
Chapter 28 Bitten By A Teddy Bear

"So, what are you trying to do? Are you a hero?" Luffy asked Zoro curiously.

"I don't want to be a hero. I aspire to be the best swordsman in the world. But I also don't want to be an enemy of Marine. This will make it difficult for me to move forward in East Blue."

"And if I don't go easy, other residents of Shields Town will be implicated by me."

"Colonel Monka of Marine Base is not a good person." Zoro explained to Luffy.

"Monka is a thing of the past. Kerby said that now he can only wait for Marine headquarters to come and escort him to prison."

"Now that you are a bad guy on the Marine list, you can no longer be your pirate hunter. Just be my vice-captain." Luffy said to Zoro with a smile.

"Indeed, like you said, it's too late to say anything now. I'm already on Marine's blacklist."

"Let's talk first. Although I have agreed to be your companion now, please remember that if you hinder me from becoming the world's best swordsman, I will kill you." Zoro stared at Luffy and said.

"The world's best swordsman? The vice-captain of the Pirate King must be someone with such ambition. Not only will I not stop you, I will also help you." Luffy also made a serious promise to Zoro.

After eating and drinking, Zoro asked Luffy: "Where are we going next?"

"Next, of course we will go to the Great Channel. If you want to become the Pirate King, this is the only way." Luffy said confidently.

"Now we are short of a navigator, but I already have a target candidate."

"I plan to go to Orange Town first. There are navigators we need there."

Before Luffy finished speaking, someone interrupted him.

It was Shimotsuki Kuina, and she came out of the room.

"Do you know how to go to Orange Town?" Shimotsuki Kuina asked Luffy coldly.

Luffy was a little embarrassed, touched his nose and said, "Hey, I actually don't know this."

Shimotsuki Kuina rolled her eyes at Luffy angrily.

"I've been there, and I'll be at the helm to navigate this ship. Just the two of you, a road idiot and an idiot pervert, don't expect to go to Orange Town in this life."

Zoro was very happy to see Kuina come out. Thinking that Luffy had said that Kuina was injured trying to save him, he stepped forward to care about Kuina's injury.

"Is your injury healed?" Zoro asked Kuina.

"Injured?" Shimotsuki Kuina was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and answered Zoro with a sneer.

"Oh, he was indeed injured. He was bitten by a teddy bear a few times."

"Teddy bear?" Zoro asked confused.

"Yes, it's a teddy bear!" Shimotsuki Kuina gritted his teeth and stared at Luffy.

Luffy looked indifferent, whistling and looking at the sea.

Shimotsuki Kuina walked towards the cockpit on the main deck of the Goa Queen.

The person who was going up the stairs stopped for a moment obviously because of pain.

Seeing this, Luffy quickly went up to help Kuina.

Luffy said to Kuina: "You have some difficulty even walking now, why don't you go and rest first."

"Thanks to a certain teddy bear, no need! I am a swordsman who has gone through hard training. I am a swordsman who aspires to become the best swordsman in the world. I don't take this minor injury lightly." Shimotsuki Kuina said stubbornly Rejected Luffy's help.

Zoro, looking at the two of them, always felt like they were hiding something from him.

Luffy could only let Shimotsuki Kuina do it, because he knew that there was no way to reason with the girl at this time.

Shimotsuki Kuina stubbornly steered the ship while scolding Luffy in his heart, scolding this damn big pervert Luffy.

When I was on that yacht before, I knew he was a big pervert just by seeing him hugging me. If it wasn't for saving Zoro, I'd be a pig.

Damn big pervert, time and time again, I said I don't want it anymore, can't you understand what people say?

It hurts so much now, damn it, I didn't expect that as a swordsman, I would still feel pain after training my body for so long.

What the hell is that Devil Fruit of his! Did he eat this Devil Fruit on purpose for that kind of thing?

Would normal people eat this Devil Fruit?

This Luffy looks innocent and fool-like on the outside, but he turns out to be used to confuse people. In essence, he is a big pervert.

Luffy saw that Kuina was holding on to the steering wheel and sailing the boat, and then she climbed up quietly from behind.

He held Kuina's waist and asked in a gentle voice in Kuina's ear: "How are you? Does it still hurt?"

Kuina rolled her eyes at Luffy and said, "What do you think?"

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I'll pay attention next time." Luffy apologized to Kuina.

"Next time? There is no next time." Kuina continued with a cold face.

"I will do what I promised you. I have already done it. There will be no next time."

Luffy grinned and said to Kuina: "This is not what you promised me."

"What do you mean?" Kuina asked.

"My dear, remember, what you promised me was to give me a child."

"And I don't have a limit on how many children I can have. Is there a time limit?" Luffy smiled as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

"From the moment you said yes, you belonged to me."

"You will be my woman from now on, do you understand? Guina."