
One Piece: The Lunarian

Kaido gave Crow two choices: join the Beast Pirates and create an unstoppable army for him, or die, and he'll give his family a fate worse than death. Having no other choice, he joins but promises he'll make the Strongest Creature in the world pay. (Massive crossover, powerful mc, large harem, and other surprises.) If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Chapter 9: First Mission

(Third Person POV) Year: 1604 (A Month Later) Location: Wano


It had been a long and exhausting day for Uta, more so than usual due to her pregnancy. Thankfully, being King's secretary didn't require her to move around a lot, or otherwise, she would've been in trouble.

Once Uta entered her apartment, she let out a sigh of relief as she was glad to be home but, most importantly, delighted to be with her beloved boyfriend.

Crow, taking notice of her state, tended to her needs as any proper lover would. He drew her a warm bath, cooked dinner for her, and relieved her stress in the best way possible.

"Ah, fuck~Deeper go Deeper~," Uta demanded huskily through moans.

Currently, Crow's face was between her deliciously thick thighs, and he was going to town on her honeypot, ruthlessly exploring her insides with his tongue and fingers. He didn't neglect a single centimeter. He loved her taste and couldn't get enough of it.

Initially, the winged teen was giving his girlfriend a massage to relieve the stress from her body, but as anyone could imagine, that didn't last long. He was a hot-blooded male, after all.

Uta had large round breasts with pink nubs, a slim waist with childbearing hips, a bubble butt, and long smooth legs with thick thighs. Every part of her body was incredibly soft and smooth and sank to the touch.

No one could blame the teen for getting side-tracked so quickly. Most men, even women in his position, wouldn't fare better than him.

He was relentless in his assault and didn't allow her to adjust to the overwhelming pleasure she was receiving. It was orgasm after orgasm. Her entire body shook like a drug addict after withdrawal, and her throat was sore from all the blissful screams she had let out.

"You...taste...so...good," he said before sucking on her numb and swirling his tongue around it. After making her orgasm yet again, he stopped his assault in favor of giving Uta a passionate tongue-filled kiss.

Uta broke the kiss and looked into his bright red orbs with a lewd expression while heavily panting. "Fuck...me...now," she all but demanded.

Crow gave her a feral grin. "With pleasure."

He stripped himself of clothes, got on top of Uta, and aimed his rod toward her entrance. He only managed to get the tip in, but before he could go any deeper, the transponder snail King gave them rang.

(Mini-Lemon End)

Uta glared at the snail. "Are you fucking kidding me? What does King want at this fucking hour?!" she yelled in irritation and was half tempted to smash the poor snail to bits.

Crow sighed, got from the bed, and answered the call. "What is it?" he asked, barely containing his annoyance.

"Kaido wants to see you," he replied, ignoring his tone.

Uta paled, and Crow narrowed his eyes. "I'm on my way," he ended the call and turned to his girlfriend. "Unfortunately, we'll have to finish another time."

Uta grimaced and nodded. She got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Try not to piss him off, alright?"

Crow hummed. "I make no such promises."

Uta looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "Please..."

He sighed, trying but failing to resist the infamous puppy dog eyes. "Fine."

She smiled. "I love you."

"Love you too," he leaned in and kissed her.


When he got to the throne room, he was surprised to see Ulti and Page One. When the siblings saw him, Page nodded toward him, and Ulti beamed happily.

"Crow-Kun!!" she launched herself at him and gave him a crushing hug.

This action earned looks of disbelief and amusement from anyone who was around.

Crow chuckled and hugged her back. "Hey, Blue."

Her face was as red as a tomato. "B-Blue?"

"Yeah, my nickname for you. Do you not like it?"

"No, I love it!" She exclaimed enthusiastically and quickly covered her mouth when she realized she had said that out loud and blushed in embarrassment.

Crow chuckled. He looked at the Oni, and his happy expression vanished. "You called?"

Kaido nodded. "I have a mission for the three of you," this statement piqued the teen's interest.

"What's the job?"

"A while back, I got reports of a small pirate group located on an island north of Wano having multiple Zoan Devil fruits, so I sent a small force to "negotiate" handing them over a few weeks ago, but they have yet to return," he revealed, making Crow and the siblings narrow their eyes.

"Do you think they made off with them?" Kaido shook his head at his question.

"And risk making an enemy of me? No, they wouldn't," the teen had to agree with that logic as he wouldn't make an enemy out of his either.

'Right, stupid question,' Crow mentally scolded himself.

"So they're either captured or dead," Page said, frowning heavily.

Kaido grunted in agreement. "I want the three of you to head toward the island and see what's happening. If you can't find the men, continue the search for the Zoans," he looked at Crow. "If you manage to receive them and come back within a month. I'll let you keep the fruits, one for yourself, your unborn child, and the rest for your future children," he said, shocking everyone, especially King.

Kaido had never been this generous with anyone before. Not even King, who's been by his side for three decades, had ever received such compensation from the man. He had to work hard to maintain his position, and he earned everything he currently owns. The older Lunarian narrowed his eyes as this was out of character for the Oni. What was he trying to accomplish?

Was he trying to earn Crow's favor? While it did sound logical, King knew better. Kaido didn't care whether he was on someone's good or bad side. However, he couldn't figure out any other reason why the Oni would grant such a reward unless it were to stay in someone's good graces.

"Not that I'm complaining, but why?" Crow couldn't help but ask. "I hadn't done anything within the crew to warrant such a reward."

Everyone looked at the Oni expectantly. "Let's just call it investment and leave it at that. Now go!" he waved the trio off.

Once three of them were gone, King spoke up. "What's the actual reason you're allowing him to keep all the Zoans?"

"I wasn't lying when I said it was an investment, but your right. It wasn't why I was giving such a hefty reward."

"Then what's the reason?"

Kaido chuckled and grinned sinisterly. "It turns out he's even more special than we thought."

King looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"It took some digging, but I managed to uncover who Crow's parents are and his true name," he revealed.

King's eyes widened. "You did?"

When he revealed who Crow's parents were and his real name, King froze. Kaido wasn't kidding that the younger Lunarian was special. If anyone were to learn of this information, he was sure the world would turn upside down.

Kaido glared at him. "Under no circumstances can he find out any of this understood?"

King nodded his head reluctantly. "Yes, sir..." he looked at Crow's retreating form. "No wonder why you looked so familiar..."

(With The Trio)

"So whose ship are we taking?" Crow asked the siblings.

"Mine?!" Ulti immediately replied.

Crow nodded. "Alright then, I'll meet you two there in an hour."

"Fine, but you better be there exactly in an hour, or I'll kick your ass!" Ulti threatened with a narrow gaze before kissing his cheek. "And tell Uta I said hi!" her demeanor did a one-eighty and was now sweet and bubbly.

Crow snorted at the threat, as he's already kicked Ulti's ass more times than he could count.

"Don't worry, I'll be on time, and I will," then, faster than the eye could blink, Crow took into the air and was already halfway towards his apartment.

"Holy shit, he's fast!!!" Page exclaimed.

"Well, duh, he's fucking a Lunarian," Ulti commented with an amused tone. "Alright, let's get outta here and get ready," she grabbed her brother by the collar of his shirt and began dragging him to their apartment, much to his protest.

"UGH, LET ME GO!!!" he screamed, trying to pry himself from his older sister's clutches with little to no results.

"SORRY, I CAN'T HEAR YOU PAY-PAY!!" she replied cheerfully.

Page groaned in frustration. "STOP FUCKING CALLING ME THAT!!!"

(With Crow)

"Babe, I'm home!" Crow yelled as he closed the door to his apartment.

Uta appeared out of the kitchen and smiled when she saw him.

"Back already," the singer walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss while wrapping her arms around his neck. "So what did Kaido want?" Crow wrapped his arms around her waist and quickly told her everything. The singer frowned at her boyfriend having to leave for a mission that would take god knows how long, but then her frown turned into a shocked expression when Crow got to the part where Kaido would reward him with all the Devil Fruits they retrieved if they came back within a month. "Why the hell would he give us a bunch of Devil Fruits?!" she asked with an incredulous tone and a look of suspicion.

"He says it's for me, our child, and my future kids, but I have a feeling it's something more than that. I just can't place my finger on it," Crow frowned, deep in thought.

However, he shook his head, deciding not to think about it too much. Uta reacted the same way as her boyfriend, but she, too, chose not to think about it.

"So you'll be gone for a month, huh?" Uta asked rhetorically with a frown, and he nodded with a sad smile.

"Yeah, unfortunately, but I promise I'll be back as soon as possible," the young Lunarian reassured his girlfriend and gave her a short yet loving kiss.

"You better, or else I'll kick your ass," she half-joked, half-threatened, making Crow chuckle.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


After packing up the things necessary for his journey and saying goodbye to his girlfriend, the young Lunarian went to see Yamato before leaving. He landed near a cave entrance and looked for the beautiful Oni woman.

The cave he entered was one of the many places Yamato stayed at. The cave had a bunch of large lamps placed in specific locations to maximize the lighting of the spacious cavern.

It didn't take long to find the Oni, as she was at the far back of the cave, sitting down and leaning against a wall and reading Oden's journal per usual.

"Hey," Crow said, getting her attention.

"Crow!!" Yamato brightly smiled when she saw the Lunarian and approached him to give him a bone-crushing hug. "You're here earlier than usual," she commented.

"Thats because I wanted to see you before I left for a mission," he told her, and the Oni smile faded into a worried expression.

"How long will you be gone?"

"Most likely a month, but I'll try to be back as soon as possible," he assured her with a smile.

"I see..." she frowned cutely, having a look of contemplation.

"Everything alright?" Crow asked, quirking an eyebrow.

She blinked and then shook her head. "Yeah, I'm ok..." her cheeks tinted pink, and she pressed her fingers together. "So, uh...I have a question..."

"Ok?" the Lunarian had a feeling where this conversation was going but needed to confirm his theory. "Ask away."

"S-So you know how you can have multiple lovers, right?" Crow nodded, trying not to laugh at Yamato's unusual shyness. "Well, I was wondering if I could also be one of them..."As expected, he saw this request coming a mile away and knew his answer.

While they may have only known each other for a month, Crow would say without a doubt that he and Yamato had good enough chemistry and both have a similar hatred towards Kaido.

Plus, it wasn't hard to get a woman who was romantically inexperienced to fall for him. All it took was a bit of kindness and flirting to get her interested in him. It also didn't hurt that he was, as Ulti put it, "one hot piece of ass!"

Yamato was kind, strong-willed, couldn't lie to save her life, energetic, powerful, and selfless. She was pretty much most guy's dream girl. Although she could calm down with the whole "I'M ODEN!!" shtick.

Oh well, to each their own.

Besides, she was hot as fuck, there was no way he was rejecting a woman like Yamato. Plus, this was a way to get back at Kaido.

"Sure, I'd like that," Crow answered with a smile.

"Yes!!!" Yamato beamed happily and brought the Lunarian into another bone-crushing hug.

Once Yamato broke the hug, she looked into Crow's eyes and down to his lips. She leaned forward and gently pressed her lips against the Lunarians. Her lips had a unique texture of rough and soft. It was certainly a different feeling but a good kinda different.

The kiss was innocent, tentative, like she feared she'd mess up, and full of vulnerability. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was long enough to have an effect on Crow and Yamato as both looked slightly dazed once their lips separated.

"Wow..." was all that Crow could comment.

"Yeah..." Yamato was similarly tongue-tied. "One more before you go?" she asked shyly after a few seconds, and he nodded happily.

After they kissed for the second time, Crow said. "Alright, well, I better get going now before Ulti goes on a rampage looking for me," he joked, causing her to laugh.

"Be safe," she said before giving him a quick hug.

"I will. See you later," Crow smiled.

She smiled back. "See ya."
