Matthew Matthews Jr. A young college student died & got reincarnated as Vegapunk? A Genius Scientist from One Piece. But was that really supposed to happen? [ONE PIECE BELONGS TO EIICHIRO ODA]
I groaned awake I sat up and sighed, I mutter "I shouldn't have stayed up so late catching up to One Piece when I had to wake up early to get ready for my College Graduation". I wake up myself up by splashing water on my face I then go back to my bedroom to get clothes I stub my toe on the bedframe, and I rip a few hundred slurs and then curse the bedframe once more and got ready to go to college. I heavily sigh looking up to the large campus building "Finally I can escape this cursed place". I start walking into the Auditorium and then one of my few friends aka my only friend was waiting for me to arrive.
"What took you so long Matthew?" my longtime friend Adrian said.
I look up toward the big guy Adrian 'If it wasn't for him to be honest, I probably would have been bullied a lot more during High School & my college years.' Since Adrian is a football player who dreams to make it big, he naturally is of very large stature standing at 6'4 and 220lbs he's quite the hefty guy. I responded, "I stubbed my toe on the bedframe."
Adrian looked at me and retorted "yeah right like stubbing your toe will make you 20 minutes late luckily your name hasn't been called yet Matthew it's a big thing you know you should be on time."
I say, "yeah yeah yeah, whatever thanks for being here over the years you've helped me get through tough times."
"Why're you getting all emotional on me man? You know I can't handle this" I hear that right before I get lifted off the ground in a massive crushing bear hug by Adrian.
One thing I might have left out is that Adrian's a massive softy and well it will feel like you're getting crushed by a truck when he's hugging you. I shakingly let out a few weak words "release me, I'm dying." I start to feel immediate relief as soon as Adrian heard it and I hear "Sorry I just got really emotional I won't be able to see you that often since our careers are totally different." I look at him and give a light hug and say, "It's alright let's have a huge party after this is over and then we can try to hang out as much as possible." I see Adrian wipe a tear off his face and nod his head I look at him and say, "Alright big man let's get seated."
[Come to the front of the stage to accept your college degree Adrian Lorne]
I look at him "go get your dreams Adrian." I feel nostalgia hit me too when I first met Adrian I sigh 'I can't believe it's been that long I hope he's able to survive out there.' I sat and waited for my name to be called finally I hear it.
[Come to the front of the stage to accept your college degree Matthew Matthews Jr.]
'That's correct my name is Matthew Matthews Jr. very weird right? but whatever I'm finally able to make my dream happen I can't wait to create something that will put my name in History. I'm 5'7 1/2 that half is important I grew up In New York and moved here to Pittsburgh met Adrian and went to college I did so much and worked so hard... But for it too all go to waste before I even reach my achievement'
I go up the stairs and then I hear "I HATE THIS PLACE DIE YOU SLAVES!" I looked in shock and someone shot up the place and I saw a few bloodied bodies shaken I felt my legs break down and I fall to my knees I see Adrian running over to me and I see bullets I then feel a sharp piercing pain in my abdomen. I then let out a gut-renching howling scream and start to fall unconscious.
'I'm glad I'm keeping myself together I then hear dreadful words shouted out of someone that came in with a gun I looked over and say someone get shot with a gun.' I look at the dripping cold dead body 'that's Tasha she was popular and tried to bully Matthew and lots of others a lot, but I don't care I need to find Matthew' I storm out heading towards the stage I see Matthew then I heard gunshots I reach out to Matthew and yell "I'll HELP YOU!" over the chaotic mind of Matthew I guessed he didn't hear me I look at the shooter I then see where he point his gun 'Oh no it's going to hit Matthew.' I look back towards Matthew I see a bullet zip by my head, and I see Matthew getting shot. I scream "NOOOOOO! MATTHEW" I start to choke on my words and then I look at the shooter 'I need to help everyone I'm one of the best tacklers I can do this.' I bull rushed the shooter with only one purpose to knock him out!! "RAHHHHHHHHH"
I start lighting the place and start laughing like a maniac "finally all of this feels soooo good." I then hear a loud scream 'huh is someone trying to stop me?' I have an Ak-47 you can't live I look at the massive angry big Asian guy rushing me. I look at him in shock 'he's coming so fast; I didn't think they made people that big in China.' I start aiming towards him and start shooting I see a couple bullets hit him and I see him still rushing towards me "HOW ARE YOU STILL COMING?" I start to fire again and hear a clicking sound 'huh it's empty, I then see darkness and then I open my eyes again was the ceiling what I was looking at? my consciousness starts to fade.
[This Morning a Failed Student Shot up the graduation ceremony in the University of Pittsburgh there has been confirmed 7 Dead and 2 Severely Injured Students the cops have arrived and arrested the culprit the Shooter was Identified to be James Morrow luckily someone was able to stop him and that was the courageous Adrian Lorne who got shot 3 times but still prevailed and knocked out the Shooter to protect everyone]
[In the University of Pittsburgh's Medical Center]
there was two Injured patients one Adrian Lorne and the second Matthew Matthews Jr. (You thought he died, didn't you?)
I start to wake up and I see Adrian talking with a bunch of news reporters I moan in pain "ah this hurts so much" Adrian hears me and looks over ignoring the reporters "Matthew! your awake" I laugh and then cough in pain "yep I'm okay and awake." I look at the reporters "why are they here?" I see Adrian looking a little shy and say, "well once you got shot, I was angry and I wanted to put a stop to this, so I rushed towards the Shooter and tackled him unconscious, but I got 3 bullet wounds." I look amazed "That's great how'd you still keep going if you got shot?" I see Adrian sheepishly reply, "I'm not really sure I just kept on going." I laugh and then grunt and gruffly say "I might have to start calling you the Hulk."
I then recovered enough to get home and got directions to heal better from the doctors and my college degree I grip the sheet of paper 'was that worth almost dying for.' I start walking around it was currently 12:38 PM its extremely dark I look at the sidewalk and start to walk home I only live about 5 mins away I can do this I grunt over there I was at the last crosswalk and then I see the signs change I start limping over to my apartment and the I hear honking. I look to see myself getting slammed by a Truck. I start to bleed out I clutch the sheet of paper that says I obtained my college degree 'was this all life had to offer? working to the bone near death then once it was finally accomplished nearly die and then actually die? Is this really all life has to offer?'
I regret this I should've worked at McDonalds... I then start to fell nothing, and my vision fades into nothingness.
I'm a new Author so feel free to leave useful tips that can help improve my writing.
If there is any Grammar or English Mistakes Please reprimand me because English is my only Language so it Shouldn't be that hard to be decent right?