So after the party I had my first crewmate, together with my new future I guess? I don't know what we should be called a crew maybe but we are not pirates so I guess yeah lets just go with crew to keep it simple.
Now let's eat that devil fruit and train with it. When I ate the ryu ryu no mi: model black dragon, I was really stunned with what it is. It is a litteraly overpowered devil fruit I have obviously a dragon transformation which looks kinda like the red-eyes alternative black dragon from yu gi oh ( just use that as a reference) and I get really freaking big like 5 meters or something and I feel like thats just the beginning since I can't tap into this fruits potential yet.
The permanent changes are a really tough skin like unless you are really strong you can't even scratch me. So thats dobe than you have the strengt increase which is also very usefull. And lastly the coolest thing is that since I am a black dragon I get to control black flames. Yes you guessed that right like the amaterasu flames from naruto. Well they should reach that power someday but right now the maximum I can do is a little better than a normal flame related devil fruit.
So now a weak passed I have been training with that old basterd and even got a training buddy. It is Doffy, who has a really rediculous amount of talent in haki and using his devil fruit so that is great for me I guess.
A few days after my birthday my parents came to me and asked whatever it was I wanted as my final birthday present and I decided on having my father transfer some cp agents in training under my direct command and having them be trained by his until I departed and when I don't have any real use for them.
A couple of weeks went by until sebastian summoned me to my father office and when I entered I was absolutely dumfounded before me stood Blueno, Kaku and Lucci the three coolest cipher pol members in one piece.
My father immediately introduced them and said they will from now on work under me and only listen to my orders. I took them outside so I could start testing them and see what they should be learning. First up was blueno who already had his devil fruit (the door door fruit) he excelled in tekai but was pretty bad at al the rest, Kaku and lucci were good at al of them with Lucci's physical aspects being stronger. As they were still young I could make them into perfect pawns to clean anything I don't like and well just be my lovely pawns.
To get this done I first need to show them some power. So he went to the center of the training feeld and told the to come at him. to which blueno started of opening a door and trowing a punch. I saw the punch coming with my haki, but I simply didn't care my skin got hardened to some extend even in my normal state. It can be compared to a 3 year old punching a full grown on the tight. It tickles a little but nothing more so I really just ignored the punch and kept staring at them. Well when they saw blueno's punch connecting I saw a really stupid grin apearing on their faces. I almost saw them thinking cocky spoiled child, that was till the moment they realised I hadn't budged or even gotten damaged by Blueno's punch.
From that moment they realised that alone they had zero chances at beating me and teamed up on me. Which in turn was great for me because Old man Himura went al brutal on me and Doffy yesterday and I was left with a lot of frustrations and well you all can figure out I beated them up big time.
After getting beaten up and being on the verge of passing out I told them to stand up. They looked at me not really positive but no hate either. So I took this as my time to speak to them.
So you think your bigshots because you have a little bit of power? Well I think your performance was pretty pathetic you guys are pretty much all older or about the same age as me and yet I didn't even get a scratch just now. But I will offer you training by one of the highest services in the governement the only thing you have to do is follow me. I will feed you, train you, nurture you into the ultimate assasins. You will be so strong you can play around in this world. The only thing to change from being dogs to kings is accept my offer and follow me where ever I go.
After which I walked away and told them be here tommorow morning at 7 sharp if you accept otherwhise you can go ahead and leave without any trouble or strings attatched.
The next morning I woke up and went to my father to tell him I would need that instructer present for my new toys...euh paws...euh subordinates I mean obviously. My father said the would have to pass a test before entering so we would go to watch that together because it is quite a cool test.
A while later we arrived and went toward of a roof top nearby very diffucult to be spotted. When I looked at the training ground I saw only my new minions but not my fathers subordinate.
I was obviously glad that they stayed and very curious as to what the test would be. I asked my father and the only thing he said was it would be a fun show to see.
so guys I dont know but I think its obvious that I sometimes get inspiration from other fanfic or anime and use that in mine I wont put characters that dont belong here at most unknown characters will use their name so thats it no crossovers for now peace out boys x