
Water Works (Koala)

"You want to do Fishman Karate?" Koala asked the male. She looked him up and tried to gauge his power.

Y/N was trying to keep a straight face but he was struggling and found it awkward the way the Fishman karate expert was staring down at him, even if he was taller. 'I feel like she's judging me for everything I've done in my life,' Y/N thought as he kept his composure internally but his heart's fast pace was enough to say that wasn't the case.

'Hack is already in Dressrosa, so he can't teach him. He's a bit cute.' Koala sighed, making Y/N almost whimper at what she might say. "Well, I can't say you'll get everything 100% perfectly since I'm not a fishwoman but I can drill them into you, let's go!" she announced, making Y/N's face brighten up.

"Right!" he enthusiastically responded.


For their lessons, Koala would dress up in a white Karate gi outfit with a black belt. On the right side of the gi were the words: Ryugu. While the left side held a round circle with a dot in the middle.

'She's so pretty!' Y/N thought as he looked at his teacher. He straightened up though when she saw her stern look. Nervousness hit him once again.

Koala then smiled. "Fishman Karate can seem pretty tough but I'm sure you'll do just fine. What's important is that your posture is always firm but your body must embrace being flexible to ensure that you are able to execute the motion required for the martial arts to actually work as intended. I'll be helping you with that," she said, approaching the male.

"U-um, I think I can do the stretching part just fine, Koala sensei," Y/N stuttered out, not ready for such intimacy. In his eyes, at least.

Koala stopped, her face confused but then it turned to one of mirth as she giggled. Against his requests, Koala slipped behind him and held him from behind, a firm grasp on both his arms, her chest pressed against his back. "You meekness is cute but you don't have to be shy forever. Especially when you are on the battlefield... understand?" she said, positioning his body in the Fishman Karate stance as Y/N tried to not fret over something so simple.

Y/N pushed forward and continued ignoring the unease he had with the close proximity of Koala as she continued to teasingly rub her body against his while monitoring and guiding his every position. "A-are you doing this on purpose or not? I can't tell."

The Revolutionary Army officer gave a small chuckle. "Remember, you don't have to make a big deal out of this. I understand that you're uncomfortable but trust me... it will be worth it," she said, giving a sunny smile at the end.

Y/N nodded a bit eagerly at her smile. Continuing the fundamentals of Fishman Karate, Y/N was a bit slow to get it started. Koala analyzed his moves and was correcting him several times, but not once did she get angry or show any sort of negative emotion towards Y/N.

Koala wiped her brow. "I think that's enough training for today. You struggled a bit but that's only natural. Don't focus on the negatives but think about all the positives, too. The shyness of yours is slowly breaking apart and the stance is good. Keep it up. If you can get it done within a week, I'll give you an amazing present!" she told him, her smile more... different from her sunny smile. It was tainted in an interesting way that made Y/N shiver at what it could be.

"I'll do it!" he promised her as he ran off. He stripped himself of his gi and Koala gave a small whistle as she looked to see that his trapezius muscle was heavily defined in a lean fashion, making her bite her lip.

'Now I really want him to get Fishman Karate done in the time limit.


Y/N made sure to burn the techniques and fundamentals of Fishman Karate into his body. Sweat slipped from his body everyday, something Koala noticed as it also allowed her to see not only Y/N's body but the one particular organ that was exciting as Koala also helped with training but it mostly involved Y/N going berserk and pushing past his limits, even when his bones made funny cracking noises.

Arriving near the end of his training, Y/N and Koala were sparring. With Y/N's fist hitting her, the shock was evident in her eyes as she felt what could only be described as a tsunami hit her body and send her flying a fair back.

"Koala!" Y/N called out only for her to flip herself back up and deliver an even stronger punch that made Y/N gasp, holding his stomach in shock.

Koala gave a cheeky grin. "The battle is over, so don't let your guard down." Koala pointed to herself. "Even if you are facing a cute girl like me," Koala added with a smirk, making Y/N sigh in defeat.

Suddenly, Koala dropped down on the reader, making him blush at the fact she was sensually straddling him. "Do you remember our deal? I'd give you an amazing present if you managed to master Fishman Karate in a week.

Y/N's eyes widened. "Um, I guess you did?" Y/N admitted, unable to hold his feelings anymore as he looked down, already knowing what was going to come out. 'I know she's probably doing what I think she's doing but this doesn't make it any less strange.'

Koala purred as she crawled over him, her face parallel to his as she reached to her belt and unbuckled it, making her gi fall lose. Y/N was a bit disappointed when he saw that Koala had a shirt underneath, something she clocked given Y/N's tendency to easily give away his thoughts through his face.

Her smooth lips pressed against his as Koala gripped Y/N's hands and placed it above him, exposing him out and making him moan into the kiss as Koala was the one who took a more bolder approach as she heard Y/N moan and smiled as she did.

Y/N was closing his eyes for the kiss until they shot out when he felt Koala's hands rubbing down on his groin. It began to twitch and press hard against the confines of Y/N's outfit as Y/N would have spoken out that this was too much but a more confident voice in the back of his head told him to sit down and enjoy the company of someone as beautiful as Koala.

Koala smiled as Y/N was more open to her advances. She continued to tease the area as her breath hitched in her throat when she felt, Y/N of all people, press his tongue into her mouth during the kiss. It was surprising to say the least but the Fishman Karate expert did not mind it as she swirled her tongue against his tongue's attack, making him hump in excitement at the feeling that coursed through his body.

'Koala is acting so lewd, I never thought she'd be like this... i-it's turning me on,' Y/N thought as he brought his hand up and gave a pat to her chest, his hand easily squashing and pushing back the breast with minimal effort. 'Soft,' he thought, his smile more child-like.

Koala moaned into the kiss when she felt Y/N do that. 'Two can play that game,' she thought as she began to suck on Y/N's tongue, the new action catching him off guard and making him falter. 'Just as I expected,' she thought like an evil mastermind. She increased her groping of his groin area, slowly it was turning into jerking as she began to bring his cock out from the trousers that trapped it.

The zip was pulled and the dick came out with it, springing back with such force that Koala accidentally pulled out the kiss; she was jump-scared by the thick and veiny shaft. "No talking, more kissing!" Koala hushed him with a more heated kiss than before as her left hand worked to stroke his dick while her right hand held Y/N's neck in place so she can get more lustful with her kisses.

Meanwhile, Y/N's hand was going crazy and clingy, pulling the shirt and slipping his hand underneath. He felt the real flesh and Koala looked when she felt a size bump and found Y/N's cock size increasing at the sight of it. Both of them had rosy cheeks as they looked at each other but they nonetheless continued on forward with their sexual teasing.

'I just have to be more confident. I can do that!' Y/N thought with a cheeky smile as he gripped Koala's shirt and twisted it, fabric shredding in the palm of his hands as he brought not only his one hand but the other hand and double squeezed Koala's large boobs, making her squirm into the kiss.

'He keeps on growing bigger and his kissing gets better. Who knew someone shy could be so sexually competent? No, in fact, he's better,' Koala corrected herself as she continued to continue her jerking off instructions while Y/N was making her moan and vulnerable in the kinky kiss as Koala found Y/N's confidence increasing in correlation to his sex skills.

Something slippery trickled down Y/N's shaft as Koala stopped her jerking off and looked to examine the leakage. Her finger tapped on it and she pulled out of her horny kiss and she dolloped the semen into her mouth. She tasted it a bit with her tongue before gulping. "Interesting taste."

Y/N looked at her strangely. "Okay, whatever you do, do not kiss me," Y/N told her, making Koala laugh.

"I want to kiss something else," she said, purring as she moved on top of Y/N and rubbed her ass against his face. "You can kiss this instead," she added as she licked the dangerously thick dick. Her whole head had to be active as the slab of meat was built differently, so it wasn't easy for Koala to simply stick her tongue out.

Y/N had to admit that things were moving a bit fast but he didn't mind as he decided that he would slowly and sensually massage her ass, enjoying Koala's muffled moans, due to her having taken his penis in her mouth, as Y/N continued to play with Koala's body and figure out what made her tick. He tried smacking, hard pinching and groping. 'I hope I'm not hurting her,' he thought.

On the other hand, Koala was going crazy as she kept on venturing down on his cock. She would blush from time to time and squint her eyes when Y/N did the occasional hard pinching but nothing was compared to the new sensation in her body as her throat was being stretched out against his donkey dick. 'Who knew that such a gem could be hidden in the rough?' she thought with interest, drool escaping out of her penis-plugged mouth as her face was really lewd with the way she tried to continue dropping down and sucking on it.

Y/N was getting more tempted by the second as he pulled back and ripped her gi, unable to hear Koala's angry cry correctly. "Did you like that, Koala?!" he asked, genuinely curious. He heard her moaning very loudly. "I'm gonna take that as a yes!" he replied, unable to see her sighing expression as Y/N began to play with her pussy. The process was slow and sensual as he would just poke it, enjoying the reaction it made whenever the shape would change and match her pussy.

Unable to hear Koala's moans as his dick had all but plugged her speech, Y/N just went with Koala's lustful flow as he had expanded his teasing territory to include pulling her pussy apart and showcasing the flesh. Pushing a finger into to test the water works, which resulted in him pulling back with a wet finger.

Koala almost choked on Y/N's dick when she felt Y/N press a finger into her pussy. It was so unexpected that it was the reason her vision went blank for a moment as she found herself cringing in pain when her body was signalling to her that Y/N's monster cock was hitting the back of her throat and scraping down further, like it was cutting open the belly of a beast. 'He's such a mouthful to deal with. Well, more like this dick is a mouthful,' she corrected as she was passionate in her efforts, rearing her arms out and literally taking the situation into her own hands as she steadied herself and bobbed her head up and down of her own accord. 'This cock is so big and beautiful but I don't want to just give up because of that. Let me work on it!'

Y/N groaned in delight when he felt a sudden increase in sucking down below as his vision caught sight of Koala's head bouncing up and down, his cock visible due to the length. The passion in her humping, bobbing movements was a turn on for Y/N. In fact, this very turn on ended up making Koala stutter as she found her progress being set back and her body being attacked more harshly than before with the introduction of Y/N's cock adding a few improvements to both the width and height of it.

Koala gave a choked gasp on the cock. Her cheeks were full and her throat was bruised but she kept on going, her huge ass shaking and coincidentally teasing Y/N, whose body ended up repeating the same phallus process as his dick kept growing in size and Koala found her progress being depleted, each single time that she was so close to making progress seemed to be thwarted. Y/N kept on watching Koala struggle and persist against his cock, with the sight turning him on even more again as he gripped her ass and slapped it hard, hard as he could, a red mark nice and clear on it. "Time for some more!" he added, trying to sound a bit dominant.

The orange-haired woman chuckled as she was able to also recognise that Y/N was trying to present himself as the stereotypical dominant male. 'It's so cute,' she thought, her eyes softening before they hardened once again as she took on the surging shaft that plunged deep in her mouth and whacked at her insides like they were a sign and his cock was the nail. 'Oh, this feels so long in my throat, and it hurts like hell! But it just feels so alluring and addictive! I'll take this all and survive!' Koala thought with passion as she was banging her head against his dick at this point, her sexual suicide tactic working in her favour as Y/N's dick was inevitably sinking down into her mouth and Y/N was groaning at this. 'I can do this! I can do this!' she thought.

Y/N was trying to hold it in, not wanting to make too much noise because it could be seen as a bit embarrassing, especially for him. So he groaned, his face a mask of held back bellowing as Y/N squeezed tightly onto Koala's ass, like it could absorb moan from a person. 'That would be helpful!' he thought but it wasn't enough and he gave up, loudly proclaiming how good Koala was at sucking him off, a smug smirk on her face (that he couldn't see) as Koala's teeth grinded gently on the cock, not painful but a teasing sensation that made him groan in more delight.

'I'm feeling this weird tingling feeling! Oh wait, I'm—'

It was too late for warning as Koala found her cheeks getting even bigger when Y/N's cock fired off rapid shots inside. 'He didn't even warn me!' she thought, wondering if it was a ploy on purpose or if he released too soon. The matter of the fact was that Koala was receiving more cum than she could currently handle as she was only able to just recently tame his dick down her mouth but now she was dealing with the white wave.

Her fist posed and she punched Y/N's dick, making him scream in pain as the water in the vicinity focused down and Y/N felt his dick almost regress as Koala also gripped down and slowly removed her head from the massive meat, an audible popping noise as she also stopped it from cumming even more, given Y/N what he could only describe as the biggest blue balls in his life. "K-Koala, what was that about?! I thought you were going to use my dick as a punching bag!" Y/N complained. "Can you warn me?!" he complained, almost looking like he was about to tear up.

Koala sighed. "I'm sorry but I had only just finished getting used to taking this crazy dick down my mouth. The fact you started cumming all of a sudden threw me off. How about I make it up to you with this nice paizuri?!" she suggested with a wink, spitting on his dick and playing around with it, such as jerking it around and around like she was mixing ingredients as well as flicking it.

"Can you just hurry up!?" Y/N said.

"So impatient, Y/N. I'll be extra, extra careful!" she said, making the reader blush from her vixen attitude in that instance. The rest of her gi was removed, leaving her in more or less a white rob as she pressed her chest against his dick, enclosed it around and worked her large boobs against it, watching it twitch and rise. "See, everything is better now."

Y/N just nodded, liking the feeling that spread over his cock as Koala slowly worked her tits against his dick, the speed at which she was giving his penis paizuri, the friction making Y/N's twitch and go all over the place, spilling small amounts of pre-cum, even though the amount it released was probably more than an average man's ejaculation. "Thanks, Koala! Keep it up!" Y/N said as he also began to work his hips, his dick hitting Koala's face several times.

Koala giggled at this and opened her mouth, letting her tongue run up and down but not fully putting it in. She nodded up and down, her tongue keeping the tip all shiny and wet. "How about we give this one more shot?" she said, unhinging her jaw and taking in the massive monolith of meat that instantly made her want to cum from the way it filled up her mouth and the sensation of being stuffed full was oddly satisfying.

"I feel like this is a bit suspicious, Koala." Y/N's walls fell as he saw the sexy pouting, sucking-dick face of Koala made Y/N relent and he pressed his dick forward. He got turned on when he saw Koala's pouting face shift to a cock-hungry face as she opened up her mouth and joyfully bobbed up and down, still not neglecting her paizuri. In fact, it only got more active and her breasts were constantly smashing and sliding against his cock as if she was a cheerleader and her tits were pom poms.

Y/N could once again feel his end coming, with the tingling in his testicles. He grunted as he reached forward and slammed his hips forward, to propel his dick forward and brought Koala's head further down onto his cock, her eyes widening. It was too late for her to back down as she had already promised Y/N she would not betray his trust, so she had no choice but to gulp it all down, her pussy squirting as she was making sure not to spill a single drop. She didn't have an obligation but she felt compelled.

Y/N reeled his tool out of her upper mouth, cum dripping out of Koala's mouth as she panted. Her face was redder than Y/N's as she held his cum hose in one hand. Licking her lips, Koala gave another one of her positive smiles that uplifted Y/N's spirits and his penis. "Well, I hope you have an explanation for that!" Koala said, giving him a naughty glare.

"Um, your tattoo is really pretty," Y/N spat out.

Koala grinned as she pressed her fists into Y/N's stomach, making him crash on his back. She jumped up on him and moved her panties to the side, a smirk on her face as she wrenched his dick upright and positioned her slit at the go. "I think that punch should be enough to leave you hurting for a bit, so I'm just going to tease this," she said, moving her pussy against it but never fully committing to sitting down on it.

Koala used two fingers and began pinching the tip of the dick before changing and adding more fingers, slowly she was surely jerking off his whole cock with her hand. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything extreme. I just wanted to tease you, so I hit you like that," she said, slowly squatting down and pressing herself on the tip. "Here we go!" Koala enthusiastically said.

Y/N tried getting up after Koala's surprise hit. The force "Wait, what happened?! Oh—!"

A ton of force hit Y/N's body as Koala impaled herself about halfway onto Y/N's dick, the thick rod clearly straining to fit. Koala looked down and finally got a clear shot of how much bigger it was than before, making her nod. Yep, Koala might have underestimated her abilities as well as the size of the cock. 'I'll need to remind myself that my mouth and pussy are very much different in stretching capability,' she noted to herself. The blame for her attitude... she would lay it on Sabo. "Um, help?"

Y/N grinned, a malevolent grin this time, instead of his usual blushing grin. Koala had awakened something in Y/N as he gripped her by the arms and smacked her down on his cock, a gargle of screams from Koala as she felt like she was being dragged and ripped apart in a vortex of painful penis pleasure. Her body was feeling the shockwaves as she panted from the feeling.

Koala gave an angry pout at Y/N and was pulling his cheeks. "Why'd you have to do it so hard?! she complained.

However, her complaints were rejected as Y/N got her up and was thrusting in and out. "This was supposed to be my reward, Koala!" Y/N grunted as he gripped her arms and pulled her in, his head coming up as he tried to intercept her breasts and catch it between his tongue like a child, which made Koala chuckle at his behaviour, even thought he was messing up her pussy with his thrusting speed.

Koala blushed at being caught out for her actions but she accepted it as she grinded her hips and really rolled around and around, trying to ensure the large dick was able to stir every single crevice in her body. She hadn't had a partner at all, so her fingers were doing all the hard work but now that she has this shy stud, Koala was getting desperate to make sure that Y/N worked her insides and shaped it up real quick.

Her hips hops were increasing as the floor around them seemed like they were shaking, every noise in the room was elevated for Koala as she found her body experiencing an all new high with the way Y/N's massive cock was opening up her vaginal walls with sexual spear-like slaps that made Koala loudly gasp when she felt a knock on her womb.

Y/N gritted his teeth as he felt Koala's cunt hold tightly on his dick, making him grip Koala's arms tighter as a result. He bursted forward and opened up his mouth to gnaw on her juicy tit, making lewd sucking noises as he stared up and looked at Koala with an almost innocent face. However, Koala saw right through it and the pleasure in her body distorted her view of what innocent people could be like.

The teacher focused her vaginal walls tighter as the student continued to plough through her sex, determined to see things right away to the end. Y/N took his hands off of Koala's arms and instead gripped her by the waist, slamming her down on his dick like a deranged degenerate, his expression one of glee as Koala moaned, lost in penis paradise.

Her senses were flooded and her individuality snapped as soon as Y/N released his pumped up cum inside of her. Everything was like a blast, as Y/N blasted inside Koala. Her womb was overrun at just the beginning. Koala's talking was incoherent and her head and tongue were hanging out mindlessly as Y/N continued to relentlessly work his hips and pump out every single sticky super substance he had stored in his titanic testicles.

It took some actual gripping of his own dick to unplug it out of Koala's pussy but she ended up gushing out a large amount of it as Y/N panted heavily and dropped. "Thank you, Koala. You helped me get some confidence," he said with a smile. He got up and looked at Koala's face and the mess made. "Um, I'm going to just leave," Y/N said, walking off.

Looks like he still had more to learn before he truly got over any confidence issues.