
the first few years

Well being a baby sucks! It is humiliating, the only thing I do is eat, sleep, shit and repeat...and well I finally cried for the first time I cried so loud my mother and father immediately put the whole house on a lock down.

It was about 3days after my birth and well I snapped, I was ashamed of myself so ashamed I wouldn't even dare say I'm a true die hard one piece fan any more. I realized we are rich as fuck so I made the connection with the celestial dragons which is all good. But then I suddenly remembered what my father told me about himself and kept thinking about important strong wealthy characters, but I drew a blank....

That is until I replayed it again and realized his name is Imu and he didn't say is like in I'm. So I cried while being ashamed of myself as a one piece fan and not realising I was reborn into the mightiest family in the one piece world.

When I turned one I started feeling something I hadn't felt in a long time, it was love. My new mother smothers me in it, sometimes a little too much with her killing huggs. But I felt warm inside and wanted to protect these people around me. I wouldn't let them die, no this time I will reign supreme! A week later I spoke my first word which was mother.

She was so happy she took me in one of those bonecrushing huggs which only she was allowed to do.

A month later I started speaking fluently and met my grandfather for the very first time. He has long white hair flowing along his back and a pointy white beared. He isn't only muscles, no in the contrary he is rather slim. However if you look closely you can see his muscles are very refined, there is not a single bit of fat on him.

(he looks like roku from avatar)

His father Im is the stern swordsman type of man. He is tall with long wavy brown hair, piercing eyes with those stern eyebrows which give me the creaps when he directs me an angry glare for using a foul word.

My mother is the typical loving mother with blonde long hair which flows down her back like waves. her eyes are crystal blue. Her face is very refined and she has al the necessary curves in the right places.

When I turned two I tried walking but I quickly became sick because my body neaded to grow alongside me to match my powerfull soul and be in harmony with it.

When I turned six I finally got less sickly and my fitness level began improving. I started working out and building up muscles. I started of by doing some push ups and sit ups, run a couple miles and then try to 'play fight' with my father. That was all fun till he didn't control his strenght properly and smashed me on the head. My mother became so angry she wacked him through a couple walls.

The next couple years I kept this routine going and increasing it, but after a while it seemed too effective after a week I could start doing a hundred push ups, after a month I got to a thousand. It was insane how quickly I grew. I didn't understand why this was the case but since it is a good thing I never bothered trying to see why this was happening. After I was 10 I asked my father to be trained to which he replied that he will arange for someone to do it.

A week later he told me to go to the training field in our yard at six in the morning. When I arrived I was met with the greatest shock of my life because the one who would be training me would be.....

well sorry I just had a lazy period but here ya go

yourgrampscreators' thoughts