
Oden's return!

Near the coast of Wano.

"Hey, Oden, what exactly is the existence of Wano? Not only do you preserve intact historical texts, but you also know how to interpret them."

At the bow of the Oro Jackson, Rayleigh leaned against the rail, watching the seabirds flying overhead as he asked.

"I'm not sure. Every generation of Shogun must receive this education when they are young. As my old man used to say, the significance of the continuation of the Kozuki family lineage is to wait for someone to appear and tell them what is engraved on those red stones."

In a daze, Oden seemed to recall the scene of Kozuki Sukiyaki teaching him this obscure script when he was young. He admitted that if it weren't for Sukiyaki teaching him at the tender age of two or three, he probably wouldn't have bothered to learn.

"What about Momonosuke and Hiyori? It seems like you haven't taught them the method of interpreting historical texts?"

Rayleigh was puzzled. According to Oden, the method of interpreting historical texts was tied to the bloodline of the Wano Shogun, and as the future inheritor of the Wano general, Momonosuke, this method had not been passed on to him by Oden.

"Ah, that..."

Oden looked into the distance at the endless sea, paused for a moment, then continued, "Momonosuke shouldn't bear this responsibility. I'll put an end to it. After all, once we reach there, we'll get all the answers."

Obviously, Oden believed that since meeting Roger, he had already sensed that they were the missing piece in completing Roger's journey around the world, and that there, too, lay the answers he sought.

"Lord Oden! Lord Oden!"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong!"

Just as Oden was gazing at the endless sea, reminiscing about all the unfamiliar things he had seen along the way with Whitebeard and Roger, the anxious voices of Inuarashi and Nekomamushi came from the deck.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the anxious looks of the cat and dog, Oden couldn't help but ask anxiously.

"Lady Toki suddenly fainted, meow!"

Nekomamushi said anxiously.

Earlier, they had been in the Oden household's cabin, playing games with Momonosuke and Hiyori, when Lady Toki, who had been busy there, suddenly collapsed and fainted.


Upon hearing this, Oden became frantic and rushed towards the cabin, with Rayleigh following closely behind. As the vice-captain, it was his duty to check on Lady Toki, even though she hadn't joined them, she was still Oden's family member.

When Rayleigh entered the cabin, he saw Crocus was already there, and Lady Toki was lying on the bed, covered in sweat, her face pale. Two children, a boy and a girl, as well as Oden, were all looking at her anxiously.

"Crocus, how is she?"

Rayleigh asked Crocus, looking at the situation.

"It's not a big problem, just exhaustion. After all, it's quite remarkable that she's held up this long on a long voyage with her physical condition. And since her original destination was Wano, now that we're nearing it, the tension she's been holding onto has finally snapped. She can't continue sailing, or else if her condition worsens, it'll be troublesome."

Crocus's words were not only directed at Rayleigh but also at Oden.

For him, his medical skills were quite advanced, and he had even prolonged Roger's life for a considerable amount of time using potions, despite Roger being terminally ill. However, there were many diseases that Crocus couldn't cure, such as chronic exhaustion, for which he could only offer treatment.


Rayleigh was about to speak, but ultimately didn't say what he wanted to. After all, if Lady Toki disembarked, then Oden might also disembark, and they knew Oden's identity as the heir to the Wano Shogun, making him one of the most respected individuals in Wano.

But at the same time, only Oden could interpret the historical texts. If he disembarked, the completion of Roger's final voyage was uncertain, and there was no guarantee it would even be completed. After all, the pure gold only delayed Roger's illness; it didn't mean he was completely cured.

"Rayleigh, let's wait until Toki wakes up to discuss. Momonosuke, Hiyori, don't cry. Your mother is just sleeping; everything will be fine."

Oden smiled and comforted his children.


"Lord Oden, Kinemon and others still don't know about Lady Toki and the young master's situation, so we should both stay."

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi said to Oden, apparently noticing Oden's distress and deciding to help him.

"Of course, I'll stay too!"

Upon hearing Inuarashi and Nekomamushi's words, Oden immediately agreed. Though he felt reluctant to give up the adventure, Lady Toki's condition made him choose to fulfill the responsibilities of a husband.

As Lady Toki lay on the bed, hearing Oden's decision to stay, she suddenly sat up in shock.

This startled Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, and Oden, causing all three to jump.

"Toki, don't move, lie back down."

Oden quickly moved forward to help Lady Toki lie back down.

"You continue the voyage, Oden. If you choose to stop because of this, then I will sever ties with you!"

Huffing and puffing, Lady Toki's weak voice seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

In the Wano Itachi Port, the place where Oden set sail with Whitebeard, a new large ship appeared.

The moment the Oro Jackson appeared, a signal flare shot up into the sky.

Then, all the Kozuki retainers working in various directions in Wano stopped their work and headed towards the Itachi Port.

"Has another unfamiliar ship docked at Itachi Port?"

Seeing the Kozuki retainers rushing towards the port, many ordinary citizens of Wano became uneasy.

For them, this newly arrived unfamiliar ship seemed to carry a glimmer of hope. After all, following the upheaval many years ago after the kurozumi, Wano was basically divided into four factions: the Shimotsuki in Ringo and Hakumai, the Uzuki, and the Fugetsu, who occupied Kibi and Udon, and the Kozuki who occupied Flower capital, and the Onigashima on the sea, and the countless ordinary Wano citizens who wanted to sneak into the legendary Paradise, Hakumai.

Finally, there were the Nine Red Scabbards who staunchly defended Wano alongside the ordinary citizens of Kuri.

At this time, Nicolas, who was vacationing at the World Government's top-secret research base, also received intelligence from Hakumai.

After hanging up the Den Den Mushi, Nicolas continued to follow Vegapunk to tour his technological achievements. As for being discovered, it could be said that without his permission, even Vice Admirals and high-ranking World Government officials were not allowed to enter at will

"What's going on?"

Curious, Vegapunk asked.

"Nothing much, just a fool suddenly returned to his homeland. By the way, what should we eat this afternoon?"

"Let me think. I believe today's meal should be Northern Sea Palace cuisine, right? It's a dish only eligible for the Northern Sea Royal Family to eat."

Nicolas: ...


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