
One Piece: I ate Forest-Forest fruit

Wade accidentally travels to a pirate world and becomes a gladiator for the aristocracy. In prison, he finds the Forest Forest Fruit, which changes his destiny. Learning that the Rocks Pirates are starting to gain fame, Wade decides to join them and begins his journey to the New World. He aims to become strong enough to control his own fate and build his own powerful family. After the Battle of the Valley of Gods, Wade leaves the Rocks Pirates to establish his own power. Along the way, he encounters influential women like Portgas D. Luju, Nicole Olvia, and Charlotte Linlin, who help shape his journey. ps. Nothing is owned by me, it is written by

Ishaan_Mistry · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter One: The Dungeon's Whisper

In a dark and damp dungeon, dozens of captured and traded slaves are held. These slaves have a special purpose: to participate in brutal gladiatorial matches for the entertainment of the kingdom's nobles. The mortality rate is high, with deaths occurring daily on the duel stage.

"Hahaha! Ah ha ha ha!"

"I finally survived!"

"These damn useless aristocrats! Just wait until I get out of here. I'll tear their heads off."

One surviving slave stands on the duel stage, eyeing a plate of food and a few fruits placed before him. Ignoring the blood on his hands, he devours the food, swearing to turn the kingdom upside down if he ever gets out alive. The other slaves, far from showing contempt, look on with envy, drooling at the sight of the food.

In a remote cell, a pale young man silently watches the scene. Holding a dirty little girl tightly in his arms, he listens to the other slaves curse the nobles. This young man is Wade. He died suddenly at home two days ago, only to find his soul transferred to a strange body in this harsh world.

In his soul state, Wade saw the soul of the body's original owner, Atelias Wei, about to dissipate. Their souls merged, and Wade inherited the memories of Wei. He learned that Wei was an orphan raised by a kind-hearted family, which included the little girl, Annie, whom Wade now holds.

A month ago, pirates killed this family. Wei and Annie escaped, but were later sold into slavery by a treacherous tavern owner. Wei, injured in a gladiatorial match, left his food for Annie before his time ran out. Now, Wade, with Wei's memories and deep love for Annie, resolves to protect her.

As Wade ponders their escape, Annie's stomach growls. Embarrassed, she buries her head in his arms.

"How long has it been since little Annie has eaten?" Wade asks, rubbing her head.

"A day," Annie replies timidly.

Wade gently strokes her black hair, her cute face relaxing his heavy heart.

Suddenly, the dungeon's metal door opens. A soldier in silver armor enters, silencing the restless prisoners with a drawn sword.

"What's the fuss about? Be quiet, or I'll kill you with one sword!"

The prisoners fall silent as the soldier walks deeper into the dungeon, inspecting the cells. He stops in front of Wade's cell, looking down at him and Annie.

He pointed at Wade, then at the thin high school student next door, and said with an indifferent expression, "You, and you. It's your turn in the next game. I'll come back for you in ten minutes."

Wade hugged Anne tightly, feeling scared but trying to reassure her. She clung to him, eyes misty with fear. "Brother will be fine. We can get out of here alive," Wade whispered with determination.

In the neighboring cell, a middle-aged slave sneered. "Give up, boy! I won't show mercy! The girl in your arms looks pretty good. Why not leave her to me? Ah ha ha!"

Wade's fear turned to fury. He stared at the slave, eyes cold and fierce. "Whoever harms her, I'll kill!" The threat silenced the cell, even the high school student shrinking back.

As Wade prepared for the duel, the high school student flushed with embarrassment. He imagined torturing Anne and grinned maliciously. Wade sensed the dark intent and glared back with murderous resolve.

With each moment, Wade's determination grew. He knew protecting Anne meant embracing the warrior within him.

Will it be a Legend or one more doomed fate.

The ARENA Awaits!

Lets Gooo!!

Ishaan_Mistrycreators' thoughts