
One Piece: The Lunarian

Kaido gave Crow two choices: join the Beast Pirates and create an unstoppable army for him, or die, and he'll give his family a fate worse than death. Having no other choice, he joins but promises he'll make the Strongest Creature in the world pay. (Massive crossover, powerful mc, large harem, and other surprises.) If you don't like crossovers or harems, don't read the story!

All_Watch44 · Anime e quadrinhos
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39 Chs

Chapter 28: Three Elves, One Lunarian (1)

Ark One: Fate of Eostia Part Eight

(Third Person POV)

Crow didn't know what time it was, but if he had to guess, it was probably eight or nine pm. If either of his guesses were correct, then that means he spent nearly ten hours banging the absolute shit out of Uta and Ulti.

They were initially supposed to spend the day together and do romantic couple stuff, but that plan pretty much went out the window the moment the trio went to wash themselves at the bath house in the castle.

The three were still incredibly horny from their previous session, so mutually they decided to continue where they left off and fuck in the bath house. By the time they were done, the girls were in "fucked stupid" comas. Since they were out cold, Crow had to clean, dress, and carry Uta and Ulti to their room.

With Crow being the only one still conscious and full of energy, he wanted to do something productive. So he thought for a moment and decided that he would train for a few hours. He gently placed a blanket over his lovers, kissed their heads, and quietly left their room.

"Crow," said a familiar voice.

The Lunarian turned to his right to see Chole.

"Hey, Cloe. What are you doing here?" he asked the dark elf politely with a soft smile. 

"L-Lady Olga wishes to speak with you," she stammered out, caught by surprise and slightly blushing at the nickname he had given her, making the Lunarian smirk.

"Alright, lead the way."


When they reached Olga's room, Chole opened the door, and upon entering, the Lunarian was surprised to see Celestine, who was sitting next to and talking to the former dark queen while drinking some wine. The two elven beauties turned their heads and smiled when they saw the teen. 

"Ah, Crow, welcome," Olga said in a cheerful and welcoming tone. "Thank you for bringing him Chole."

"You're welcome, your grace," the younger dark elf respectfully bowed her head and went to stand by her side. 

"Please have a seat, my dear," she offered the chair across from her and Celestine.

Crow nodded, took it, and sat down. "I wasn't expecting to see you here," he looked at Celestine. "Thought it would take you two a bit longer to get on friendly terms."

"Well, when two opposing sides have a common adversary or goal, it's not unusual for rivals to work together to complete an objective," Celestine replied wisely, to which Crow nodded in agreement

"True, true...so what did you want to see me for?" Crow asked Olga curiously. 

The Lunarian noticed Celestine and Chole blushed when he asked that question but didn't comment on it while Olga hummed and sipped her wine before answering him.

"After everything you've done for us, we thought it was more than appropriate to grant you a few rewards," Olga replied with a sultry smile.

"Oh?" he liked where this was going. "And what are these rewards?" he asked with a playful and knowing tone.

Olga and Celestine stood up simultaneously, and both elves undressed themselves in front of the teen, exposing their gorgeous bodies to him.



Both the elf's bodies were smooth and unblemished. Their breasts were massive, perfectly round, without a hint of sag visible, and they had perky nipples that were practically begging to be sucked on.

Both elven beauties have exceptionally curvy yet slim bodies with childbearing hips, thick pear-shaped asses, and long legs with incredibly thick thighs that look like they could crush a watermelon between them. 

"Holy shit," Crow said lowly, looking at the elves with wide lustful eyes.

Olga grinned with satisfaction at the Lunarian's reaction, and Celestine smiled, but her face was currently beet red due to being completely naked in front of the teen. 

The dark elf walked toward the Lunarian teen while swaying her hips hypnotically.

"Like what you see?" Olga asked in a teasing and seductive tone.

Instead of answering the dark elf, the teen, quicker than anyone could react, grabbed both of the elves, making them yelp in surprise, and threw them on the bed.

Crow quickly tore off his clothes and joined them on the bed. The elves felt a shiver go down their spines when they saw the Lunarian's massive cock and the hungry look the teen gave them. 

The teen got on top of Olga and smashed his lips against Olga's, causing the sexy dark elf to yelp and then moan into the passionate kiss. Her plump lips were incredibly soft and tasted otherworldly. Crow slid his tongue into her mouth, and the mature dark elf repeated his action. They fought for dominance, but as expected, the dark elf was no match for the powerful Lunarian, who easily conquered her and invaded every centimeter of her orifice.

The former queen felt her body heat up and her heart swell with joy as the teen claimed and overpowered her like the true Lunarian that he was.

However, what made her truly happy was she would be one of the many mothers of his children, one of the few to help bring the ancient race back from the brink of extinction and restore the Lunarian race to power.

Not wanting Celestine to feel left out, he disengaged from his nearly two-minute liplock with the dark elf, much to her displeasure, and pressed his lips gently against the busty blonde's.

Her heart fluttered when she felt the Lunarian lips press against her, and she couldn't help but release a lewd moan from her lips. Celestine slowly closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the teen's neck, returning his passion twofold, but did not attempt to dominate him as she knew she'd easily lose to the very experienced teen.

While the two lovers were occupied, Olga decided to make herself useful and gently grabbed the young Lunarian's painfully erect cock.

The teen moaned into Celestine's mouth as Olga's soft hand stroked his cock at a steady pace. The dark elf, smiling in satisfaction, continued to stroke his shaft, but she wanted to do a lot more than that.

So she leaned toward his ear. "My love, could you be a dear and get sit up? I want to give your not-so-little friend the attention it rightfully deserves~" she whispered into his ear seductively.

Not needing to be told twice, Crow sat on his knees with Celestine joining him all without breaking their intense lip-locking.

Olga, grinning, laid flat on her stomach and then took the tip of the Lunarians cock into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the tip, then dug her tongue into his slit, licking it vertically, and then finally took his entire length into her mouth in one go.

The Lunarian broke the lip lock with Celestine and let out loud moans as the head Olga was giving him overwhelmed him. Celestine being completely and utterly horny, attacked his neck. The high peppered his neck with kisses and gentle bites and sucked on his neck, leaving behind several hickies.

Her hands weren't idle either as she massaged and caressed certain portions of his body that were incredibly tense. Her actions heighten the teen's arousal and pleasure to even greater levels than before.

While Celestine was busy with Crow's upper half, Olga was going to town on his lower half as her small mouth constricted around his member, and every lick of her tongue brought him to the edge of bursting. However, even when the Lunarian felt like he was about to shoot his load, it didn't. Instead, the pleasure only intensified tenfold.

He found that suspicious. "Are you using magic?" he asked between moans. 

Olga stopped blowing him but still stroked his shaft. "Indeed I am, but I'm not just using any type of magic; I'm using Sex Magic."

Crow slightly chuckled the hissed in bliss when Celestine sucked on his neck. "Fuck, that explains why I'm not cumming, and the strange energy surrounding your hand and mouth earlier," he replied.

"Indeed. I'm using a spell that increases your pleasure and sensitivity tenfold. It also prevents you from climaxing until I say so," Olga explained to the teen, making him green with envy and excited at the same time. 

"That's so fucking unfair," the teen all but demanded, making the dark elf giggle.

"Deal with it," she replied before she took his entire cock down her mouth.

"Fuck!" Crow hissed. He gently grabbed Celestine's throat and pulled her even deeper into the lip lock. The teen then pulled her away and looked deep into her lust-filled emerald eyes. "Join her," he ordered.

The high elf happily did as she was told and joined the dark elf in sucking his shaft. Olga adjusted herself so that Celestine could join her in pleasuring the Lunarian.

She was now bobbing her head up and down his upper shaft while Celestine focused on the lower half of his cock while gently messaging his heavy sack. Crow moaned louder than before, and his mind was blank from the overwhelming bliss he was receiving from the elves.

The two then gave the sides of his shaft all the attention as they licked, kissed, and sucked up and down his cock. Then they lowered to his sack and took each ball into their mouths, slathering his sack in copious amounts of spit.

The duo then sucked their way back to the tip. They sucked and twirled their tongues on the sides of his head. Celestine then inhaled his entire cock, sucking his cock furiously while Olga played with his balls.

While all this was going on, Chole was still in the same spot, watching her savior and the two elves suck Crow's cock like it was a large treat.

She was slightly jealous that she wasn't a part of the fun, but her overwhelming arousal washed out her envy. A part of the young dark elf wanted to join in, but another part told her to stay put. Unless Olga ordered otherwise, she'd stay on the sideline and watch. 

Sensing her lust, Olga stopped sucking on one of Crow's balls and turned to look at Chole with an amused look.

"Chole, would you like to join us?" she asked knowingly, making the teen blush.

"Y-Yes, my lady," she replied shyly.

Crow looked at her with lustful eyes, causing the blonde to shiver.

"Then get over here," he ordered with a growl.

Chole, with no hesitation, did as she was told, stripped herself of her clothes, and joined them.

To be continued