
Chapter 46 - Transaction


What Lepus taken out was a green eggplant-like fruit with swirls pattern!

""Devil Fruit!?""

Lepus smiled a little seeing their reaction.

"Right.... I want to sell this. This is Ushi Ushi no Mi: model Buffalo."

After calming down a bit, Alain asked Lepus.

"Why don't you guys just eat this fruit yourself?"

"We don't need it."

Alain frowned slightly at Lepus's answer.

".... Are you serious?"


"Hmm.... All right. Give me a moment."

Then Alain left the room.

A few minutes later, Alain returned.

"I just contacted my connection.... He can afford to get two branches of the Adam Tree with 60 meters in size. The price he is asking for is 350 millions Berries including shipping and so on. After I told them you wanted to sell this devil fruit, he offered the price for the devil fruit plus 200 millions Berries. So?"

Hearing this, Lepus thought deeply.

'Hmm.... The asking price is 350 millions Berries. If exchange it with this devil fruit, only need to add 200 millions Berries. That means the price for that devil fruit, 150 millions Berries.... For an ordinary herbivorous Zoan-type, I guess it's not a loss.'

After a while, Lepus finally decided.

"Fine.... I want to exchange with this devil fruit plus 200 millions. But we still have to collect that 200 millions. Is that okay?"

"That's fine. You guys can collect the money first."

"Good then.... But, are your connections trustworthy?"

Alain laughed a little at Lepus's question.

"Hahaha.... Even though to be honest my connections are from the black market, they can be trusted. Because in any kind of business, without trust there will be no deal."

Lepus nodded.

"Fine then."

Then Alain left the room again.

A few minutes later, Alain returned again to the room.

"I've conveyed your choice to my connection. He said that it would take a few years, but at most about 3 years to get the Adam Wood and send it here. So, in these 3 years, you guys should try to collect that 200 millions. The payment will be done when the Adam Woods you ordered arrived here."

Lepus nodded.

"I understand."

After done about ordering the Adam Woods, Lepus asked Alain.

"Does Mr. Boggart have any connections to an information broker?"

"Information broker?"


"Why do you ask about that?"

"Of course because we need it. We have to collect 200 millions Berries, right?"

"That's.... All right. Just a moment."

Then Alain said to Loris.

"Call your sister-in-law here."


Loris then left the room.

Some time later, Loris returned to the room with a man and a woman holding a baby.

After entering the room, the man that Loris brought spoke in a loud voice.

"Father! I heard you called my wife? What's up?"

Alain frowned at the loud voice of the man who seemed to be his another son.

"You're noisy, Boris."

Then the woman who seemed to be Boris's wife spoke.

"Father, what's the matter calling me?"

"Yes. There are people who need your help."

"My help? What help?"

"They need an information broker."

Then Alain introduced Boris and his wife to Lepus.

"Mr. Rex, this is my eldest son, Boris, and his wife, Gillian. Gillian, this mister is the one who needs your help."

Then Lepus shook hands with Gillian.

"Hello, Gillian-san. My name is Rex Lepus. Nice to meet you."

".... Hello, Mr. Rex. Nice to meet you too."

Then they started to talk about the main topic of the time.

"So, Mr. Rex needs an information broker?"


"May I ask what for?"

"I want to buy information about pirates."

"Pirates? For what?"

Then Lepus answered with a slight grin.

".... Robbing them."

Hearing Lepus's answer, Gillian and the others from the Boggart family were dumbfounded.

""""Robbing them!?""""


Then Boris laughed loudly and responded.

"Bahahahahaha!! This is the first time I heard there's someone who wants to rob a robbers! You have big guts, man!"

Lepus casually responded.

"Well, I'm actually a pirate myself. So it's just a competition. The strong that will survive."

Hearing Lepus's relaxed response, the Boggarts were instead quite surprised.

Boris then asked.

"You're a pirate too?"

"Yeah.... Here's my poster."

Lepus then took out and showed his wanted poster.

Seeing Lepus's wanted poster, they were surprised again.

""""20 millions Berries!?""""

"Right. That's why we came here to order a ship. Because we don't have one yet."

Then they fell silent for a bit until Boris spoke again.

"Hmm.... You looked still young but your bounty is already this high. But I've never heard of the name Rex Lepus in this West Blue. Should be for a bounty of 20 millions, although not the highest but at least not unheard."

"Oh.... I'm not from West Blue, but from North Blue. This bounty poster was also released there a few years ago.... Don't ask how could I came to West Blue."

"I see! No wonder you're never heard!"

"Alright, back on topic.... Gillian-san, can you help?"

".... Can. But please don't tell them I recommended you."

"No problem."

Gillian then gave information about the broker to Lepus.

After everything was done, Lepus and his girls left.
