
Chapter 307: An old friend

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 307: An old friend

With the ship well hidden, the group ventured into the forest.

After walking for thirty minutes, they were led by Vivi towards a house that seemed to have been built on the side of a massive tree.

"Who lives here?" Asked Nami.

"Yes, why did you bring us this way? we should go to a city and buy some local clothes first," Franky suggested.

"We'll do that. But first, there is someone we need to visit." Vivi said.

She walked up to the door and knocked.

"Come in!" The voice of a little girl could be heard.

Vivi opened the door and saw a girl with a green kimono and purple hair sitting on the floor.

"Welcome! I have been waiting for you." She claimed.

Vivi smiled. This girl was the last person she remembers as a character. 

Before dying in his previous life, the adventures of Luffy had only reached this place. She knows that this girl's name is Tama and that she has been waiting for Ace to come back.

From here and forward, everything was a complete unknown for her…that was very scary because they came here to face their most dangerous foe up to date and she had no idea how to proceed from here or how things were going to turn out.

"Vivi?" Nami shocked her out of her thoughts.

"Ops, sorry. Thank you, little one. My name is Vivi." She introduces herself.

"And these are my friends, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, and Reiju."

"I am Tama, nice to meet you!" The girl said.

"We would like to talk with your other guest." Vivi requested.

"Oh?, so you did sense me…I thought I was good at hiding my presence." A male voice came from the next room.

"Wait!, that voice!..." Nami became surprised.

The door opened and Portagas D.Ace walked in.

"I have been waiting for you all."

"Ace!" Nami exclaimed.

"You are Luffy's other brother, the one who was captured by the Marines," Franky recalled.

"I am…but, I was expecting to see my brother here too. Where is he?" Ace asked.

"Is a bit of a long story…can we sit down?" Nami asked.

"Of course!, I'll go make some rice for you all. Brother Ace brought tons of it!" Tama ran out of the room with excitement.

"Okay, let's talk…" Ace sat down on the floor.

They told him about their arrival at Zou and how they got separated into two groups when Sanji was taken to Big Mom's island.

In return, Ace them what he knew about the situation in Wano. How Kaido was starving the regular citizens and poisoning their waters.

When he arrived here, Tama did not even have rice to eat, but luckily, Ace had brought enough supplies to last them for a long time.

"But why are you here alone?, where is the rest of the Whitebeard crew?" Zoro asked.

"There is no more Whitebeard crew…" Ace said with a solemn tone.

"We have disbanded. Without Father, it made no sense to keep the crew together."

"So what happened to the other members?" Asked Nami.

"Some of them stayed at Father's home island to protect it, some went on their own journeys, and some wanted to join me as their Captain."

"Did you remake your old flag?" Vivi recalled that Ace used to be a pirate Captain before meeting Whitebeard. 

"I am still considering it…but for the moment, I told those guys to wait. Because I had some unfinished business here, in Wano…I made some promises that I have to keep." Ace told them.

"And you also knew we were coming here," Sanji said.

Ace grinned.

"News travels fast."

"Your brother's group should be a few days behind us. Our doctor wanted to wait and make sure that everyone in Zou was stable enough before parting." Vivi explained.

"I suppose we can wait for them…the situation won't get much worse in a few days. That monster has been in charge for twenty years already." Ace glanced at them.

"We need to get you some local clothing, you will stand out too much walking around with those."

The front door opened all of a sudden and a masked man walked in.

"Huh?, we have a visit?" He didn't seem too surprised. 

"Yes, they are part of my brother's crew. But there are still many more to come." Ace explained to him.

"I see…any friend of Ace is welcome to stay here for as long as you need. " He told them.

Tama came in with a tray filled with rice bowls and a few pieces of dry meat.

She placed it on the floor.

"Go ahead!" She offered them with a smile.

"We don't have much…but we will happily share it. Eat as much as you want." The masked man said.

"If you are worried about food, we still have plenty in our ship. I can make a quick trip and bring a few bags to prepare you guys something." Sanji said.

"What kind of food do you have?. Do you have fish?... I don't remember well the last time I ate some, but I think it was delicious." Tama stared at Sanji with hopeful eyes. The rice and dry meat she had brought was already a massive feast for her. Even for her birthday, the best she could usually hope for was one bowl of rice.

Sanji grinned.

"We do have some. I'll prepare a feast for you tonight, My Lady." 

"We can sneak tomorrow into the closest town and get more supplies and clothes for you all. For today is best if we stay here." Ace advised.

"Let's not take Vivi then…or Zoro" Nami suggested.

"Why?!" Both of them complained.

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