
Deciding my future

So today I got sixteen years old and I am allowed to pick three request one from the treasure vault of the celestials, one from our private vault and finally one from my parent which could be pretty much anything.

So before my three gifts I decided to go ahead an choose my gifts. I first decided to check the family vault since I was really curious about it. And let me tell you we were crazy wealthy like in it was absolutely insane how wealthy we were.

There was so much treasure I couldn't even imagine all these things and there worth I am sure Nami would die from over stimulation just seeing all this. But I couldn't find anything which really attracted me until I saw something a full cabin with at least 20 devilfruits if not more. Then I realised this is what I want, I want a devil fruit. Now here was the trouble which one should I pick...so I did the most sensible thing and yelled Sebastian who guided me here. He is our families main butler and the person who knows my family best. So I asked him to explain the which devil fruit was witch. When he heard the question he started smiling and explained them one by one. Even though there were 20 devil fruits, I only liked 3 which were the Ryu rRyu no Mi: Model black dragon, then you have a logia fruit to control shadows and turn into one and lastly was a weird looking fruit that was named the Human Human no Mi: Model angel. So I decided on...and took it outside with me.

Next I went to the Celestial vault which was even bigger and filled to the brim with diamonds and maps and al sort of stuff but I wanted none of that so I went on until I felt a pull towards a certain item, so I folowed that pull and stumbeled upon a sword it looked really ordanary but I could feel a connection so I took it with me. After my choises I went back towards of my parents and showed them what I chose. My father first saw the devil fruit and got delighted at my pick. Then he saw the sword and mumbled something which I didn't quite get. Mother was just happy and said my party was about to start. I went to my chambers and called some maids to dress me up.

I am quite cold towards them but I guess I can't change that to anyone besides my close people. When I got dressed I went to the ball area where I sat on my throne. I was dressed quite nicely I wore a linnen shirt with a couple of ornaments a nice black pants and a luxurious cape which was epic.

The party was among the 5 main families and mine. After dinner the adults went to talk to each other and only the young ones remained behind. Most weren't really interesting to talk to and just wanted to follow their grandfather as gorosei. In other words power hungry fools. I was one of the youngest there so everyone was pretty respectful towards me since my status was higher then them, but deep inside their eyes I saw gread for my position and everything I had. That is why I mostly disdained talking to them even though I was one of the youngest out there.

I was completely bored out of my mind until I saw someone I think I recognized. I went up to him and tapped on his shoulder to which he turned around and greeted me. He introduced himself as Donquixote Doflamingo. Hahaha I need to have him behind me was what I thought. I absolutely loved him in the series he was cruel and a little twisted but most of all he was smart and strong. His character shouldn't be as twisted as in the show yet so I could still get my hands on him. We made some small talk and actually, it wasn't too boring. We talked and I got to know him better he was already pretty strong from what I could gauge so he is well trained.

After a few minutes I asked him:"What will you do when you get older what are your goals?"

Well that is a good question I want to become strong enough so I can make this world my playground. And then just enjoy exploring and stuff I guess.

I thought this was a really interesting answer and it made me decide what I would do in the future on the spot. So I decided to take a shot and asked him, why don't you follow me then? I want to see this world and all it has to offer while having fun doing so.

I only follow the strong he said after thinking. He thought some more and said I will never bow down to people weaker than me. It was fun talking to you kid come back in a few years and maybe you could join me.

My face got a little serious and I stood up. I noticed everyone already left some time ago. I looked toward Doflamingo and said you shouldn't speak when you are an ant in front of a king or you will get trampled under said kings feat. Upon which my conquerors haki erupted out of me. He was absolutely shocked and tried to resist it but he was just not on my level yet so he started falling to his knees.

The moment my haki erupted patriarch Luke and my father sprinted towards of of our direction thinking something was wrong. When they arrived the saw me holding a blade to Doflamingo's neck. My father arrived first and signaled Luke to not act.

Doflamingo and me didn't notice these monsters entering the building so I continued. I held the blade to his neck and started laughing in a tyranical manor, as I was laughing my haki erupted even stronger and got more overbearing. I stopped laughing and said so am I strong enough to follow now?

Doflamingo looked so frightend and at the same time some reverance and respect started to show on his face. He thought for a while and answered with an equally crazy grin that he would absolutely love to join me and have me as his captain.

So guys tell me which devil fruit it will be the first one to guess it right can help design one of the characters for the crew doflamingo is the last one of the original series so it will be a completely original character. You can only guess once so goodluck guys

yourgrampscreators' thoughts