

(A.N. Before I begin here, I want to clarify something. Luke is my original character as well as Jack, and as such I wanna have him play a large role in the story. One Piece isn't entirely about Luffy, otherwise i would be pretty fucking stupid. Zoro was badass, and made the story!! I don't write about the other characters as much, if any, because if you consider their personalities from Cannon, they would never do what Luke does, and if you haven't noticed, I love writing that shit. So if you don't like the chapters with Luke, which yes, there will be more of him, then you can stop reading. I promise you that I will not lose any sleep over it!! Any who, the chapter is served!)


The next morning, everyone woke up bright and early. The sun was shining brightly, making the people setting off smile happily in at how good of a day it was, making them feel their trip would be just as good.

Everyone was gathered in Makino's bar eating large helpings of food, especially Luffy, who was eating as much as everyone else combined. "I like it! I'll have the plans drawn up by the end of the week." Dragon said as he collected the map Jack had given him of the East Blue.

This was the new map Nami had drawn up, showing where everything was up to date. Dragon was excited because Jack had just told him about the Sea Train idea, and how it would go everywhere, and showed him where he would be tunneling through the Red Line. The location would be closer to Loguetown than anywhere, but the Red Line was narrower there than anywhere else.

(A.N. Image here!- e6fa27bf947aa8c861bd58e16d571e75.jpg (1024×671) (pinimg.com) )

Jack was planning on buying a Sea Train, as well as all of the tracks needed to go from one location to another, but that didn't mean he had the knowledge of where to place the tracks and where the train stations should be located.

Dragon, with the help of some of the greatest minds in the East Blue could go over the map, the islands, and anything else Jack wasn't aware of and draw out the correct layout for the tracks, something Jack didn't want to do anyway.

"Sure thing. I'll be busy burning my way through the Red Line anyway, and I don't think it'll be quick by any means." Jack said, getting a nod from Dragon. Luke had already scouted the Red Line, and he had shown Jack on the map where the best location to tunnel would be.

Dragon would also take the tunnel into account when he and the others planned out the Sea Train route. "I'm so excited!! I can't wait to ride in the train!!" Soran said excitedly, letting her child side show. Luffy seemed just as excited as Soran was, causing a few people to smile at him.

Done with talking with Dragon for now, Jack addressed the other people in the room. "So are you all ready to set off to the Sky islands?" There were a lot more shouts of acknowledgement then he thought there would be, causing him to quirk an eyebrow at a few people.

"Why do you wanna go, Garp?" Jack asked curiously. "I've never been to the sky islands before." Garp answered, followed by Sengoku shouting, "LET HIM GO!! PLEASE?!!" Apparently he needed a vacation away from Garp, and looked like he'd get on his hands and knees and beg if he needed to.

"It's not up to me who goes." Jack said, hinting that whoever wanted to go would need to ask Luke and Nojiko, as they would be in charge of this little expedition. "It will be $1 million berries per additional person." Nojiko stated, getting confused looks all around. After all, why would someone who had everything need money? "Don't worry about it." Nojiko said, not caring about their curiosity.

"I take it, you all are going?" Jack asked, looking to the people who had raised their hands. "Of course I'm going!! Nojiko isn't missing my birthday!!" Nami shouted, hugging Nojiko closer.

While they were gone, it would indeed be her birthday, but Jack didn't really care. Birthdays only got celebrated by a few people that cared about the birthday person, meaning Nojiko celebrated Nami's and in turn, Nami celebrated hers.

People still tried to do nice things for you on your birthday, but that was about as far as it went. "We shout bring Genzo to the Sky islands with us!!" Nami added, making Nojiko smile in return. "Sure." Was all she said in response.

"So, who is all going then?" Jack asked, getting everyone that was going to raise their hands. In the end there was Nami, Tashigi, Garp, a few people from the Adventurers Association, and the original group, bringing the total group to 15.

"I'll pay for Garp, just take him!!" Sengoku demanded as he pushed Garp forward. "Thanks Sengoku! I knew I could count on you!" Garp said cheerfully, already causing Sengoku to start running to get the payment required.

"Alright then. I'll go prepare a ship and supplies, while the rest of you get your things down to the docks. You have 1 hour!" Jack shouted, then made his way outside.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come?" Garp asked Luffy, who was still stuffing his face with food. "I'll see it with my own crew!!" Luffy proclaimed proudly, not wanting to spoil his adventure. Saying that, the rubber boy scooped up all of the food into his mouth then left to go and continue his training.

"If he wasn't so stupid, he'd be pretty cool." Luke commented as he left to go grab his stuff.


An hour later and everyone was standing on a nice little ship Jack had stolen from some unfortunate souls. The ship was cleaned, fully stocked with everything they would need, including music dials.

"Be safe, and come back to me safely!" Jack said before he kissed Nojiko, not wanting to let her go. The worst part about this, was it was his idea that she take them. "I'll be fine!" She said before she kissed him again.

They stayed like that for almost 5 minutes before Nojiko broke apart from him and floated onto the ship. Seeing the ship take off, Jack wanted to jump on and go with them, but he couldn't hold their hand every second of their lives. But everyone he cared about was on that ship, and if anything happened to them, well... he'd lose it.

He was broken out of his little moment of grief when he heard someone shouting, "He's finally gone!!" Looking over, Jack saw Sengoku doing a little happy dance while actually crying tears of joy.

"You do know he's gonna be back, right?" Smoker asked, making Sengoku grab him by the collar of his shirt. "DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME!!" Sengoku shouted before he let Smoker go and practically start skipping around like a little schoolgirl.

"I wonder what Garp did to him to warrant this kind of reaction?" Rayleigh said to nobody in particular as he stroked his beard. "Not my problem." Jack said as he shrugged his shoulders before he made his way over to where Hawkeye was sitting.

"Your house is all prepared, and I even furnished it!" Jack said, making Hawkeye glance up from his Newspaper. "Let's go see it then." Hawkeye said, getting to his feet, awaiting Jack to lead the way.

In no time at all, they reached the small three bedroom house that was all by itself outside the village next to the forest. "I took the liberty to build it out of town because it does get pretty loud most days, and I figured you'd like your peace and quiet.

There is a garden outside if you feel like you wanna try your hand at it, or you can just hire someone to do it for you if you want. There is a cellar connected to the side of the house which is fully stocked with about 3000 bottles of different kinds of wine, and other drinks as well.

All you need to do is come into the academy and teach swordsmanship for a few hours a day from 9:00am to 3:00pm. If you need anything else in town, just put it on my tab." Jack said, then left the master swordsman to get himself settled in his home.

He still needed to travel to Loguetown and start his tunneling, but he would make sure Smoker and Robin were good here. He kind of figured Smokey would stay once he knew Robin was staying for her training. She still had yet to learn the Six Powers and master Haki after all.


After Smoker agreed to continue Robin's training for the week, and Rayleigh had agreed to take on Luffy's, Jack shot off into the sky towards Loguetown. The trip didn't take long at all given the speed he was traveling at, and once he arrived he headed straight to the Red Line.

He of course flew high enough so he could see the correct location, then marked the spot with paint. Even though this was the narrowest point of the Red Line, it was still a few Kilometers wide.

Jack wanted to make so the tunnel could easily have a Galleon pass through it, but that would be about it. With the measurements all taken care of and everything marked out, Jack wasted no time at all and began to unleash a large amount of fire that began to burn away the Red Line.

His fire burned only what he wanted it to burn, so he had it burning forward, not up or to the sides. A few hours into the burning, he figured he could make more progress if he burned from both sides, so he did just that and began the burning from the North Blue side as well.

By the time night fell, Jack had already made some good progress, getting about 88 meters tunneled through. Throughout the night, he kept the fires burning, while throughout the day he trained his Devil Fruit power, burning more and more each day.

It didn't feel like he was making much progress throughout the night, only getting 30 or so meters, but doing it while he was awake during the day he had managed to get through another 130 meters. He kept this up for a whole week, getting a little over 1000 meters with both sides combined together.

At the end of the week, just like he had said, Dragon came to Loguetown and met him to discuss the Sea Train route, and Jack was happy with it. He purchased 4 Sea Trains and thousands of Kilometers worth of track and let Dragon and a crew of people begin laying it out.

Dragon figured they would be able to get the East Blue all connected by the end of the month with how many people they had and how much each person could handle.

Meanwhile Jack continued his training/tunneling for another week and a half before he finally reached the other side of the Red Line. His Devil Fruit training also bore massive results as he could now create giant shadow hands that could crush a battle ship between them.

He also could create wings on his back out of darkness, but instead of flapping them, fire shot out of them making it like a jetpack, allowing him to boost his speed more than he already could if he wanted to.

Now that the tunnel was done, he informed Dragon, who had a group of engineers check it structurally, but without knowing the limit of the Red Line and it's strength, they were at a loss.

Finally they decided to build pillars out of the strongest metals in the world, and made a vote to get it tested every few months for signs of collapse. "I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think you would be able to do it." Dragon said as he admired the tunnel.

"Ye of little faith!" Jack said as he looked on with pride. The both of them sailed through the tunnel in a matter of minutes with Jack boosting the speed to about the speed of a motor boat. "I never would have thought I would be able to travel from East Blue to North Blue in a matter of minutes before..." Dragon said as they came out the other side.

"Me either. I'll still need Nojiko to help me build walls or something around the area to protect the tunnel from the sea, but other than that, we can start building the track through here as well. It will have to be manned on both sides with people communicating, making sure ships don't try to cross as the same time and such. Without wind to push them, I was thinking large pulleys that we can attach to the ships and pull them to whichever side they need to be on." Jack said, getting Dragon to smile.

"You've really thought a lot about this, haven't you?" Dragon said, to which Jack scoffed at. "I didn't before, but with how much time I had to myself while I was tunneling, it popped into my head a time or two." Jack said, making Dragon laugh. He liked Jack, and felt with his help, they could change the world for the better.

"Lyneel is the closest island to where we are, but I think we should move some small deserted islands closer to here, and make our own city in the North. Lyneel is too popular, and if we moved the largest island in the North it might cause a panic. That, and I don't think Nojiko can move an island that big." Jack said, making Dragon ponder about it.

"That's actually a good point. We also need to build the walls on this side too, as well as the pulley system you talked about. Having a small port or town would allow it to be maintained. Charge a small fee for passing and your set. With the walls you could defend against most threats, so there's that to consider as well." Dragon said, already coming up with defensive measures.

"We can get rid of the Governments hold in the North within the next few months and get a foothold. To win the people over, we need to get rid of the pirates and other criminals to make them feel protected. Combine that with the Sea Trains and our recruitment will skyrocket." Jack said, sounding a little too sure of himself.

Then as an afterthought he added, "Let's make so soldiers part of W.M.P ride the trains free of charge, as well as passage through the tunnel. Free schooling and training as well, but for the training they are required to serve a minimum time in the military before they can keep serving with a higher pay, or they can do whatever they want."

Dragon stared dumbly at Jack, wondering how the hell he came up with that. Finally he said, "I'll make notes of these ideas and implement them soon. For now we'll continue on the East Blue and make so our hold is unshakable, then the North." They could only do so much, but they were still changing the world one day at a time.

Now that the tunnel was done, Jack helped out with laying the tracks for the Sea Train. With his help, the speed at which they moved practically tripled, only needing people to make the connection while he held the track in place before laying out the next one.

When they reached an island, Dragon already had a hundreds of people building a station. There were two tracks that started in Loguetown. The First one went to Orange town, then to Dawn Island where it stopped in Foosha before making it's way to Shells Town.

The second track went from Loguetown to Cocoyashi village on the Conomi islands before making it's way up to Shimotsuki Village, before connecting to the station in Shells Town. With how many people were involved and with Jack's help, the tracks from Loguetown to Dawn island were completed in less than a week.

Not every island would have a train station, which is why ships were still a big thing. Jack even helped Dragon come up with ship designs which used dials to propel them at incredible speeds. They used the dial boats used in Skypiea as a base, then came up with better designs while still using the propulsion system, effectively changing water battles in the future.

"I figure we can finish up with the tracks in another week with your help, then we can see about the North Blue." Dragon told Jack once the train stopped in Foosha.

They had both went back to Loguetown so they could go on the maiden voyage of the first Sea Train in East Blue, and it was unbelievably smooth. Jack didn't really know what to expect based on trains from his world, but it was an extremely smooth ride, and the train was surprisingly quiet.

The trip took a few hours, but stopping in Orange Town added 2 of those hours by itself. People were so awed by the thing, they couldn't make up their mind on whether or not to give it a try.

"I'll help finish the train, then I need to start training the people a bit more. I've been slacking." Jack said with a laugh.

Laying the track from Foosha to Shells Town took a day, then it was off to Shimotsuki, which took a day and a half. The Conomi islands were an Archipelago, made up of over 20 different small islands. Cocoyashi Village was the largest of the islands, so it was naturally where Jack chose to build the Sea station.

Jack and his team connected to the station in Cocoyashi Village, but that was as far as they got before the second team made contact with them, officially completing the track in Easy Blue.

Dragon was adamant about having the track inspected thoroughly to make sure it was all safe before he announced that the station was up and running. Each station was given the train schedule, letting the public know that there would be a train to each village twice a day in the morning and evenings.

Once everything was done, Jack went back to Foosha to begin training in earnest, something that the people he was training were not happy about.

Luffy was coming along in his training far better than Jack expected, actually wanting to learn more theory and stuff as he progressed. Sabo even told Luffy about the birds and the bees, but like anyone would have expected, he didn't really care, opting to learn about adventure and stuff.

Rayleigh had trained him relentlessly, giving Luffy a firm base, but Jack still taught all of the forms for hand to hand and footwork. Jack even told Luffy about using Second and Third gear, boosting Luffy's combat ability by a considerable margin.

Robin also trained a lot, advancing far in her hand to hand combat and could even use Shave pretty good. She could finally hit Smoker with the little Haki she could use, but it wasn't enough to go against a Vice-Admiral. Jack figured she was barely B-rank, and that was being extremely generous on his part.


Today, Luke and the others finally returned from their trip after 5 weeks, much to Jack's delight. He almost stripped Nojiko right there in front of everyone, but luckily a Haki coated fist cleared that up.

"I'll remember to thank you properly later, Garp!" Jack said as he massaged his head. 'The Fist of Love god damned hurts!!' He mentally shouted, wondering how the hell Garp made it so painful.

"It was so fun!! We need to go again sometime soon!!" Soran shouted in joy, before she began to recount their time in the sky islands. Jack walked over to Luke and asked, "Any trouble?"

Luke grabbed a beer from Jack before he said, "None in the Sky islands. They actually loved us, and begged us to come back soon. Although that might be because Nojiko took an island up there for them. There was trouble in Dressrosa though, but I can tell you about that later."

Everyone's attention went to Garp when he started shouting to Sengoku, who looked like he was going to cry. "Sengoku!! Check out these dials!!" Garp said, waving the dials in front of the man, who looked miserable compared to the jolly man he was over the last five weeks.

"Garp... you have to find your own home, and pay for your own food." Sengoku said, but Garp ignored him entirely. "I think he was the same way with Dragon, because Dragon is never around when Garp is." Jack pointed out, getting a few laughs from people.

Everyone was pretty excited about the Sea Train, and they all ran to go and see it. Well, almost everyone. Jack and Nojiko took off somewhere else, choosing to catch up for all of the days they spent apart.


No one saw either Jack or Nojiko until the next morning, which was when they arrived to the train station so they could all go and spend a day on the train.

"Today's your last day of vacation, then we start the training in earnest. And for you three!" Jack said to everyone, then stopped his gaze on Soran, Apis and Selene. "You three start school in a week, so be ready for it!" Jack said, getting confused looks from Selene and Apis, while Soran looked ready to jump at him for how excited she was.

"REALLY?!!! YOU DID IT?!!" She screamed disbelievingly. "I did! It's separate from the fighting academy, but there is now a school for all ages in Foosha. There are teachers, it's stocked with books and supplies, and has a playground for children, as well as multiple courses someone can take." Jack said, clarifying what was so important for Soran.

The school had been a side project of his for months now, and it was finally done. The school would teach everything from reading, swimming, travel, math, history, economics to navigation, cooking, fishing, farming and even offered a program where you could shadow people of certain professions.

"It'll take a year or two for it to really take hold, but it should advance this world a bit more." Jack said proudly. "How much did all of this cost?" Nami asked curiously, waving her arms to the train they were in. Everyone looked to Jack in wonder of the price, but he'd rather not say.

The billions that went into were enough to almost make him cry, but to be fair, he did steal all of it so it was the least he could do. "Let's just say I spent a lot." He said, getting a frown from Nami. He didn't know why she cared so much, it was his money.

It took them 6 hours to travel around the East Blue, a record for the train thus far. Trains in this world were beyond fast, and being on the ocean, there were no turns or hills. It was just a straight shot to the next destination.

Jack figured if the trains traveled each morning from Loguetown to Foosha, it should only take about an hour and a half to two hours for the train to reach Foosha. If the train heading to Cocoyashi left a good hour or two ahead of the one heading to Orange town, then they should arrive at about the same time.

When everyone got back to Foosha, Jack prepared dinner for everyone before he finally got Luke to talk about the trip. "Well..." Luke started before he took a sip of his beer. "I may have pissed off Kaido, Big Mom, and...." Luke paused, making everyone who wasn't there go wide-eyed while waiting for him to continue.

"AND?!!" Smoker shouted, really wanting to know what happened. "The Celestial Dragons." Luke finally said, making Jack's eye start twitching.

"Explain! And don't leave anything out!!" Jack said, already praying that whatever Luke did was manageable.

Hey guys! Just a little heads up, there will be no Zephyr in this book. I will reference him, but as of now, I will no longer be adding him to the group. So now it doesn't matter who cut off his arm, as he will never interact with Hawkeye or Weevil. Anyway, enjoy the chapter. Next one has Shanks in it!!

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts