
Blackbeard's Hoard

After defeating the Strawhat pirates, Blackbeard enjoys some time with his newest treasures: Nami, Nico Robin, and Boa Hancock. NTR-heavy.


Luffy's chains clanked abouthis ankles as he was driven, at swordpoint, through the bowels of the ship. The wooden hull creaked and groaned menacingly around him, as though the entire structure were a sea monster gloating its victory over the Strawhat pirates. Luffy grit his teeth and squared his shoulders, trying to keep his back straight despite the weeks of lousy food he'd endured. Every muscle in his body felt like a worn old rope, ready to snap at a moment's notice.

At last, his captors stopped him before a grand set of double doors. Great golden studs were driven through the lacquered red wood, presenting an imposing aperture to what was undoubtedly the captain's treasure room. Luffy studied his captors out the corner of his vision. Could he take them down, even in his weakened state? He closed his eyes tightly and tried to steady his breathing, but just then, there was a deep, metallic clunk of a lock shifting, and the doors yawned open.

Luffy was pushed forward by the sword-tip, forced to stagger forward into the glittering light of thousands of gold coins. They were piled up all along the walls, with various gems, sceptres, crowns, and candelabras littered amidst the heap. Luffy gulped at the mere sight of all that treasure; it was enough to bring a man to tears, even in his sorry state…or it would have been, if not for what lay directly before him.

Sprawled out on a stack of kingly cloaks, guzzling the contents of a massive mug, was a monster of a man. Blackbeard lounged amidst his treasures, totally relaxed, paying no heed to his visitor even as he finished off his drink and gave a titanic belch. Around his legs were gathered three servile sluts, their faces masks of addicted pleasure, their necks, wrists, and ankles wrapped with golden bangles that symbolised they were as much his property as any gem or crown in his collection.

It took Luffy a moment to register who they were. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped, staring in abject horror at his friends. Nami, Hancock, and Robin had put up a ferocious fight against Blackbeard when he'd attacked their ship, but now they knelt topless before him, their world-class tits on full display and gleaming with sweat as they pushed themselves against the giant's grotesque body. To make things even worse, Blackbeard was dressed down. He wore nothing below the waist, and his colossal, bulky, unwashed monsterdick was on complete display, throbbing with energy as the three girls worshipped it.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Luffy cried out in horror. "Get away from him! Stop it!"

"Sorry, lad," said Blackbeard, addressing him for the first time. "These lasses have found their true calling! There's nothing you can say will turn 'em from their purpose – they're my crew now." He cackled to himself, shaking his head as though he couldn't handle how supremely joyous his victory was. "I'll admit, you Strawhats gave me trouble for a while, but that's past us now. Your ship's part of my fleet, your crewmen are my slaves, and your women…" He smirked down at the three girls, who by now were lightly fighting over who got the honour of serving his cock. Nami seemed to win out, wrapping her tits around his pulsing fuckhammer and engulfing the tip in her maw, bulging out her left cheek. Her eyes never left Blackbeard's, peering up at him with such love and devotion that Luffy recoiled in dread. Blackbeard pushed his fingers through Nami's hair, then clamped down on her head and pushed. Nami's eyes went wide as his brutally huge cock pressed against her tonsils, then slurched on through into her gullet, bulging her slender neck wide. She spasmed and shuddered and patted his thighs, but he kept on forcing her down until her lips kissed his pelvis, his balls smushed against her tits, and his cockhead was rooted in her stomach. The other girls looked on in jealousy as Nami gagged and spluttered on her new master's cock. All the while, Blackbeard glared straight at Luffy. "This is what your resistance bought you. You fought the true master of the seas, and you fell. That's all there is to it." He grinned, showing all his crooked teeth. "That said – want to hear how I managed to turn these sluts around?"

Luffy shook his head. He couldn't process all of this – it was just too horrible – but when he tried to back away, he felt the swords at his back once again. Blackbeard wanted Luffy to hear this, and he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer.

"You probably want to hear how your girls fought valiantly," Blackbeard said, still holding down Nami's head, making her spit slimy ropes of drool down his balls as the oxygen drained from her lungs. She was desperate to breathe, but Blackbeard wouldn't allow it. "And – aye, they did, but not for long. In fact, these beauties crumbled almost as soon as they laid eyes on my Jolly Roger…"

"L-Let her go!" Luffy all but wheezed, starting forward. Blackbeard looked down, noticed Nami twitching weakly on his cock, and wrenched her off of him. Her face emerged from his dense bush of pubic hair, her eyes gleaming wet and tongue lolled out of her dick-strained maw. When his cockhead burst from her mouth, she spurted precum in a short jet, and then took a deep, shuddering gasp for air. Blackbeard watched all this with amusement, his eyes narrowed to crescent moons, his tongue resting on his bottom lip.

"Ain't she a beaut?" he asked, then shoved her to the ground where she lay wheezing. Almost immediately, Hancock squeezed Blackbeard's dick between her tits and started to suck, apparently unaware of the torment Nami had just gone through. "Now – let me regale you with the tale," Blackbeard said. "You just stand there until I'm done, then you can return to your cell and dwell on it."


It was a dark and stormy night…

"We need to find a way out," said Nami, pacing the swaying cabin with her arms crossed under her breasts. "Our friends need us."

"You think we don't know that?" asked Hancock, perched on the edge of the king-sized bed conspicuously placed in the centre of their cell. They had been confined somewhere near the top of the ship, away from the sloshing water, so they had the luxury of staying dry while the rest of the ship shivered. The bed was layered with expensive furs. One bed, richly appointed. Hancock knew instinctively why Blackbeard had given them such a setup, but she didn't want to acknowledge it. It made her skin crawl just to imagine that freak's lust fixed on her.

"Even if we broke out of this room, we don't know where the others are kept," said Nico Robin, lying face-down on the bed with her head on her elbows. "They could be on different ships, for all we know."

"Even so – we can't stay here." Nami turned and parked her hands on her hips, glaring down her nose at the other two girls. "If we work together, we must be able think of something."

Just then, the door burst open, and a monstrous, ogre-like figure emerged into the room. The girls shrieked and backed up, immediately terrified by the monster, but then they realised it was Blackbeard – red-faced, slightly drunk, and grinning wide. He slammed the door shut behind him, and someone waiting outside locked it.

"Hello, beauties," he said as they backed toward the other side of the cell. He adjusted his captain's hat and chuckled, a dark rolling sound that shook his entire body. "I'm pleased to welcome you to my ship. I hope you're findin' it comfortable?"

"As if!" said Nami. "As soon as we break out of here, you're—mmph!" She trailed off as Hancock clamped a hand over her mouth, worried Nami might upset the brutal captain a tad too much.

"Captain," said Hancock, trying a more diplomatic approach. "Once we reach the next pirate haven, I'm sure someone will want to pay for our release. They'll pay handsomely: mountains of gold for your collection. Our value will go down significantly if you harm us."

Blackbeard snorted at her feeble attempts to talk him down. He advanced, step by step, and to their horror, he started to peel off his clothes. "But you're already in my collection," he said. "Three priceless treasures, each more beautiful than the last. And wouldn't you say it's a sea captain's right to enjoy his treasures?"

Just then, he peeled down his pants, and the girls' jaws dropped as they stared at the monstrous slab of meat that sprang up before them. "What—" Nami managed to breathe, and for her outburst she got Blackbeard's attention. He grabbed her around the neck and flung her onto the bed, and as she shrieked and squealed, he spread her legs wide, squeezing her thighs in his massive fists. His giant fuckrod fell on her belly, thrusting roughly and hungrily up and down her torso as she squeaked and struggled, batting the undersides of her boobs when his balls clapped on her asscheeks. She couldn't believe how big he was. "I-It won't fit!" she cried desperately, but Blackbeard just laughed at her.

"Is that what you think?" he asked. Ignoring the protests of the other girls, he grabbed Nami's bra and wrenched hard, bursting the straps and freeing her big, buoyant tits to slosh around on her chest as she struggled. Next to go were her pants, which he similarly tore off her body, using his monstrous strength to unclothe his treasure, chuckling all the while. When Nami was completely naked beneath him, he dragged his cock down her belly until the tip kissed her slick, hairless cunt. Nami squealed in horror, begging him to stop, promising to obey his every order, to kiss him, to do whatever he wished except for this!

Blackbeard RAMMED his cock into Nami's tiny cunt, stretching her wide open and bulging her belly all the way up to her tits. His balls collided with her bare asscheeks, producing a massive SMACK as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her tongue drooped from her mouth, and she gave a soft, whimpering sigh as her womb was irreversibly reshaped around the hulking pirate's dick.

"N-Nami…?" Robin asked, unable to believe what she was seeing. In the space of one thrust, Nami's frightful look of resistance had vanished, replaced with bubbling, red-faced pleasure. Nami didn't respond to Robin, but moaned as Blackbeard pulled back, only to slam her womb once again, driving every last inch of his brutal cock into her with a sweat-splattering squelch.

"There's a good girl," said Blackbeard, as he began to fuck her rough and steady, rocking the bedframe beneath them as he delivered thrust after plunger-thrust into the deepest depths of her cunt, using her as his own personal dicksleeve. Nami's tits swung up and down, nearly hitting her chin with each jiggly leap – and the harder he fucked her, the happier she looked. He was melting her brain more with every pump, churning her mind into a joyous slop of slutty desire – and as her womb gave into his dick, he grunted and hunched over her. "I'm always pent up after a good battle," Blackbeard snarled. "I can go again and again, and never be satisfied. I hope you're ready for a—" He grunted as his first orgasm of the night overtook him, and Nami peered down between her bouncing tits as the first geyser-shot of jizz erupted into her womb. Her belly bloated around his load, swelling and swelling as he poured forth an utterly abnormal volume of splooge! She squealed in delight, convulsing as she hit her own climax in tandem with her new captain! Blackbeard rocked over her for almost a minute before suddenly unplugging his cock from her cunt, wrenching every inch free and groaning as his slime-soaked dick burst into the open air. Cum immediately started to gush from Nami's cunt, pressure-packed inside her and desperate for release. Blackbeard gave a long sigh, squeezing his still-hard cock around the base, and turned to the other girls. "Come here," he growled.

A moment later, Hancock and Robin were mounted on the bed. Blackbeard made sure they were pressed right up against Nami's side, one on top of the other, Hancock straddling Robin's thighs so their pussies were almost touching. Blackbeard mounted up, pressing down on Hancock's back to pin the both of them, and ran his cock between their squirming bodies.

"Y-You monster!" Robin snapped at him, peering up past Hancock's shoulder. "You'll never get away with this!"

"I think I already have," Blackbeard snarled, and clamped a fist tightly around Hancock's hair…as he drew back his hips, and pressed his cockhead tightly against her asshole. She squirmed violently, but he held her steady, making Robin look into her eyes as he slooowly stretched her pucker around his awesome girth. Robin watched in horror and amazement as Hancock's expression warped from fear and pain into a low gurgle of shocked desire. Inch by inch, Blackbeard pushed into her guts, bulging her belly out, until he was balls-deep in her busty body – and she wore a mask of pure bliss. "This'll be you too, in just a minute," Blackbeard promises, then started to rut Hancock without a shred of mercy. FWAP, CLAP, CLAP, THWAP! His hips struck her asscheeks again and again, his balls pulverising her thighs with monstrous slaps of flesh on flesh. He dominated her, pressing both women beneath his massive frame, letting them feel his lust boiling over and around them as he slaked his desires on Hancock's tight little rear. After a short session of thrusting, he pulled out, leaving her asshole gaping, and switched to Robin's pussy. She squeaked in terror as he started to pry her open, but even as he stretched her to the point of agony, she felt her concentration blurring, her skin heating up as pleasure filled her body.

"N-Nooo---!" she cried. "Please, don't—"


"Fuck me!" Robin squealed in delight, panting and gasping as Blackbeard hammered her tight little pussy into oblivion. He switched back and forth between the two women's holes, plunging into Hancock's pussy one minute only to slam Robin's asshole the next, never stopping for long in either of them. He laughed as he dominated them, while beside them, Nami crooned and watched the rampant fuckery with an expression of pure lust. Nami massaged her own clit as Blackbeard hammered away, enjoying the spoils of battle to their fullest extent. He smacked Hancock's ass and squeezed her tits from behind, exploring her body while pressing Robin into a pancake beneath her, letting his sluts know exactly who owned them. Already, he could feel his next orgasm approaching, and felt that it would be strong enough to exhaust even him. Instead of holding back, he ploughed on toward the inevitable climax, breathing heavily as he threw his hips back and forth in pump after brutal pump.

"Blackbeard!" Hancock whimpered. "Give us – hah – your load!"

Blackbeard couldn't deny a request like that. Taking hold of Hancock's shoulders, he plunged balls-deep in her cunt and let the floodgates loose, erupting a dense load of sticky jizz directly into her womb. He pumped a few thick shots inside her, swelling her belly, before switching to Robin and bloating her too! He made sure to give the girls an equal helping of jizz, then finished off by pulling out and spurting all over their asscheeks, while they writhed in ecstasy.

"Hnnngh… Not bad at all," he told them, panting for air as he sank back onto the sheets. "Not bad…for a trio of no-good pirate sluts…"


Blackbeard grinned as he settled back on his pile of treasure, wrapping a hand around Hancock's waist to draw her up and turn her around. Luffy saw, then, the piercings on her nipples, and the tattoo of Blackbeard's flag on her lower belly.

"Of course, I mark all my favourite treasures," Blackbeard snarled. "They're mine now, you understand? And they'll always be mine; after all, I already impregnated the three of them! Isn't that right, girls?"

"Yes, Captain!" Nami crooned, picking herself up from the floor and rubbing your neck. "We belong to our beloved master…"

"We'll give birth to his children," said Robin, still kissing his cockhead.

"…And we'll serve him for the rest of our lives," finished Hancock.

Blackbeard laughed uproariously, and that seemed to be the signal for his crewmen to drag Luffy back toward his cell. He struggled and protested loudly, but he was too weak to resist. The treasure room doors slammed shut, blocking his view of his former friends – and no matter how he cried out, no one responded. Blackbeard had secured a total victory, and all that was left for Luffy was to wallow in miserable defeat.