
One Piece: No Strings Attached

The plot is set as pieces are conveniently laid down for the hero. A convenient world, a convenient power, heck, even a convenient conflict. Now all we needed to do is sit back and watch this expected development play through. We've done this thousands of time, what can go wrong right? With destiny as the guide, a man will overcome all odds to rise from challenge and save the wor-- did he just massacre my planet?! ------------- A story inspired by so many fanfictions I've read in the span of a month. Yeah, just discovered it last December. Hello everyone, I have been recently introduced to this genre called fanfiction and now I am acting like a kid who had his first pack of wee-- er games. I meant games. This is my first novel too so feel free to leave some reviews on what I can do better. I fucked up and now I do not know how to change the genre because this is clearly FF. So I did the obvious, be lazy looking for answers and just repost it under FF genre. English is not my native language so do inform me if the grammar is unbearable. Now, What should you expect from this novel? hmmm. One piece definitely. Now, I'll try to incorporate my ideas so it won't be the "let's go sail and fuck up WG" World hopping. Yes but not saving the world thingy every time. He may save or he may left it to be destroyed after taking what he wants. So much bullshit that researchers will call it the "Recipe for Disaster" Prolly sex. I mean yeah. MC is kinda an Asshole so be prepared So yeah, I will update this later one. Peace, Venerable Zy

Venerable_Zydelle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 2 Take Over

\\Noon, on an island. Who knows where\\

A boy maybe 3 to 4 years of age can be seen lying on the beach with his front body facing the sand. From his position as well as his slightly ragged yet clealy once expensive clothes, he was washed away into the shores. Waves crashing into him but the boy showed no signs of waking up. Even the piercing island heat at noon where it is the hottest failed to invoke the slightest reaction from the young and fragile body.

It was not until the sun has set and cawks of crows sounded when the boy's body twitched and he abrubtly opened his eyes. What comes next was a slightly stinging pain in his eyes as it was exposed to saltwater mixed with sand when a wave came rushing upon the shore.

"URGH- MOTHERFUC--!" He was about to curse but stopped. He felt like the curse was for him for some reason. Still a bit disoriented, he rubbed his eyes only for the pain to worsen and he screamed like a little bitch. Moments later, he tried to adapt and calm down while bearing the sting he is feeling with his eyes. Deciding what to do, he tried to find his way into the sea with his eyes still close hoping rinse away the sand.

*Sound of boots walking on the sand*

After the little incident, the boy quickly made his way back into the shore and plopped there, with a loud thud, as he assess his current situation. He was surprisingly out of breath looking like he run a marathon with weights. "Eto.. I am currently alone on what clearly is an island at night time. Hmm. Wait, what? I am ALONE?! On an ISLAND at night time?! Why hell am I on an island?!"

The gears in his mind went in a frenzy as they tried to remember whatever details they can to figure out how did he ended up in such place.

Scenes before his death flashed in his mind. How he fucked his student's mother silly. How he went home afterwards. Also how he fucked his student's mother silly. Important things needed reemphasis. How he was devastated and cried when Old man Ben was shot. How he was robbed and was helplessly stabbed by a 7 foot whitewashed asian and died. He chuckled. I'm such an asshole. 'But still, that ass though. You slap it hard and you'll get a high five from the recoil.'

"So let me this straight. I was stabbed by Beetlejuice and died? Damn, of all the things to go, I got penetrated? bleergh---" Me and my stupid brain. *sighs*

" But anyway, it seems like I got isekai'd, huh. Well, What do you know. Those stuffs are real after all. So I guess I should be thanking RO-- or NOT! Is this a joke?! Can't a dead person stay dead? You can't even die properly nowadays." He grumbled as he stood up only to fall back down. He was shocked! He suddenly realizes that it was hard to move for some reason. Now that he calmed down, he realized that it was hard to lift his little hands without exerting more effort. .

'Wait, little? How come my hands are small?!'

Suddenly, a sound was heard inside his head like someone just turned on a device. As soon as that mechanical voice sounded, a memory resurfaced which made him remember.



I found myself floating in the void. How did I know? Well, like some F-cup boobs when a MILF ran around, I go boing boing. *Chuckles*

Kidding, I am still in one piece after I passed away which isn't really surprising because I got stabbed and not mutilated. 'Though it would've been fun' I thought.

I checked my surroundings and was surprise to see that things, as far as the eye can see, are all in pure white. Blindingly bright but it somehow reeks of disgust. Makes you think how much gallons of blood would it take to paint it red.

Stood in front of me was an old man man garb with robe of the same color. His hair is white, his face is long, and his eyes are deep black with a sharp brow, all in all, it resembled a stern grandpa who would label you as failure if you are not a doctor, lawyer, engineer or a combination of three.

Currently he was smiling warmly like a doting grandfather but I feel disgusted about it. Somehow, this pure white background with him at the center makes one great masterpiece of painting that should be named: Hypocrisy. How do I know? Well, I am one myself.












I turned my head to his direction.

"Ah, yo--"

And then went passed him.

He sighed.

And I sighed too. 'Oh well, let's entertain the poor sod.' I finally looked at him and gave my very best surprised face and then finally a 'what d'you want?' face.

"Boy, you might be confused as to why you are here. Well, let me expl--"

"I died." I replied in the most boring tone a bored man can be.

"Eh..."He was suprised for a bit but then quickly regained he's composure.

*Cough* "As I was saying, you were here because you died and was given another chance at life! Because of the good karma you acc--" he stopped when he saw me giving him a deadpanned look saying 'really bro? is that it?'

He looked at me incredously, kinda funny how someone or 'something' tries so hard to maintain a warm yet solemn atmosphere and here I am picking my ears, wearing an 'uninterested' face in front of what I think would be a god or just a powerful entity.

You might be wondering, who am I and how am I talking to all of you. Well, I am ALLADIN MADAFAKA!

Kidding, I am Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwemubwem Ossas. Sike, I am Jack. Jack D. Legolas. Don't ask what D stands for, you're practically committing suicide. I am just your average 33 year-old guy who doesn't have a wife and living within his parents' house.

Kinda pathetic, right? Nu uh! I am living in my parent's villa since they past away and I was literally bathing in cash and pussy. *Smirk* Virgins.

Now, you may think I am such an ungrateful bastard by talking about my parents' passing so lightly but I tell you this, they are the top of my list in "People and Things I Give a Fuck". Followed by MILFs and BWILA in general. So yeah, I love my parents. Now let's talk about MIL--

*cough* 'God' tried to catch my attention again.

"Listen here, Jack" he said.

'Listen here you piece of shit' I internally curse. I don't like being called Jack. I'd prefer my last name to be my name instead.

"I heard that"


*sighs* "Although you wasted your life playing with women--"

"with consent" I added

"with consent, yes sometimes, and indulge your self with novels, mangas and animes. I cannot ignore the fact that you changed so many lives by donating to different charitie--" he said and I fake-blushed

"Please, it's the least I can do." I said jokingly

"Even if you only did it to guilt-trip---"

"Negotiate, is the term" I cut him off.

"Right, you 'negotiated' with those MILFS and Sisters" he deadpanned.

"Plus you even believe that One Piece is the best anime of all time! All hail Oda" he mumbled the last part and subtly gave me a thumbs up which I picked up. 'Something tells me this whole shit is mainly because of it.'

*Ahem!* He coughed, seemingly embarassed.

"Again, because of your merits, the heavenly law hereby bestow upon you a new chance at life!"

He exclaimed.

"Can I pass?" I asked.


"Pwetty pwease"

*spits* "You're disgusting!"

"Oh come on! What is so good about another life?"


"You think I'm some MC who'd fall for that?"

He was shocked! And so was I!

"How about anime world?"


"With cheats?"


"Come on! You'd love that!"

"What ar--" then I narrowed my eyes and calmed my self. The poor sod thought that hit the jackpot so he prepared for one last push.

"You also get to draw some OP stuff!"

*sighs* "Alright, since you're practically begging me then I shall grant you this blessing to reincarnate me. Be grateful!"

'He he he so he's a tsun' god thought.

"Umu! You get to draw a goldenfinger to aid you in your conquest. It can range from items to systems to goddess companionship!"

"Mm." I hummed in agreement.

"Now, let us start" I said.

[Gods POV]

I mused as I watched the boy being so excited over something so trivial. Even though he still looks uninterested I am sure that he is just trying to hide it. Which mortal wouldn't? Although I find him to be disrespectful I will just hold it in, after all we are sending him to 'that' place. This will be our 35th attempt at sending a person since the first and only successful one. And She was the 34th attempt at that time. Everyone died while trying to breach the barrier. Perhaps he'll be the second.

*Cling cling cling*(AN: that annoying sound when you spin for some games only to be ripped off -_-)

I watched as the wheel pointed to one of the best goldenfinger you could get, well in my opinion.

"Congratulations! You have chanced upon a Goddess companionship!" I said trying to be warm as possible although he seems to be experiencing PTSD as he looked like he swallowed a fly. I wonder why?

(Jack's POV)

As soon as the result came out I knew I fucked up. A memory of a guy struggling so hard at life despite having been reincarnated as his companion, a poor excuse of a goddess, seems to be the living embodiment of a game in nightmare mode, always manages to screw up big time. *shivers*

"Hmmp! So this human will be this Goddess' slave? Barely so-so. Human, it is in your greatest honor to be serving this Goddess, be grateful!" A haughty voice resounded as a woman with a black hair and black eyes, an oval face with jade-like ski-- pft! This ain't xianxia. Anyway, a woman looking like Rin Tohsaka for better comparison.

I raised my eyebrow after hearing this 'goddess' words. 'Nuh uh, I ain't having none of this shit!'

"Recycle my prize and draw another one!" I tried my luck to see if it'll work.

"Heh?!" God and the bit- err Goddess


"Wait wha-- ARGHHHHHHHHHH!" A blood curdling scream echoed as soon as the Goddess disappeared. 'Holy, did she just LITERALLY got recycled?' Both God and I shivered.


(Congratulations! You've received a System!)


And with that, my whole being shone as a light flashed upon me and I started floating and then disappeared.


All I could see was a giant bubble as big as a plane wrap around me and outside it are flashes of light like when spaceship executed a warp. I felt like emptying my guts as I was never a fan of travelling, much less this. After what seemed to be a few seconds or more, perhaps a minute and 9 seconds, I felt myself plunging into a jelly like substance and then followed hell itself.

At first, my shield bubble is rapidly reducing as its energy is being spent protecting me. Then *poof* it popped and I was exposed into this suffocating gelatenous despair-inducing space.

I wanted to move but, I can't. It is surprisingly sturdy. I can feel my skin being dissolved, then my muscles, then bones, and then my soul. The worst part is that I could feel the pain as something is making my mind calm and thus my mind became very perceptive. My senses of pain are being triggered but something is preventing me from having any reaction. Heck, I am not even panicking. How is this even possible? I am literally being forced to feel the pain yet stripped the right of reacting against it. The feeling is there, the response is missing.

And it gets even worse. After my skin was melted comes the muscle. But this son of its mother took things further. While the action it is doing is melting my flesh, I could feel varrying pain coming from different actions. First it felt like a needle is pricking my muscles, then it changes into someone hitting me allover with a meat tenderizer, then I felt like someone splashed some boiling water, then finally, countless mice nibling my flesh.

I wanna scream like a bitch, but I can't. Not even a wince. I calmly felt the torture as I feel my fleshly being slowly disappeared then follow my soul where it cracked all over. The soul is a whole other thing though. I felt like a train hit me when I was crossing the railways while I am having the worst migraine of my life, at 6AM, with a toothache and my little brother is playing music with a speaker at max volume!

But still, I was calm. It made me calm.

Seconds upon seconds, hours upon hours, months upon months. I counted by seconds and I stopped at 31,449,600. Not because I was tired, no, but because it was over.

Finally, like sands against the wave, my whole self crumbled. I died, once again.

//End of Flashback//


(Ding! System rebooting!














Ding! Initializing...

System version: lR0o9icR24kl6 beta

System name: Hero System!)

'Oh hell no!' I almost puked in disgust!


(Ding! System experienc-- &€€=£@




Suddenly, a solemn and heavy mechanical sound popped inside my head. It felt different than the one that appeared earlier.


//Detected foreign entity

Entity: Hero System

//Forcefully terminating foreign entity

//Termination failed

Reason: System is linked with the Host

//Calculating alternatives

//Alternative found

Solution: Take over





//Taking over successful


[Ding! Renaming System

//Searching sources

//Sources found

Source: Host's memory

//Renaming successful

Name: Conqueror's Path


*BLERGH* I empted my stomach in disgust against the absolute worst of a naming sense this system have.