
Chapter 25

At the same time Chen Ya was dealing with Lin Xue and Wong Kai, a different battle was going on.

"Time to die!!"

Shouted Qiang Ming while aiming a punch towards Long Lai's head.

The punch was so strong that the air was pushed away from his fist and the ground started shaking.

Qiang Ming was born in the kingdom of Celest, Celest is a kingdom that worships celestial cultivation, it is a place where cultivating celestial energy is mandatory and those without the talent to do so are looked at like bugs, like they are worth nothing.

It is a place where strength decides everything and Qiang Ming was born there, with no talent for celestial cultivation, he was shunned by everyone, even his parents.

He was shunned and bullied for a lot of his childhood, at the age of 16, Ming decided to leave the Celest Kingdom and travel the world, however, it seemed that the world didn't think Ming had enough yet, a few weeks after leaving the Celest kingdom, Ming was captured by slave traders, he was subjected to a lot of abuse and torture, at the age of 21 it seemed that the world had enough though, as luck finally started shining on him.

In one of his expeditions to the mine, he met an old man named Qing Lee.

Qing Lee used to be a body cultivator, but because of an injury he received a few years back, he was unable to cultivate anymore, and the injury started taking his strength away. Because of that injury, he was captured by slave traders 3 years later and was sent to the mines to spend the rest of his living days.

When Ming learned about Lee being a body cultivator, he asked him about it, it has been 5 years since he left his home and over those years he learned about many things, he knew about body cultivation, but he never thought of cultivating it, he thought that since he didn't have talent for celestial cultivation he might not have any for body cultivation.

But seeing a body cultivator in front of him, he couldn't stop himself from asking about body cultivation and most importantly, if he had talent for it.

"You want to cultivate your body?"

Asked Lee, when Ming nodded his head, Lee started grinning.

"Great choice!!"

Lee looked at Ming like he had just found a treasure.

After that, Lee taught Ming everything he knew about body cultivation, unfortunately, the years were catching up to Lee and with his body weaking day by day, 2 years after Lee started training Ming, he passed away in his sleep.

Finding out his friend and teacher died, Ming mourned and wanted to bury his body, but it seems that the mine owners didn't like that, so they ended up taking the body and feeding it to monsters, when Ming found out about it, he couldn't contain his rage and ended up going on a rampage.

Over the years he trained under Lee, Ming became a lot stronger, in his rage, Ming ended up destroying the whole place and killing all of the guards and mine owners close by, after his rampage ended and he calmed down, he started looking around, seeing all the destruction around him, Ming was surprised, he knew he became stronger but not to this extent, after his surprise disappeared, sadness came back, Lee was dead and had no body to bury, looking at the sky, Ming felt tears falling down from his eyes. 


After a few minutes of standing there and looking at the sky, Ming heard sounds of people getting near, so he decided to leave, while running away, he looked back one last time. 

'Goodbye Lee' 

--- Back to Present --- 

Ming's powerful punch was traveling at high speed towards Long Lai's head. 

But before it could connect with his head, a powerful barrier appeared. 

"You're pretty strong, but it won't be enough" 

While Lai was talking, he didn't notice a blurry figure behind him. 

The blurry figure moved its hand which was holding a dagger towards Lai's neck at lightning speed. 

But like with the punch, it was stopped in place by a barrier made of celestial energy. 


Lai looked at the figure behind him with amused eyes and sent a powerful push with his celestial energy, making the figure fly away. 

While flying away, the figure did a flip and landed on its legs. 

"You okay there Cheng?" 

Asked Ming while moving away from Lai. 

"Yeah, that hurt though" 

Answered Tao Cheng. 

Looking at the two good friends talking, Lai looked amused, he knew he would most likely not survive the day, but he wanted to at least enjoy his last few hours. 

If he really wanted, he could finish the both of them off in seconds, but it wasn't that fun. 

While thinking that, he stared in a direction, he might tell himself that he was not killing them for fun, but he knew that the moment he tried, he would probably die instantly, so he was just buying himself more time to live by not trying to kill them. 

A bit away from the fight, Zhao Qiao was looking at the fight and keeping his guard up. The moment Lai tried doing anything, he will finish him off, the reason he even let it go so far, is because of the person standing a km away from him. 

He could feel that this person was dangerous, but also that they didn't want to attack, still, it would be stupid to just trust his guts, so he kept his guard up and was standing away from the battle, he would only interfere if the lives of Tao Cheng and Qiang Ming were in danger or if that person attacked. 

While he was standing there, he heard a voice from behind him. 

"It is unlike you to just stand around" 

He didn't even need to look back to know who it was. 

"There is a dangerous guy" 

His wife looked at him for a second, before looking in the direction he was looking at before with seriousness, she could feel it too, that person was dangerous. 

Both her and her husband were known to be some of the strongest cultivators in the phoenix kingdom, but even with both of them teaming up, they would probably sustain a lot of injuries just to kill that person. 





-Yes, Mr. Author?- 

(Where is Narrator?) 

-He went on a vacation with his wife, Sir!- 

(That bastard) 

-I'm sorry, Sir!! I will call him right away, Sir!!- 

(Forget it. And ease with the Sir) 

-Yes, Sir!!- 

(*Sigh* Anyway, who narrated this chapter?) 

-Me, Sir!!- 

(Hmmm. Good job) 

-Thank you, Sir!!- 

(I will finish it from here, go take a rest) 

-Yes, Sir!- 

(Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I want to finish this battle soon, it will end in the next few chapters hopefully. 

I will see you tomorrow hopefully, have a great day. 

Also, if you see this Narrator, you better get your ass back here)