
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
138 Chs

Chapter 9

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 9

"che, you can't beat us!" Luffy walked to Nami and said with his tongue out.

Then he took the remaining dog food and sat beside Xiuxiu, and handed it to Xiuxiu and said, "Sorry, I will only save this bag! The rest are all eaten! Well done, although I didn't see it with my own eyes , you also fought well, right!"

Nami was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Hood Hill walked over and said, "Luffy, he at first, he told us that he would run out of the town and fight again. Who knew that lion would not follow us and went to grab dog food. Well. If you want to blame this idiot swordsman, otherwise I will definitely run back before being destroyed."

"Hey!" Zoro shouted angrily.

Nami looked at Luffy and thought: So this guy…

System reminds Hood Hill to get ten witness points.

Xiu Xiu left with dog food in her mouth.

Nami walked to Luffy and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I just yelled at you."

The dirt on Luffy patted stood up and said, "It's okay. That's because your most important person was killed by Pirate, so you were angry. A lot of things happened, right? Of course, I won't ask you."

Nami looked at Luffy and smiled.

At this moment, The Clown Buggy shot a Buggy bullet moved towards here, and a row of houses in the town was destroyed.

"Why are there still cannons? Didn't they get chopped down by Hill?" Nami said in surprise.

"It seems that there is more than one cannon! It's careless." Hood Hill spread his hands helplessly.

The mayor was furious, and moved towards The Clown Buggy's base area to cast away the enemy and seek revenge from The Clown Buggy.

"The mayor is crying." Nami said as he looked at the mayor who was going away.

"Really? I didn't see it. Hahaha." Luffy laughed and said with a smile.

"Hey, it's not the time to laugh now!"

"It's okay, I like that uncle and will never let him die. Hill, Zoro, let's go!"

Luffy pressed Straw Hat moved towards The Clown Buggy and said.

Zoro put on a turban, Hood Hill took a deep breath and used Breath of the Sun.

When I arrived at the base where The Clown Buggy was located, Luffy grabbed The Clown Buggy's hand and said: "I'm here to beat you as agreed!"

"Wearing Straw Hat Guy! I actually brought it to the door by myself." The Clown Buggy moved towards the four of them shouted.

Nami pointed to Hood Hill and said: "I can make it clear. If you want to fight, I will only steal the chart and the treasure."

"I got it. "Hood Hill nodded then said to Zoro, "I will give you the partial bangs, and I will deal with the small soldiers. Our slash is not effective on Buggy's fruit ability, so Buggy is left to Luffy to fight ."

"OK!" Zoro responded.

"Little demons...what are you doing here, don't worry about outsiders...this is my battle!! My town is protected by me! Don't you interfere!!"

Then Luffy knocked the mayor down with a punch.

Nami mouth opened wide yelled: "You…you!!! What are you doing! Why the mayor…"

"In the way!"

"Good way, we don't care what he says, he will go to death. It is safer to pass out."

"Don't mess around!" Nami moved towards Luffy shouted.

"Hehe. Wow! What a big red nose!"

The Clown Buggy turned green when he heard Luffy's words, hair stands up in anger shouted: " Give me a Buggy bomb and blast him beautifully!!"

Nami ran away and yelled, "I blame you for saying those things!! Stupid!!!"

"Hey, Luffy, run away, Hill, can you cut it off?" Zoro pushed and pulled Luffy and Hood Hill in a panic.

"It's okay, this kind of shell, Luffy." Hood Hill looked at Luffy with a smile.

"I can handle this shell!" Luffy said with a smile.

"Rubber balloon!"

Luffy inhales, turns his body into a ball, and then bounces Buggy back.

Nami looked at in surprise, Zoro put a hand on his forehead and said: "Say early!"

"Okay, the number of enemies has decreased, let's do it!"

"Who the hell are you…" Nami asked weakly, sitting slumped on the ground.

"Don't be scary," Zoro said.

"Hey, Luffy, you have almost cleared my plan to fight the minions! What am I going to fight!" Hood Hill shouted angrily.

"Explain clearly to me, I've long felt it strange, not to mention that Hill can chop a cannon in half with a knife, how could you knock a lion down with your fist! And what happened to the balloon just now?" Nami looked at Luffy and asked.

"That is a rubber balloon." Luffy said proudly, sticking in his waist.

"I'm just asking you what it is!" Nami shouted angrily.

"Ah! We were really beautifully hit!"

At this time, The Clown Buggy stood out from the ruins, along with Mao Qi and Cabaji Qi Ye All stood up.

At this time, The Clown Buggy Pirates only had three of them and a lion and did not fall.

"Oh, Mao Qi wakes up, then let me deal with Mao Qi!" Hood Hill looked at Mao Qi and Niche be eager to have a try.

"Then the battle begins!" Luffy yelled, then moved towards The Clown Buggy and ran away.

"I'm Cabaji, Chief of Staff and Acrobat of Buggy Pirates!"

Cabaji rode a unicycle moved towards Luffy and attacked, then Zoro drew his knife to block Cabaji's attack." Give this guy to me as agreed, Luffy, go and deal with that clown!"


Luffy continued moving towards The Clown Buggy and ran in the direction.

Breath of the Sun!

Hood Hill has been using Breath of the Sun, just to hope that in this kind of battle, he can exercise his breathing method for a long time.

"This brat is the guy who just divided the cannon into two, Niche!"

Niche ran away when they saw it. Niche is not a fool. The cannon is divided into two, isn't it about to become a dish-lion head.

Mao Qi chased the niche. How could he fight without this lion? He just gave in.

"Hey! Don't run!"

Hood Hill raised his knife and chased him up, just like that, Hood Hill appeared in the town chasing Mao Qi, Mao Qi The scene of chasing a niche.

But Zoro was scratched on the waist by Cabaji's insidious style you can't guard against it.

"Zoro!" Luffy exclaimed worriedly.

"Don't be distracted!" The Clown Buggy flew towards Luffy with the knife hand moved towards Luffy.

"hmph, you guy, you really make people angry! Use some insidious style." Zoro shouted angrily at Cabaji.

Zoro then bit the third knife in his mouth and said: "Let me show you the difference in strength between us!"

"Ghost cut!"

Cabaji Qi was directly killed by Zoro.