
One Piece:The Lust System

A man from Earth wakes up to find himself in a world he once believed to be mere fantasy, only to discover its stark reality—a place where life holds no value, where danger lurks at every turn, and where pirates roam freely. The corruption of the world government and the marines adds another layer of difficulty to an already chaotic existence. He understands the challenges that lie ahead if he is to survive in this unforgiving world. However, as a traveler from Earth, he possesses a unique advantage—a 'cheat' of his own. -- [Ding! The communication between body and spirit has been successfully completed! The system is now operational!] -- With this newfound power, Ren embarks on a journey to carve out his path to glory and power, determined to etch his name into the annals of history—a history that he himself will shape! -------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: All characters in the story are not mine except for some OC's. Tags: #Harem #R-18 #Romance #No NTR #No Yuri

Yass_Odyssey · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
119 Chs

[12]First girlfriend

Ren stayed at the sisters' house after giving Nami the money bag that contained 5 million Belly worth of jewelry and gold.

It wasn't the same 5 million Belly he got when he kill the pirates in the logeutown's marine branch, it was the gold he found on the pirates ship that he stole.

When Ren calculated all the money he had in the infinity space,he found that he still had 85 million Belly.

This money would help him take care of Nami and Nojiko's affairs easier and faster.





Nami was at the tangerine farm, digging under one of the seedlings using digging tools. After a while, she stopped and wiped the dust on what appeared to be a large box. It looked old and rusty, but when she opened it, many of Belly's papers could be seen.

Some of the papers were very old and wrinkled, and some had traces of blood on them, indicating the suffering the girl had gone through while collecting them.

In her eyes, this money was the price for the freedom of her village, which she fought for 8 years.

She took the money Ren gave her and put it in the box, then put everything back in its place and returned the seedling to its place.

"With that, there are only 10 million Belly left... another 10 million Belly and it will all be over... Belle-Meré."

But she didn't know that all this was useless.





"Are you going out again,Nami?"Nojiko asked her little sister worriedly,Even if she had become accustomed to Nami's trips to the sea to get money،she was still worried.

"Yes, there are only 10 million left and I will complete the deal with Arlong!"

She said excitedly, she wanted to go out right now and rob some pirates.

Ren looked at the orange-haired beauty and sighed in his heart. Even though he had watched the manga and seen the girl's condition when she learned that Arlong had no intention of keeping his promise, when he saw the moment of her brokenness, he felt pity for her like any normal human.

But this time he will see this in front of him.

"At least stay here for a few days... as you know, you've been going out more than usual lately."Nojiko sighed and looked at Nami with a worried look.

"I..."When Nami saw that her sister was insisting,she couldn't help but swallow the words she was giing to say and nodded.

"Okay, I'll stay here for a week and then go!"

"Nice!!"Nojiko laughed and the sisters hugged each other.

'Strange...on the date I saw in the newspaper this morning , Luffy's journey should have started or will start soon...if Nami doesn't get off the island, she probably won't meet Luffy, and this is good for me!'Ren thought in his mind.He couldn't help but glance at the blue-haired girl who insisted that Nami stay here.

"Cough."Ren pretended to cough on purpose, not like he wanted to interrupt the sisters' lovely moment or something like that but he just wanted to talk to Nojiko for a bit.

Nojiko and Nami looked at the handsome man in front of them, Nami had already forgotten that there was anyone else in the house besides them.

Basically, she wouldn't have accepted him staying here, but her sister's strange insistence made her remain silent and not discuss it further.The money he gave her had certainly improved her impression of him, but she still didn't trust him completely.

"Um...Ren-san, it's already late. Do you want to go to sleep? I've already arranged the room for you."Nojiko smiled as she looked at the handsome man in front of her, every time she looked at how handsome he was, she couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"Thank you,Miss Nojiko, I have to go to sleep already, please get some rest too...You too, Miss Nami, don't stress yourself too much."Ren looked at the two girls and said in a warm tone.

"Enn, thank you for your concern Ren-san." Nojiko said and then started cleaning the dining table in front of them.

Nami looked at Ren who was standing in front of her with surprise. She didn't know how, but when this man looked at her, his eyes contained a large amount of pity.Nami didn't know why he looked at her like that, but she didn't ask.


5 days later.

Nami left the house early in the morning and went to her room in Arlong Park to study maps and navigation and such. Although she didn't like Arlong Park, Nami,who believed that the freedom of her village would soon be restored, decided to endure a little more. She endured. For 8 years already, there's no harm in a few days,right?

Ren and Nojiko stayed home alone, chatting with each other, sharing questions,etc...

"Tell me,Ren-san, how old are you?"Nojiko asked a little shyly, she was embarrassed to ask this question.

Ren raised his eyebrows in surprise, then in the next moment he smiled gently and said:"27."

"Oh...you're a few years older than me but you look so young." Nojiko was surprised but quickly praised him.

"Hehe, compared to Miss Nojiko beauty, I still lack a lot."Ren flirted with Nojiko shamelessly.

Nojiko replied with a smile, but if you focused a little, some slight redness could be seen on her cheeks.

After chatting for a few days with each other,and deepening their relationship more, Ren asked Nojiko a question that she had asked herself many times.

"Miss Nojiko...do you think Arlong will keep his promise with Miss Nami?"


In fact, Nojiko was wondering if Arlong would keep his promise to Nami? Was there anything Guaranteed this that would happen? He can breaks his promise to her and Nami will not be able to do anything! Will those years of pain and suffering be wasted for nothing?!

Thinking about these questions, a bad feeling began to come over Nojiko, and she began to worry about Nami and what would happen to her if Arlong broke his promise!

Her entire body trembled, her hands began to shake, and she bowed her head and began to become lost in thought and deep in thought.

'Why..?Why is this happening to us...we didn't do anything to deserve this...why won't the marine help us?Aren't they justice?'

She started to get lost in the countless questions, then she felt a familiar embrace calm her down.


"Don't worry, I won't let anything bad happen to you or Miss nami."Ren's gentle voice entered her mind.

At that moment when she heard his words, she felt that her head was very clear, and that all the problems surrounding her were disappearing one by one.

She didn't know why, why did this man make me feel comfortable and safe? Why did I feel that he was full of confidence and even that he wasn't Afraid of Arlong and his men? Why did I feel that the best thing that happened in my life is when I met him yesterday?

She looked at his handsome face close to hers, then looked at his seductive lips, bringing her lips closer to his. When he noticed what she was doing, Ren knew what Nojiko wanted and did the same.


The next moment they went into a very deep kiss.Ren's tongue began to twist and turn in Nojiko mouth like a snake. Nojiko didn't want to lose and even though she was inexperienced- and this made her even more tempting-she tried to keep up with Ren's tongue that was playing in her mouth. .

They continued to kiss each other like there was never a tomorrow,Ren held the back of her head while kissing and Nojiko wrapped her arms around his waist, looking at each other with love and lust.

Nojiko started gasping into his mouth and he realized that she needed to breathe, he broke the kiss and allowed her to take a break, a bridge of saliva formed between them then Ren inserted his tongue again and they went into a deeper kiss.


Nojiko moaned lustfully into Ren's mouth and chanted his name,making him intensify his kisses.




After several minutes of passionate kissing, Ren stopped, stuck out his tongue, and then looked at Nojiko, who was looking at him with a red face.


"Don't worry, Nojiko...I'll keep this a secret from Nami, I don't want to die young." Ren said with a slight laugh.

They have started using their names directly when speaking to each other and there is no longer any need for any formalities.

"By the way...those were good kisses,Nojiko." She heard his words, then blushed a little, but smiled and touched her lip with her hand.

"Don't think too much about the previous question, Nojiko. If Arlong does anything bad to Nami, I will intervene if she ask for my help." Ren reassured her.

"B-But he's a Fish-man and we humans can't do anything against them."Nojiko said helplessly.

"Your view of this world is still very small, Nojiko...look at this." He said and then took out his gun from the infinity space which surprised Nojiko again.


"This...! The same thing happened when you give Nami the money!"Nojiko immediately shouted in surprise.

"I knew you weren't a normal person when I saw you do this, but...what is this,Ren??"It's time to ask Ren how he does this.

It's my special ability... You should know that there are things called Devil Fruits in this world, but in my case, this ability didn't come from a devil fruit....Did you know that in the Grand Line there are men who can kill Arlong as if they were killing an ant? And there is also...."





Ren started talking to Nojiko about devil fruits. She was surprised because she thought this was just a myth and had no basis in truth! But upon seeing what Ren did, she began to believe that there are supernatural abilities in this world!

She was also very surprised by everything Ren was talking about, swordsmen who could cut through mountains and islands as if they were cut a cake, and her mouth remained wide open while listening to Ren's words, which sounded like a fairy tale.

A man who can cause earthquakes and tsunamis...a man made of Magma and the other of Ice...snipers who can hit targets from thousands of miles away...The Haki which she didn't know what that and Ren didn't talk much about this power.

She felt that her view of this world was exactly like a frog at the bottom of a well! Suddenly the world she thought was controlled by the Marines and the World Government with firearms was far bigger than anything she had imagined in her wildest dreams!

"So, Nojiko, don't worry about Nami too much because I will be there to help if any problem happens...and also don't tell Nami these words until I see how things go with Arlong okay?"

"I'll do whatever you want, Ren."

They approached each other, and looked at each other and couldn't help but go in a deep kiss, but this kiss was not very long like the previous one and it was a romantic kiss devoid of any lust.

"Ren...it may seem strange to say this when I haven't known you for a long time...But...But I..."

"I love you."

She said simply as she waited for his response to her surprising confession.

But in return, he got his lips on her, and after another short kiss , he looked at her and said:

"I love you too Nojiko."

[Ding!Congratulations host for completing the mission:.and obtaining the "Energy Drink (Low Level)!"]

Hey guys,I just want to say there will be no R18 chapters until Arlong arc end , then I will devote a few chapters to the sisters with Ren, that's all, have fun and drop some power stones.

Yass_Odysseycreators' thoughts