catch a fish placed inside a bucket with water.

"This will never work Luffy. His power is both more powerful and more general than yours. It's like they are to different kinds of powers..." Chimed Usopp in, after witnessing all my previous failures. "... Maybe his powers are more focus related than yours..."

"I do let go, but my powers just don't work that way!" I replied to Luffy exceedingly frustrated, even suspecting that that dammed angle had scammed me.

-Dammed Angle...- I thought and I begrudgingly started to follow Usopp's train of thought.


Garden Eden; Mount Purgatory; The Afterlife

"#Hatchu#" Sneezed Matilda sharpening her flaming sword, thinking. -"Somebody must be cursing me hard..."-


Going Merry; Sandora River; Alabasta Kingdom

After several hours, round dinner time, I was finally able to sucessfull bend space and catched that dammed fish, even though I turned it into fish passed.

-I guess Usopp is right. Focus is key for me. But for now Baby Steps.- I reminded myself, when I suddenly heard clapping noises behind me.

Turning around, I found it to be Nami and Vivi.

"Impressive...." Nami commented, a faint blush appearing on her face as soon as our eyes met. "... Don't you think so, too, Vivi?"

"Yes!" Vivi replied absend minedly.

Noticing Vivi's strange state of mind, I asked her. "Something on your mind Vivi?"

"Yes!..." She told me before elaborating. "... I would like to hire you. You are a Mercenary after all. So name your price."

Thinking about if for several minutes, I remembered Crocodiles true goal throughout the Alabasta Arc. -I don't think that they themselves even know were the Pluton is hidden, so I better ask for ...-

"I want three favors, that is my price." I replied, holding out her three fingers to make my point.

Taken aback, most likely having some delusions, Vivi instantly fainted and was taken care of by Nami, who had some blood leaking out of her nose.


Ignoring the two of them, I continued my training until I collapse from exhaustion. Having spend all my focus I was eventually lyed heavily sweating on my back grasping for air. Unaware of my surroundings, I contemplated about the nature of my powers until I felt a cool sensation spread from my chest to my extremities.

Looking down from the sky to my chest, I found Chopper sitting on my cheat, applying some kind of balm to it.

"Oh, hello there." I greeted the small reindeer doctor, who instantly jumped off me in fright.

"I am sorry, I was just trying to help you. Please don't kill me!" Chopper said, visibly shaking all over.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, unaware that I was already warping space around myself by accident.

That's when Luffy chimed in. "That's it, you are doing. How does it feel to use your devil fruit powers? Amazing isn't it?"

"I am using my powers?..." I asked in utter disbelief since I hadn't even noticed that I was unconsciously focused on the feeling of Chopper's balm on my body. "... Ah, now I get it. The control over my powers are focus based!"

That said, I stopped focusing on my body and started to bend space around a single point above my left palm. As if to prove my theory right, even light bend around that point, making it appear as a black hole.

"Hahaha, holy shit! That looks super cool." Commented Luffy, my little show of skill having already attracted the attention of the other Strawhats.

"Amazing!..." I heared Nami comment before she asked. "... What was the name of the devil fruit you ate again?"

"I think it was called Jikū-Jikū no Mi." I told her, as I started to extend my range of influence, warping the entire deck.

Mildly curious, asked Zorro more to himselfthan me. "Hm... Space-Time... I wonder what you're limits are  with that?"

"Let's see..." I said, as I discovered a nifty very effect of my power.

Focusing on nothing in particular and just being focused in general, I found 'Fast Forward' and 'Rewind', that lead to me ageing and de-aging the entire Going Merry. As such I could see the sails rapidly deteriorate and the wood rapidly rotte before both became as good as new. Strangely enough though, I was only capable of effecting inanimate objects, with the Strawhats and their flowers on deck remain uneffected.

"... I guess I can not only bend space, but also time to my will." I eventually replied to Zorro, who like the others was shocked by unskilmed both nevertheless impressive display of my powers.