NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!
Year 1499 date ??? [One year before the great age of pirates beings]
There were two voices resounding throughout the room as a special baby was just born in the Vinsmoke castle. The voices belonged to none other than Vinsmoke Judge and Vinsmoke Sora.
"Why did you hide your pregnancy from me?" Asked the father of the child, Judge as he took the baby boy born from his wife less than an hour ago.
"I won't let you turn our son into a monster! He doesn't need an exoskeleton or any extra strengthening! He's still our baby boy! Why don't you understand?!" Sora, the boy's mother, cried.
"He's useless to me! Such a weak and pathetic child! If he couldn't still be used for experiments I would have thrown him out already!" Judge practically spat as he looked at the child in contempt. "His name shall be Vinsmoke Gai Keiji. I can't believe I didn't see this coming. Never again!" He walked out of the room shaking his head after he handed the baby back to his wife.
Sora looked at the baby and wept, she was truly glad that he couldn't understand what was happening or the meaning behind his name. "Keiji… no Kei… no that doesn't sound right either. Kai! Your name shall be Kai!" She muttered as she didn't wish for her child to be named in such a harsh way by such a harsh man.
Little did everyone know that not only did the baby understand exactly what was going on, but he was bewildered by the fact that he was still alive! Only after a few hours did he actually realize how horrifying his life had become because he was the firstborn child of the Vinsmoke family.
Year 1501
Sitting in a dark room on what looked like a bed but was made out of solid steel was our protagonist, Kai. Or as his birth name says, Vinsmoke Gai Keiji. Kai was in a daze as his mind felt numb, it was overloaded with information much too complex for a child to comprehend. If not for the fact that he was mentally 21 years old he might have gone insane.
After the year or so of testing on how to make his body stronger like he originally wanted, Vinsmoke Judge, the boy's father, gave up. There were minimal results and he was only about as strong as an average 4 year old child. Judge was very unhappy with these results and it showed. He would constantly beat his child and tell him how useless he was.
He would tell Kai that it was his fault that his mother hated Judge and would tell him that everything would have been fine if he was just never born. He had started using more than just his fists recently in his beatings which led to the boy's body becoming covered in either fresh injuries or scars of previous ones.
Then with the birth of his second child Vinsmoke Reiju, Judge felt no need to continue the strengthening experiments as his daughter was born nearly perfect! Almost everything he spent his life trying to create was shown off by his daughter. A scientific miracle!
Therefore Judge then focused on the boy's brain rather than his body. He decided to enhance its processing and reaction speed. This could lead to a much faster learning ability and the quick reaction time would be very useful in combat. After another year of human trials on his own son (without any tests before the human trials) he finally succeeded. Unfortunately for Judge, but fortunately for other children the effects could not be duplicated.
The effects of this procedure not only allowed for this child to become a genius at such a young age (which was mostly due to the fact that he remembered his past life) but it also made him mature very quickly! (Which was once again due to his past life) This gave the boy the perfect excuse to act much more mature than his physical age without being questioned.
As the boy was sitting on the steel bed you could hear a faint mumble in the room "What is up with my luck! I finally reincarnated in my favourite manga, One Piece, but I'm that piece of shit Judge's kid. Wahaha." (that is MC's Laugh) Laughing at his own misfortune he got up to see a fruit in one corner of the lab. He had long known what he needed to do, and that was to get strong. Insanely strong and if he wanted to do achieve this goal then he would need to train.
This devil fruit in the lab was the perfect thing to start off his journey on the road to success in this world where the strong rule over the weak with an iron fist. He heard some of the workers talking about it how they had no idea what it was. Looking at the spiral patterns on the apple shaped fruit he made a quick guess and crossed his fingers. He decided to take a gamble.
"Blehh" It tasted just as bad as the manga said it did, but he forced the bit down. The next thing that he knew he could feel a massive load of information coming from around him. It took him a few minutes to form a cohesive thought but there was no pain, probably due to his newly improved brain. He quickly started adapting to the new feeling as he felt everything in the air around him. He felt like he could see the entire room and the ventilation shaft without the need to open up his eyes. He was correct with his guess, he ate the Air-Air no mi. A logia which allowed you too become an Air-Air man. (or Wind-Wind fruit Idk which is better, but I think I'm gonna stick with Air Air)
'I assume this is what Kenbunshoku haki feels like.'' He thought as he could feel all the air around him as if it was an extension of his own body, a sixth sense of sorts. Just then the door opened revealing his mom with watery eyes. He quickly ran back to the testing table before his mother could notice anything strange. He noticed he was much faster than before, like the air was parting for him and pushing him towards his destination.
He felt like he had finally found something crucial he was missing in his movements. Almost like before he ate the fruit he was a fish trying to swim on the land, but now he was finally in the vast sea and could move around freely and much faster than before.
However, the most impressive thing to him was how he could feel everything! Everything around him that was touching the air was like an extension of himself! He could feel his mothers every movement as she walked towards him.
It was an immeasurable amount of information that was constantly flowing into his head but he could understand everything that was happening because of his genetic modifications! He didn't even need to focus on it to realize there were 2 spiders in the room and 1 fly.
Although he knew this wasn't really haki he couldn't compare this feeling to anything else. He almost felt omnisientient! He quickly realized the best part about this fruit wasn't just his attack or defense, but it's movement and sensory ability! Which when paired up with his enhanced brain processing and reaction speeds would allow for him to come out nearly unscathed no matter who his opponent was! So long as he used his fruit intelligently and continued to train his body he could very well be one of the strongest people in this world!
As he observed every corner of his room he suddenly wondered. 'What if I get kenbunshoku haki as well?' and 'Will my fruit help me in unlocking it earlier?' but before he could even consider the options heard a soft and low voice.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Kai, and Reiju too." She was on the verge of tears as she looked down towards her firstborn and hugged him.
"Don't cry Mom! It's okay!" Kai tried his best to help out his mother before she continued.
"He wants more of you! More children! But, but, he said they wouldn't have emotions! He said he just wanted machines for his war!" She started sobbing and Kai's face turned stone cold and his eyes contained a fire that no 2 year old child could possibly carry. However before she could look him in the eyes they turned back to normal.
"What's wrong Mom? I thought you wanted me and Rei (What he calls Reiju) to have more brothers and sisters?" He tried to comfort her while still keeping up the act of a child. (I know normal 2 year olds aren't like this but also remember the experiments. All of them will grow up really fast except maybe Sanji)
She forced a smile on her face and said "You're right Kai. I just forgot for a second." Kai could tell she was still conflicted and that it was a clear lie so he tried to distract her more.
"Can you teach me more about history! You promised you would earlier! Pleaseee!" Kai had realized around a year ago that his mother had a hobby of learning about the past while she was locked away like a prisoner in the Vinsmoke castle.
So, he put on his babyface and asked her to teach him about it every chance he got. He was very indifferent about the subject; he didn't hate nor love the lessons. If he had to put it into words he enjoyed learning more about it but not enough to pursue it on his own without someone to push him into it.
A small fire was lit in her dark eyes as she said "Okay! Today I'll teach you how to read and write the poneglyphs letters!" Not expecting him to actually learn a thing. She was just happy he wanted to learn about history like her!
Inside a room a small boy with light blonde hair and blue eyes was gingerly holding a pink haired baby who was born a few months ago. This was Kai and Reiju the newly born Vinsmoke. "I swear that I will free you someday, Rei. Just wait for me." Kai whispered as the baby slept soundly.
There was a problem with the baby as even though she was luckily able to keep her emotions, unfortunately it was impossible to defy Vinsmoke Judge's orders. This means that as long as Kai doesn't want to kill his own sister he can never attack the Vinsmoke family alone. He would have to wait for help and he believes that help to be none other than his unborn younger brother and his crew. The Straw Hats!
This is my first book and Chapter ever! So I am very open to suggestions and critiques. If you think that I could do something better please let me know.