

After the matron finished her call with her boss, she called her human trafficking contacts and arranged for them to meet with her at an abandoned island not far from O'Hara. She was going to bring them some merchandise to sell: Two kids, Viktor and Raven with doriki values above 10.

Since he was listening in on her, Viktor heard everything she said to her boss and to the human traffickers. It turned out that the first part of the plan worked! However, she was now coming after them. It was sooner than he'd hoped, but it was still an opportunity to get rid of her once and for all.

Once the three of them got situated, Viktor revealed the good news, " Alright, so first of all, Professor Jones's drunk ramblings actually worked, and the world government isn't specifically investigating him anymore. "

Raven was shocked, " Holy shit! He actually pulled it off. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. "

Professor Jones then replied with an arrogant expression on his face, " Well of course it worked. You really should have more faith in me. I'm clearly very reliable. "

Viktor replied, " Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Now the bad news is that the matron has turned her sights to the two of us. She's already told her contact that she'll sell us tomorrow at an abandoned island near here."

Raven said, " Already? How could she possibly guarantee she can sneak us out of here without anybody knowing so fast? "

Viktor said, " I'm not sure. Instead of waiting for her to attack us, I propose we take the initiative and attack her first. "

Professor Jones interjected, " And how do you propose we attack her? "

" Well, the easiest way would be to drug her and make her lose consciousness, but how to administer the drug is the tricky part. She's a spy after all. "

" OK, let's says say we actually knock her unconscious, what will we do then? "

" Well, we'd question her for any useful information. Since she's a spy, we'll probably have to torture it out of her. Then we'll kill her, burn her corpse, and spread her ashes into the sea. "

Professor Jones was worried about how torturing and then killing someone would affect Viktor and Raven's mental health. After all, they're just kids. He voiced his concerns and volunteered to do the dirty deed.

Viktor didn't agree with Professor Jones, " Really, you? The person who's spent his entire life studying and hasn't even killed anyone. You're going to torture information out of someone? Don't make me laugh. "

Professor Jones yet again insisted on it, but his words fell on deaf ears. In fact, Viktor argued that he should do it. Since his devil fruit ability turned him into a human computer, when he used his ability, Viktor acted more out of logic than emotions and morality.

Therefore, by using his ability, Viktor'd be able to ignore constraints such as morality in order to ensure his objective was fulfilled. The objective in this case being their survival

This worried Raven as emotions are a huge part of what makes someone human. She didn't want her precious Viktor to turn into a cold, soulless machine with human parts.

Raven told Viktor her concerns, " Well, if you really insist on doing it, then I guess I can't stop you. Someone has to do it after all, and like you said, you'd be the best at it. Just, try not to let your devil fruit ability consume you. I can't bear the thought of losing you."

Viktor reassured Raven that he wouldn't let his ability consume him. After all, what's the point of living if you can't enjoy it?

Viktor then steered the conversation to his plan to ambush the matron.

Raven was excited to hear his plan, " So, what dastardly plan have you concocted? I can't wait to hear how we're going to take that bitch down. In fact, while we're torturing her, can I get a few hits in? I want to pay her back for trying to sell us into slavery. "

Viktor explained his plan " Well, Raven's ominous intentions aside, my plan is pretty simple. I still have some anesthetic darts and a blow dart gun from hunting. I figured I'll use that to knock her out. The only problem is the blow dart gun doesn't exactly have a large range, so we'll have to lure her somewhere secluded with lots of cover, like the forest. "

Professor Jones interjected, " And how are we going to do that. "

Viktor's smile worried Professor Jones," I'm so glad you asked. Since you succeeded against the odds with her once, you're going to do it again. "

Professor Jones said, " Oh, that's all it is. It seems you just can't live without me. However, I'm not exactly close to her, so how am I supposed to lure her all the way into the forest while she's planning to kidnap you guys?"

Viktor told him, " Basically, you're going to tell her that you want to apologize to her for asking Raven and I to keep what happened with the Roger pirates secret. You will then look for us so we could apologize together. We would happen to be in the forest hunting, so you'd lead her in the forest. "

Professor Jones said, " And you think she'll drop what she's doing and hear an apology from kids she's planning to kidnap? Not gonna lie, this plan so far sounds idiotic. "

Raven agreed with Professor Jones. Viktor came up with yet another ludicrous plan.

However, Viktor hadn't finished telling them his plan, " You didn't let me finish. Professor Jones will mention that you can take her to our hideouts in the forest and beach. Then, you'll mention my brilliance and how impressive it was that I build those hideouts. "

Raven finally understood Viktor's plan. If the matron can prove Viktor's intellect, then he can be sold at a higher price. However, she needed confirmation and seeing the hideout Viktor constructed would help her do that.

Viktor than began to explain this aspect of his plan to Professor Jones and he finally agreed with Viktor's plan.

Professor Jones said, " OK, I understand your plan. God, I sure hope this works. "

Raven was also still skeptical, " Who knows, Viktor's other crappy plan worked out somehow. Maybe this one will work out as well. Fingers crossed. "

Viktor cried, " Hey, I'm doing the best I can. Our situation isn't exactly the best. "

Raven then comforted him, " We know Viktor, we know. And I'm very grateful for all you do, alright. "

Professor Jones said, " Yeah, what she said. Now let's do this. "

Professor Jones then set off to find the matron and Viktor and Raven set up an ambush in the forest. After Professor Jones found the matron, he asked her to go to the forest with him to find Viktor and Raven.

At first, the matron denied him, saying it wasn't necessary to get an apology out of the kids right away. She wanted to prepare for kidnapping the kids, so she had no interest in their apologies. However, Professor Jones then mentioned Viktor's stunning intellect and the hideouts he made.

The matron became interested, thinking that if Viktor was really as smart as Professor Jones claimed, she'd be able to ask for a higher price for him. However, she'd need actual proof of his genius before claiming his intelligence, so she'd need to see his work for herself.

She then agreed with Professor Jones's plan and followed him into the forest. Lying in wait for her were Viktor and Raven. Once she got in range, Viktor shot a knockout dart at her. All she felt was a prick and could only say, " What the?" before she passed out.

" Yes, it actually worked!" Viktor exclaimed.

Raven was also shocked, " Wow, another one of your crappy plans worked?! I'm actually curious now, just how many crappy plans are actually going to work for you? There's no way another plan of yours this crappy actually works, right?"

Viktor replied, " Oh ye of little faith. My plans operate on a level far beyond your feeble understanding, Mwa ha ha ha ha!"

Raven said, " Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that bud. Whatever gets you through the day."

Professor Jones interjected, " Not that I don't find your guys banter amusing, but we've got some work to do."

Raven then smiled, " Oh yeah, we have a guest to accommodate. We gotta make sure her accommodations are appropriate for what we're about to do, Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The trio then set off to the nearest hideout, which was by the beach, so that they could tend to their guest. And to be clear, in this case tending to the guest meant prying her for information by any means necessary. This included torturing her, which Raven actually looked forward to doing.