Chapters in Advance:
Chapter 35
Title: Grand Line...
Looking at the giant mountain was amazing, I couldn't see the top as it was covered by clouds. As we get closer, the colder the temperatures get.
Hmmm… so if we go by Grand Line terms, then the Reverse Mountain would be considered a winter island. Especially since as soon as we approach, a storm appears and it starts raining heavily.
I continue ordering the crew in the ship, though it would be a problem for other pirates as they could crash at the top if another pirate from another Blue comes. I am not worried about that at all, we can just destroy their ship easily. The difference in power would be too huge, just Sabo alone would be able to destroy them. Then there is me and Bartolomeo too.
I have built the best crew that I could in East Blue. From what I know, not even Canon Luffy's crew could come anywhere close to my crew. Of course, I am extremely biased on this and will even say that Shanks didn't get a better crew than I did… actually my crew is the fu*king best and it will continue to only get better.
"Bartolomeo, barrier." I call out to him casually. Immediately a barrier is around our ship, with only a hole for the turbines that spit fire being out. This is a strategy that we worked on here before, now we are almost invincible as we get closer to the mountain and our ship starts sailing upwards.
Immediately everyone else starts doing their jobs, Gin pulls up the sails. Sabo uses his fire to move the ship, Nojiko uses her sniper scope to see if any ship is gonna crash in front of us. Desire is looking at our behind so no other ship comes to fu*k us. And last and definitely least, Cat is licking himself. There is a storm around us and we might crash… well he has his priorities straight at least.
Everything is going well until Nojiko calls out. "A ship wreckage in front of us, a giant ship too."
Well, it seems like the Grand Line is welcoming us now.
"Bartolomeo! Open the front!" I call out to him.
"Got it cap'n!" Answers Bartolomeo as the barrier in the front opens up. Immediately we lose a lot of our speed.
"Sabo, fire it up some more. Don't worry about the ship. It can handle it, and I will fix it later." I ordered him.
"Got it!!" Calls out Sabo, bringing up the heat which pushes the ship to new speeds. But the water hitting the front of the ship so hard isn't good for the ship.
While the others are a little worried at that, I am not worried at all. I have built this ship, I know every inch and cranny of it. When I say it's not gonna break, then it's not gonna break.
But I still feel the splashes of the wave hit me and finally, I can see the giant ship coming towards me. If I don't do something then most of the crew will die from the hit. Honestly, I might just end up as the only survivor.
But that option doesn't even come to mind as the ship in front of me isn't gonna hit. I have three options.
Option one is to crash with the barrier in it. But the velocity will crash us back down.
Option two is having Sabo come here and use a fire fist to disintegrate the ship. But that isn't a good idea as we have the sails up and Sabo is driving the boat forward at top speeds.
Option three is me cutting the ship in half, but in this tight water tunnel, we would still crash into it due to the size of our ship.
…I chose option four as the three options above are all horrible ideas. I imbue my right arm in Haki, straight up to the elbow. All of my Haki concentrated on it.
I finally see the ship wreckage coming towards me, and I don't wait for it to reach us. Instead, I jump forward towards it.
I don't even touch the debris as I swing my fist in front of me.
It creates a ripple effect as the debris in front of me gets smashed into small bits and pieces. Something that would be harmless to our ship.
I use <Geppo> and jump back to the ship, Bartolomeo closing up the barrier. I still have a smirk on my face about it.
That was my Advanced Armament Haki, not the imbuing Haki into something destruction from within. But I can still shoot my Haki into a shockwave once out of my body. I should get better at using Armament Haki after I use it in some serious fights. The best way for someone to get better at Haki is by fighting and even more fighting.
Still, after that, we reach the top of the Reverse Mountain with relative ease. Being above clouds is magical, looking at the clouds below. Even though I now know a lot about the physics of this world, I have no idea how water moves up. My only guess is the gravity of the moon or a previous Devil Fruit user used Awakening that left the place permanently awakened.
"We did it." I whisper under my breath. The place is a beautiful one, I look around and see only the endless clouds. This world is truly beautiful, a place that can never be completely explored. But I will do it, I would like to see all of this beautiful world, even the moon too.
I turn the keel of my ship and we start falling down towards the Grand Line. A huge smile adorns my face, and everyone else's too. Though some people… well by some I mean one of them is super nervous and scared. Cat doesn't count since he is an animal, and he is hugging the railing of the ship, Nojiko is the scared one as she hugs the giant tiger with tears coming out of her eyes.
We land on the Grand Line officially and I look around, I don't see Crocus or Laboon anywhere. Hmmm… well nothing I can do about it. I am not gonna wait for them to appear, Laboon is most likely underwater. Crocus might be in its stomach who knows when they will come out now.
I smile at this and look at my crew, they are all nervous and looking around.
"Well guys, we are now on the Grand Line. All of us have dreams in here, so let's not let anything stop us… we will charge ahead like bulls." I explain to them as I look at the Log Pose contained in a hard glass box next to the helm of the ship.
This is it, we are going to our first island. I wonder which one it will be. I order the crew around and have Nojiko pre-cook some food for the crew and as she does that Sabo has the ship move at fast speeds again and Bartolomeo creates a barrier around the ship.
Of course, we are hit by storms and rains and even giant icebergs falling from the sky. We didn't have a necessarily hard time, even if I prepared for it just in case.
Gin has binoculars and is looking for the new island while I have the others manage the ship.
But really though, the MVP of today is Bartolomeo, the guy really made the entrance to the Grand Line easy.
"Island ahead!!" Calls out Gin, and immediately I use <Geppo> to get up to his level and after that use the binoculars.
Well… that isn't Whiskey Peak at all…