
Tag-Along, Storage and Departure

_________ POV Narration_________

"So what, you're just going to abandon your family and come with me?" Enel asked with a raised eyebrow.

'Is Linlin putting him up to something?'

"I am not abandoning my family, nor am I choosing you over them..." Oven started speaking as a resolute look started forming on his face.

"From now on, you are a business partner of the Big Mom Pirates. You have a special status, it's only normal that you have someone who can communicate quickly with the rest of the Big Mom Pirates."

"Wouldn't a Den Den Mushi be enough for that?"

"Under most circumstances, but we are not exactly allies. Giving access to our communication networks to another Emperor of the Seas is ill-advised at best." Oven explained with a smile.

"Therefore, Mother decided to give me the mission of maintaining contact between you two." The Sweet Commander tapped himself on the chest with his mechanical arm, showing his confidence.

"... I guess that makes sense?"

'I don't buy this one bit, he's probably just a spy for Big Mom. Not that it matters, if she had any bad intentions she would've acted already, as I am injured.

Better yet, she could have just pulled my soul and stolen my lifespan. So I guess I will trust her for now. Well, I doubt Oven of all people would end up stabbing me in the back.'

Then Enel blinked a few times, as he realised something.

"I don't have any way to take you with me... My flying ship was lost, my walking stick won't be enough to make a ship large enough for the two of us. I was just going to fly away..."

Oven instantly looked a bit disappointed, then he started rubbing his chin, thinking of some ways to get their hands on some method of transportation.

"That won't be an issue..." Another voice joined the conversation, Enel and Oven both turning their heads towards the newcomer.

It was none other than Persopero, in his usual flashy attire and having his usual resting bitch-face.

"Mother has decided to trust you, so you will be given as many materials as you need to leave the island properly, ~Perorin♪

From Oven's recollection, you manipulate metals to create a flying ship, correct?"

Big Mom's oldest son spoke in a straightforward manner, not caring much for honorifics despite conversing with a well-known emperor.

"That is awfully kind of you... I need anything that conducts electricity well." Enel said as he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, Sky King... I don't trust you, or your intentions. Think of this as an interest-free loan, whatever you take you must pay for in full, at a later time, Perorin♪~"

Enel simply nodded. 'It's honestly better this way than to receive a gift from the Big Mom Pirates. It's already enough that I owe Linlin...'

"Such is the nature of a business relationship..." Perospero spoke slowly as he did so, sometimes licking his candy cane.

"Now, if you were willing to marry one of my siblings, I am quite sure Mother wouldn't mind forming an allia-"

"Nah, I'm good..." Enel immediately interrupted Perospero, who tapped the ground with the candy cane and continued speaking with a disappointed expression.

"Your loss, Sky King... Smoothie is currently still available, I am sure you two would get along, Perorin♪~"

"No, I really am not looking for an arranged marriage. Though I appreciate the offer." Enel waved his hand as he spoke his cane turning into a bracelet as he responded.

Perospero seemed to give up on pressing the issue any further, instead, he beckoned Oven and Enel to follow him, licking a large candy cane as he did so.

The three of them walked for a few minutes, mostly in silence. Persopero was far from the chatty type, but he was no longer as hostile as he had been at first, despite still voicing his dislike for Enel.

"Here it is, Perorin♪~" Perospero opened a large door, which led them to what appeared to be a huge storage room filled with metals.

The Homie guards at the door simply bowed and stood to the side, not daring to stop two Sweet Commanders.

"Is mother really alright with this?... These are materials that we have collected over the years." Oven's voice rang with uncertainty.

"Mother won't mind, I already said this is a loan. As the oldest brother, I at least have this much decisive power, Perorin♪~" Perospero said as he looked around the storage room.

It had countless riches and treasures, befitting of an Emperor's storage room. It was not the main treasury, but it was still filled to the brim with treasure that most pirates would wage war for.

"Whatever you want, take it. A Homie will take inventory of everything you've taken, and they will be added to your tab. You either return them or give something equally as valuable in exchange, Perorin♪~"

Perospero then turned to leave, having done his job and going on his merry way, whistling in a melodic tone as he did so.

"... I rarely see him in that good of a mood." Oven said with some sweat on his brow.

"... I guess he really wants me to go away..." Enel said with a blank stare as he then proceeded to pick whatever he wanted.

He could go for gold, but it was expensive and soft, and he would likely end up having to give it back.

'I should look for something less dense... Something that I can manipulate slightly, even if it's not tougher, I can use Haki, but the more I hold of it, the better.'

The first that came to mind was aluminium, rather it was likely the best possible option.

'Cheap, bulky, about as conductive as gold... And there's plenty of it here.'

In the end, Enel took around 20 tons, emptying the storage of Aluminum completely.

"Umm... Shouldn't you pick a stronger metal?" Oven asked as he scratched the back of his head.

"No, this is more than enough." Enel quickly created a gauntlet and a set of graves(shin guards), as well as a set of earrings.

All of them were completely white, and Enel left his walking stick untouched. Turning it from a bracelet into an upper arm guard, covering his only shoulder.

"Your choice... At least you didn't take much of the valuable stuff, I'm quite sure Mother would've said something if that was the case..." Oven said as the two of them then headed outside.

They left the castle without wasting any more time. Right at the entrance stood a tall figure, wearing a leather outfit and a scarf covering half of his face.

It was none other than Katakuri, leaning on the gate and looking at them with his arms crossed.

"So this is where we part ways..." Katakuri said while looking at the two of them, but mainly at his brother.

"W-well, it's not like I'm leaving forever... It is likely going to be a long mission." Oven said as he scratched the back of his head.

"... Regardless, you better take care of yourself, I'll make sure the rest of our siblings are safe... And, Enel..." Katakuri then turned his red eyes towards the Lightning Emperor.

"Take care of my younger brother..."

That was all he said before turning into a doughnut and rolling away. Enel blinked a few times when seeing the way he made his exit, but decided not to dwell on it.

"He sure doesn't like showing affection..." Enel said as he wiped some sweat off his brows using one of his earlobes.

"Don't let his demeanour fool you... Out of everyone, he cares the most about his siblings." Oven simply nodded, as Enel snapped his fingers, his gauntlet and grieves turning into a large white Viking ship.

"It's not that sturdy, but it will hold out... Try not to punch it though." Enel said as he got on.

Oven followed suit, dragging that large backpack behind him as the two of them embarked on their journey.

"Where to?" The Sweet Commander asked as their ship took off the ground. Looking back, he could see some of his siblings waving at him as he left.

Without any hesitation, he waved back at them, a wide smile on his face.

'Who knew being loved actually feels so nice...'

"First stop... Dressrosa. That's where we'll most likely reunite with the Revolutionaries... And some other characters that you may not like meeting."

"Revolutionaries?! Hah! You've sure got a lot of stories to tell." Oven smiled a bit, not dwelling much on the last part of Enel's sentence.

"Indeed... Good thing we'll be able to talk as we train!" Enel said as a sadistic smile rose to his lips.

Oven's smile shook a bit before confidence returned to him.

"Heh... I hope you'll be able to keep up!"

Enel simply smiled at his training partner's enthusiasm. 'I can't wait to beat him into exshaustion~'


Hope you liked the chapter.

Again a bit short, but it's still here, later chapters get longer and longer

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