
Misfortune or Fortune

In a gambling house a Beautiful lady with slight deep blonde hair and huge breast is doing gambling, and doing a nice job winning money after money....

Shizune: " My lady you are winning, at this rate we can finally pay all the debt. " she said happily counting all the money with the help of a small pink Pig.

Tsunade: " Shizune lets go, i don't want to stay in this place anymore in fact lets leave this town . " she quickly gulped her last drink and ran out of the gambling house.

Shizune: " My lady please wait why are we running away, we can finally make some money and will be able to pay all the debt if you could just play a little more... " she grabbed the money and the pink Pig and ran after her.

Shizune and tsunade while running out of the town.

Shizune: " My lady please wait, why are we running like this. "

Tsunade: " My everything is here on the line and you are telling me why we are running. " she shouted at her.

" I was losing money a while ago and all of a sudden all my losing bet turn into wining one . This shows that something bad is coming, and i know just who is it."

Shizune: " You don't mean that he is coming. " her face paled thinking of that person.... " My lady me and Ton -Ton are going ahead. " she dashed and ran past Tsunade.

Tsunade gawked seeing her apprentice leaving her behind in dust.

But their path was blocked by Jazz who suddenly came out of a portal....as their fear came true....Shizune dropped Ton-Ton on the ground and covered her crotch and Breast with her hands.

Tsunade: " AHHHHHH HEAVENLY FIST OF PAIN...." since he is already here she knows getting away from him is impossible.With a loud battle cry she dashed with full force trying to blast him into smithereens with her punch.

Jazz when came out of the portal got tense suddenly seeing Tsunade trying to punch him, high pressure wind is forcing him backward . He got really frightens seeing her full power punch which could kill him....

He barely dodged her punch by using his portal.....he shouted from a different location.....

Jazz: " Are you crazy woman...." he was interrupted by a flying tree came toward him

" Seriously what is she a copy cat..." he again dodged her by teleporting....

" HEAVENLY AXE " she jumped high in the air dropping her foot as a form of axe chooping a wood log causing the ground to explode forming cracks like spider net across the area of 100 meter ...

Jazz Seeing the devastation sweated heavily " Oye oye oye... That is just over kill"

Jazz: " come on stop it already ....can't you see i have patients on my shoulder and you call yourself a medical Shinobi..." seeing her charged again with much lager force he tried to reason her to stop doing these destructions...

Tsunade: " HUFF ... HUFF...." she finally stopped her angry bull charge, and looked at the people on his shoulder ....

Tsunade: " Shizune look after them..." she averted her eyes from Karin body, where there is still some traces of blood on her....


In a inn in the Gambling Town.....

Jazz: " So, how is their conditions?" he saw shizune finally done with her treatment.....

Shizune: " That girl will be fine but that woman is in serious problem, if she want to live a little longer she has to stop doing whatever she was doing which put in this situation." she looked at the bites mark all over their bodies, its disturbing seeing something like that.....

Jazz:" Sigh..... its alright if they are not in any immediate danger...."

Shizune: " Where is Tsunade-sama...." not finding Tsunade in the inn she asked.

Jazz: " She went to the Gambling hall. Guess i will also join her, i have been low on cash lately i hope her Luck also work this time..." saying he also went out side of the room...

Shizune: " ANNNNN....." A large moan escaped from her mouth, a hand came out of the portal and squeezed her both ass tightly...

After fondling her ass for few times jazz voice rang from outside

" Your ass has gotten a little more bouncy Shizune...."

Shizune fall on the floor heavily breathing.... Jazz is already gone...

Shizune: " This time it was my ass...."she had guarded both her crotch and breast leaving her ass wide open....she started to remember how both of their misfortune or fortune started since the day they meet him....

When they meet him almost 2 weeks back, he came suddenly wanted to befriend us. It was quite unusual seeing a 14 year kid in a gambling House. After few minutes seeing that how lady Tsunade was losing money after money he said that she is covered with unlucky aura and he had an idea to make her luck strong and win money big time.

We thought that he was bluffing or was some con Artist but he did something unbelievable he grabbed Tsunade-sama Breast. Following result was obvious she went mad and tried to kill him, in her rage she destroyed the Gambling house at that time we came to know his strange space type Ninjutsu. He escaped from Tsunade -sama by jumping in some black portal and appeared on a different location. This was just the beginning of the nightmare using this strange ability he was able to molest Tsunade -sama even from a far away distance ....

Tsunade-sama tried every method to kill him but he was always able to escape from her,seeing her in this situation i tried to help her only to regret that decision till now. Both of us became his victim, he touched everything touched every location of our bodies for hours.

He finally stopped when we stopped trying to kill him... But the later event was even more depressing. Tsunade-sama luck did went off the roof, she won astronomical amount but all of it was then spent on repairing the damage she caused...

Since that day he became a Nightmare to both of us, every few days he will come by even if we leave the town he will somehow find us and thus began our Fortune and Misfortune....

" BoooooM" when she was recalling the past event a explosion happened and people started screaming from the nearby building, other people came out of their rooms to see what happened but Shizune just ignored it after hearing the first conversation...

Jazz: " That's it Tsunade we are going to increase your fortune again come at me with everything you have got and i will also do so....." jazz dashed out of the broken wall while Tsunade is hot his tail....

Tsunade: " DON JAAAAAZZZZZ" She chased him only to get a slap on her ass making it bouncy....

Jazz: " Ohhh... this is the feeling...why are you in so much anger it is only starting or is it that period of the month...."

Tsunade: " Raaahhh....." she again punched him only to be dodged...

This went on for half an hour when she finally stopped catching her breadth...

When she looked back to the damage she caused and people started gathering around her to collect the compensation for property damage....

Tsunade: " I DON'T LIKE GAMBLING ANY MORE...." She shouted but in the end she had to use the luck recharge to pay off all the damage she caused...

A/N: Guys which should join his next peerage Tsunade or Karin( If its Karin she could become Tsunade apprentice and become strong). I have different plan anda major plan for Khaguya so she will not join his peerage. So Karin or Tsunade do give your opinion.