

So it seems that a lot of people are upset about how dark the story is, but that's not gonna change, not until around chapter 80 when Yovan starts to overcome Limitless.

The word misfortune is in the description and I even added the tag 'Dark' so it's safe to assume that I have a vision for what I want to write.

The first part of Yovan's journey is that of misfortune, of survival, of overcoming the test that Limitless is constantly putting him through, and I'm sparing nothing to show just how dark Limitless truly is befitting of its title.

I'm saying these things just for people who can not handle dark themes, letting you know in advance. It's okay if this story is not to your liking, but I have a vision I want to portray and I understand that not everyone will like it, but thank you for reading along, and if you plan to continue, then you're in for an interesting ride!! Lastly, thank you all for the support! Much love!