
One Piece: I Was Dug Out By Robin

Luo Lin passed through, and when he came to the world of Pirates, he bound a system called becoming a god when he died. From then on, he started his crazy life as a god!

ylmoll · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter 13 - Reading peoples hearts and feelings and domineering

"Are you a Djinn?"

When Luo Lin said that she could make three wishes, Robin, who was immersed in the persona of an eight-year-old girl, first thought of a certain fairy tale that she had read in a book. story.

Subconsciously showed a look of surprise and hope, and the delicate and pretty face even leaned in front of Luo Lin again.

Luo Lin: "…"

This seems wrong!

Shouldn't the character of Little Robin be calm and a little dark?

Why would he see such a stupid little girl.

This is not the Robin I "know".

Luo Lin looked complicated.

Observing the complicated expression on Luo Lin's face at close range, Robin seemed to see what Luo Lin was thinking, and he suddenly smiled awkwardly and slowly returned to his position.

"Sorry, I am still a little messy." Robin whispered embarrassedly.

"It's okay"

Luo Lin continued to calmly eat barbecue.

"About your three wishes, you can think about it slowly, and tell me when you think about it? Any wish is fine!"

"Really everything is fine?" Robin asked reflexively.


Luo Lin's face was thinking.

"Some things, such as suicide, I really can't do it, maybe in the future…"

"No need, I won't!"

Before Luo Lin finished speaking, Robin waved his hand in a panic, indicating that he would never make such an outrageous wish.

Of course, what Robin doesn't know is that what Luo Lin said can't be done is really impossible, not unwilling.

After all, several decades ago, Luo Lin had already tried no fewer than a thousand suicide attempts.

"My wish"

Robin was eating the barbecue, but he couldn't help but start thinking.

"I stayed in Alabastan. It took six years to stay in the sand crocodile organization, just for the absolute secret hidden in this country, or try…"


Before Robin could finish thinking about it, Luo Lin, who had been paying attention to her inner thoughts, nodded first.

"Huh?" Robin tilted his head, his face looked cute and puzzled.

Sister Yu is also fatal.

"You want to know the historical article guarded by the royal family of Alabastan for generations. It records where the stone where the ancient weapon Pluto is located, right? I can take you to see it as your first wish." Luo Lin said seriously.


Robin became more confused.

"Obviously I don't have anything yet…"

Robin was stunned.

Because she finally realized what was wrong.

It's not just about the history of Alabastan.

There is an earlier time.

This has been the case several times.

Obviously she hadn't said anything yet, but Luo Lin was able to guess her inner thoughts and took the stubbornness.

what on earth is it?

Is this strange existence a human being? Or Djinn? Even the devil?

"Little girl, I am not a lamp god, nor a devil. As you can see, I used to be just a

Ordinary navy. Luo Lin pointed to the faintly recognizable lieutenant admiral uniform on his body.

"The reason why I can hear your heart is only because of the domineering power."

"Domineering?" Robin was puzzled and didn't know much about so-called domineering.

"Yes, it is domineering, domineering in seeing and hearing, and domineering enough to read people's hearts, girl, do you want to learn, I teach you, as your second wish." Luo Lin looked unpredictable. Nodded.

Luo Lin doesn't like to owe people.

Since I decided to give Robin the three wishes in return, it is natural that the sooner I complete it, the better.

"Seeing and hearing color domineering can strongly feel the power of the opponent's voice. Once this power is increased, you can extract the position and number of enemies outside the field of view and the actions that the opponent will take in the next moment, reaching the top level and even predicting the future."

"In addition, there are some people with extraordinary talents who can naturally awaken seeing, hearing, and seeing, even with some rare characteristics, such as reading human hearts and even affecting human form. In addition to seeing and hearing, there are armed colors…"

In the next hour, Luo Lin explained the tri-color domineering knowledge to Robin who had never seen the world in detail.

As one of the strongest players in the last era, Luo Lin's domineering attainments are naturally extraordinary.

Ten years of confrontation and training with the sea overlord Lockes, the white beard, the golden lion, Charlotte Lingling, the Roger Pirates, and the navy's Karp, the Warring States and other top powers of the sea. Lin's tricolor domineering intensity rose like a rocket.

As for the special experience that can read people's hearts, it is another story.

"Seeing, armed, and domineering…" Robin murmured softly.

Knowing from Luo Lin's 'old predecessor' that the existence of special forces such as tricolor domineering has had a huge and subversive impact on Robin.

Wandering in the West Sea for more than ten years, plus six years on the Great Route, this is the first time she has learned that there is a powerful force called domineering in the world.

"Seeing, hearing, color, and domineering is applicable to perception. At the top level, you can even see a corner of the future and read people's hearts. The major admiral of the Xihai Naval Branch should have been able to follow me for so long by relying on the power of ordinary seeing and color and domineering."

Robin learns from other things, thinking of the dangerous experience of being almost caught by the navy in the West Sea a few years ago.

"Armed and domineering can also capture the body of the natural ability person while enhancing the strength. If I can learn it, then I will have another means to deal with Klockdal in the future." Robin thought secretly.

Six years ago, he accepted the invitation of the Baroque Work Agency to come to Alabastan, and he had his own purpose.

She and Krokdal have never been just a cooperative relationship.

She had never really been loyal to Krokdal.

In the same way, Krokdal only took a fancy to her translation ability.

When they found the piece of history hidden in Alabastan, it was when they broke their skin. Robin naturally knew this.

For this, we need to prepare early.

Through two years of observation, Robin has learned about one of the weaknesses of the natural rustling fruit ability Krokdal-water.

Now there is one more one, and that is the armed domineering Luo Lin had previously shown.

If she can learn to be armed…

Combining with one's own abilities of flowers, flowers and fruits, and covering the arms created by the ability with armed colors, then even facing a natural element like Krokdal…

Robin was a little moved.