
Chapter 27 Bounty Hunting

(Don't worry the novel isn't dropped I just had some things this week, chapters will begin releasing at a steady pace once again, sorry for the delay)

"I think we've finally arrived." Ugo sighed as an island came into view. They had been bounty hunting now for a couple week already and the process had become second nature to them. "Seem like it, according to our intel they were last seen on in this island." William voiced, as Bertram began to bring the ship to the docking point.

Naturally pirates could be found all across the Grand Line, some islands exclusively held pirates others were simply normal islands which had pirates passing through. After docking the ship the group of 5 soon separated, after all gathering information was easier if they were to spread out.

'This is always the best part of the trip.' Bertram chuckled making his way to the bar, he wouldn't deny a good drink. Once he find a nice place where he could hear the surrounding conversations Bertram bought some food and drink and began to enjoy his time.

"Man the Fan pirates are still doing something shady around the forest." A man whispered to his friend close by, immediately Bertram's ears perked up. "Yo fellow man of culture, what can you tell me about the Fan pirates?" Bertram asked passing some money to the man.

"Wha-What Fan pirates, when did I mention them?" The man vehemently shook his head in denial, but Bertram understood immediately, fishing out some more cash he placed it on the table and asked in a low voice "Fan pirates information and you can have this."

It seemed like Bertram had assumed correctly as a sly look flashed through the man's eyes. "Well from what I've heard, the Fan pirates have been allegedly seen in the Eastern Forest but that's what I've heard." He explained clearly trying to push the blame off of himself.

Bertram as the kind individual he was didn't push the man, but he was also a cheapskate. Keeping the extra money he was going to give the man he continued munching on his food. "Wait what about my money?"

"What money? Oh you mean my napkin?" Bertram asked seemingly unaware. 'This man is shameless.' One thought simultaneously played through all the onlookers minds.

A few hours later the Expedition Team met up once again. "Found anything useful? I've flown above the island but I couldn't see anything suspicious." William said before looking at his teammates one by one.

"Well I didn't manage to dig up anything either." Curt replied. "I found out information on the Pen Pirates not the Fans we can clear them up later if they're worth it." Cort voiced out shaking his head. "All I know is according to the residences they've been losing more and more money to pirates, so this might be a good location to bounty hunt." Ugo noted his voice laced with pity.

Seeing his fellow teammates falling short, Bertram simply chuckled. "Haha, what would you do without I papa Bertram!" He laughed slapping his big belly. Immediately William shot him a look which shut him up.

"Hehe, sorry about that, from what I found out they should be in the Eastern Forest." Bertram explained wiping the sweat off his forehead. With that the Expedition Team made their way to the Eastern Forest to hunt their prey.

"It makes sense why I couldn't spot them." William muttered as they made their way through the forest. The foliage was quite dense to say the least and barely any light could pass through the leaves. "We're at a disadvantage." Cort noted scanning the perimeter, his flintlock was at the ready just in case they spotted any pirates.

The Fan pirates weren't strong nor were they weak pirates, their leader Lin was decently strong netting himself a bounty of about 40 Million but that was about it, apart from that he had no devil fruit and no notable allies.

After about 10 minutes of searching the Expedition Team finally found them. Immediately William signaled for them to crouch as they approached silently. The main fighters from the Expedition Team were William, Curt and Cort but Ugo and Bertram weren't entirely useless especially after these past few weeks of battle they could at least handle a few weak pirates.

"Haha we're gonna be rich, these villagers are so idiotic to not notice what we've been doing!" A pirate laughed before chugging some wine. "Ya when we leave tomorrow if we go straight to Citadel we can make a LOT of money from selling these people off!" Another one chuckled.

Currently there were about 30 pirates celebrating happily with about 15 people tied up, they had clearly been kidnapped by the pirates. 'How vile.' Curt could barely stop himself from shooting them all on the spot.

Even the rest of the Expedition Team looked at the pirates with disgusted expressions. "Here's to us, with this harvest we can party hard for at least a month!" The Fan Captain Lin cheered raising his glass before gulping it down in one breath.

Unaware of what was going on around them, the Fan pirates continued to party, who was going to provoke them when they had their Captain Lin with a bounty of over 40 Million.

"Yo boss what's that?" One of the pirates questioned as they pointed behind their Captain. "Heh, wha?" Fan responded clearly out of it from all the liquor. Before he could even look behind him though an arm locked his neck as a cold metallic object was placed pointed at his throat.

"If any of you make a move your Captain dies." William declared, as immediately the pirates were confused. "Is this a joke?" One of them laughed pointing his saber at William.


A bullet pierced through the man's skull killing him on the spot. "What the fu-" Before he could even finish his last words another bullet pierced through his skull. "RUN!" Immediately the pirates began to flee, but they had been too carless.




Pirate after pirate was either trapped in a net or ended up tripping on a wire or rope, which gave Curt and Cort just enough time to shoot those who weren't delayed.

William at this point just ended Lin's life seeing as none of his subordinates seemed to care about them and began chasing after the deserting pirates. A few minutes later not one pirate was left alive.

"Wasn't too bad now was it? Should we head for the Pen pirates next." Bertram laughed his net traps were truly too fearsome, at least in his eyes they were. On the other hand Ugo was more concerned with the captives at the moment.

"Are you guys alright?" He asked as he began to untie the captives. Some were really young, others were barely adults, all in all it was obvious that the Fan Pirates were into the slave trade.

The captives were distraught and after they were released they quickly began to cry, as Ugo tried to calm them down. Naturally this job was left to him, after all William was covered in blood, Bertram would probably make things worse, and Curt and Cort had to climb down from their hiding spots.

After making sure they were alright and treating some of their wounds Ugo led them back to town, while the others left for the Pen pirates after reading their bounty poster. '23 Million, not bad hopefully by the time we return to Tigria we'll have amassed enough money to really help the Kingdom.' William sighed before heading to their next target.

The Expedition Team were simply too efficient.