
One piece: Blessed Light

He was someone who's name struck fear in every criminal's heart. He was someone who's wealth rivaled that of countries. He was someone that everyone had to respect. But those factors still did not prevent that tragedy. he had failed once again and this time, He had also lost his life. All because he lacked power. power to keep those corrupted ones in their place. Now, he was born in a familiar world, a world he had grown quite fondly of. a world where he could grow strong. Strong enough to finally fullfil his dreams. what would this man do in a world where the seas are ruled by the Yonkos and Inhumane scum that arrogantly proclaim themselves as "Gods". That is for you to read and find out. ## Author's note: Schedule 9:00 am CT. at least 2 chapters per week. no chapters on Fridays and Saturdays No system for this fanfic. ## Join my discord server if you want to. Discord server link:- https://discord.gg/GqMKJsCUNN Please make sure to read the rules and react to the emoji else you wouldn't gain access to the discord server. It's a precaution against bots. ## Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters, settings, and original concepts are the property of their respective authors and their associated entities. I do not claim ownership of these characters, settings, or concepts except what I have introduced myself. This story is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial gain. No copyright infringement is intended. ###

Rillik · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 004: My dream is...

Previously on Seint Saiya-*Cough*:-

Lucius saved Kuma from an unfortunate encounter, they helped a pair of siblings who were suspiciously named after characters from a game called Omori. Roger pirates finally arrived on this island and Lucius's mom is so cool.


"I am sorry, but I must decline your offer." Amy said after contemplating Roger's invitation to join his crew. Although she yearned for adventure when she was younger, she now carried a heavy responsibility as a mother.

Roger pouted while chugging down some sake before saying "Don't be so hasty to decline my offer! I value your sniping skills very much, I am not lying if I claim I have only met a few who could match your talent!"

Amy furrowed her brows slightly when she noticed the stubbornness of this person. Aiming to be more reasonable she mused internally before stating "Let's say, I did join your crew… what could you possibly offer that I already don't have? And if I did join, who would protect and take care of my son? This might sound rude but I don't see any value in what you are offering."

Roger paused briefly before he smiled widely as if he found a clear solution so he quickly said "That's easy to solve! Let your son join my crew as well!"

Rayleigh, who was listening nearby, almost choked on his sake after listening to his Captain's audacious words for the nth time. He let out a sigh and decided to intervene lest his captain upset the young lady despite her hospitality.

"Oi Oi, captain, be more considerate of her wishes, will ya? Not everyone has so much free time like you" Rayleigh muttered the last sentence quietly but everyone clearly heard it due to their observation haki. Thus causing a wave of giggle to spread across the crew.

Amy smiled sweetly looking at the crew's Jolly interaction and made her contemplate Roger's offer once more and this time she was struck by an interesting idea 'This could be beneficial for Lucius..'

Thus after having a change of heart, she said "Your offer… is not unacceptable But. That's entirely up for my son to decide." Upon noticing the somewhat gloomy face of Roger She continued with a smile that immediately picked his interest "As for me joining you… I will but… on one condition. You along with your crew must oversee the entire haki learning process for my son.. and his two close friends. Kuma and Ginny. If you can accept that then I will wholeheartedly join your crew."

Roger was surprised but before he could agree immediately without any negotiation, Rayleigh quickly interjected and said "That's possible… However, we won't be able to stay here forever… " Rayleigh, noticing Amy narrowing her eyes, elaborated further "I am not saying your son doesn't deserve it but rather our crew as you might have noticed loves to travel and explore new islands, So… how about this. Every three months we will come here to train your son and his friends for a few weeks while you travel the world with us."

Amy didn't say anything but merely gave him a mysterious smile as if she knew a secret nobody else did. Rayleigh, feeling curious, was about to inquire further but the crew's sudden exclamation brought his attention to a pair of kids who had mysteriously appeared nearby without anyone noticing it.

"Rayleigh-san… Regarding that issue of not being able to stay here forever…" Rayleigh heard the ominous yet foreboding voice of Amy as he turned his head to look at Amy's almost triumphant smug face.


"Oya, Shanks… do you think that's the kid?" Buggy whispered to his trusty best friend and rival, Shanks.

Shanks after briefly looking at Kuma and Lucius whispered back "I think so.. that kid with black wings and red eyes is probably her son."

Buggy gazed at Lucius for a moment before muttering "I would win-" Shanks smacked his head before saying "Don't go bullying our junior!"

Buggy, pissed for being smacked, immediately started a friendly 'fight' with Shanks "Ya! bastard! Why did you have to hit so hard?!"

Lucius was intrigued, initially he didn't realize who these people were until he noted certain individuals that resembled the characters he had once read about. 'Roger pirates… but why are they here?' He thought, already starting to analyze the possible circumstances as he walked towards his mom along with Kuma.

Amy smiled in relief when she saw her son safely returning so she spoke partially to introduce them and partially to inform them. "Lucius.. Kuma, I am glad both of you are back from the city. This is Roger and his crew. They were passing by our island and happened to take a break, so I decided to let them rest in the church."

Lucius nodded as he greeted Roger who had been quite rudely staring intently at him since he arrived. "Hello, Nice to meet you, Uncle Roger, My name is Lucius, I hope you find our church quite hospitable"

Roger stared at him for a few moments longer before smiling mysteriously as he spoke "Kid.. How about joining my crew-" but he didn't get to finish his words as Rayleigh has already slapped his head stating "Is recruiting people all you care about?!"

Feeling amused Lucius replied back "No thanks, I don't plan to travel the world.. at least until I am 17 years old. So if you can wait another 10 years and ask me again, I might consider accepting it." That piqued Roger's interest so he curiously asked "Why specifically 17?"

"Because.. I will be strong enough by then to realize my dreams!" Lucius replied with an answer that seems to satisfy and thug at the heart of everyone present, especially the Roger pirates who cheered loudly and toased sake cups in his name.

Roger laughed with a contented smile. Sharing his thoughts "Bahahaha! The more I speak with you, the more I want you to join my crew! But… I know those eyes. They are the eyes of someone who would challenge the whole world for their dream!You brat would probably reject me even if I waited a hundred years!"

Lucius curled his lips upwards but didn't deny nor confirm them. Since he had organized all his memories from past life. He knew what one of his dreams would be.

Amy, feeling curious about what kind of dream her son has that she didn't know yet asked in anticipation "Lucius, Do you have a dream?"

Lucius thought for a moment, contemplating before deciding to share it with everyone present. His face carried a fond reassuring smile as he spoke "My dream is…"


Ginny was pleasantly surprised,She had gone to the elderly village nearby for their routine health checkup. But when she came back she saw everyone was having a party without her. Enraged she exclaimed "YOU BASTARDS! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"

Stunning everyone present, feeling as if they were caught doing something wrong but they sigh in relief when they heard her continue saying "HOW DARE YOU HAVE A PARTY WITHOUT ME?!"

Kuma upon noticing Ginny had finally arrived smiled sweetly then he motioned for Ginny to come to him "Ginny! I saved you a plate, Come eat-" before he could even finish speaking. Ginny had already appeared next to him as if teleporting and she immediately started chomping down on the meat dishes on her plate while she spoke angrily to Kuma "So yummy! Kuma-chi! Did you forget? It's a capital punishment to not invite me to eat when there's food!"

Kuma rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as he said "Sorry, Sorry, I got distracted by the atmosphere and by the time I noticed, I figured you would already be back soon, so I prepared this plate for you."

"Hmph, doesn't matter, as punishment give me all your meat-" Ginny choked when she realized what she said before looking away as if embarrassed. Kuma ever the innocent boy didn't notice that but only felt worried and quickly gave her a cup filled with some cola "Here, drink this, I have told you to not talk while eating" he said with a sigh of worry. "Hmph! Stupid Kuma-chi!" Ginny mumbled as she gulped down the cola.

Lucius looked at them mischievously, then he slowly went near them and whispered "Kuma-ne.. Ginny-ni…" grabbing their attention as they asked "What?" Lucius smiled before saying "You two look so cute together… when are you inviting me to your weddin-" he didn't get to finish as he quickly dodged Ginny's punch. Quite used to such actions from Her.

"LUCI-KUN, COME BACK HERE! YOUUUU!!"Ginny yelled angrily towards a maniacally laughing Lucius but didn't move from her spot to give chase instead she shyly looked at Kuma who was also steaming read. His voice as low as a mosquito whispered "Luci-kun can be such a kid sometimes."

Ginny nodded her head in agreement before she gathered her courage and asked Kuma with expectation. "Kuma-chi… about that wedding.. Do you… want to marry me?". Kuma paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before blushing like an innocent boy and muttering so quietly Ginny would have missed it if she hadn't been attentively listening.

Ginny's ears perked up, her heart pounded so much it felt like it would run away. She felt a sense of euphoria run through her body as she heard Kuma whisper "Maybe…"

"LET'S GOOOOOOOO" Ginny jumped uped in excitement. Causing some who knew observation haki to smile while others to curiously gaze at her direction. Feeling invigorated by her excitement someone toasted a drink in her name followed by almost everyone doing the same.

Amy smiled sweetly, her heart feeling with warmth and happiness seeing the adorable interactions between Kuma and Ginny, two kids she had once thought would never recover their scarring hearts. Her gaze then lingered towards her son who was heading towards a pair of kids called Shanks and Buggy.

Amy knew it was thanks to Lucius that Kuma and Ginny were so positive and Happy . She didn't know why but she had long since noticed Lucius had a special attraction towards Kuma and Ginny. As if he knew they were broken, he had been trying to help them recover from injuries that even she herself didn't know how to heal despite being a doctor.

Her mind drifted to fondful memories where Lucius interacted and played with them like a kid would despite his rare maturity among kids. But her attention was soon drawn to the center. Curious about what her son was going to do.


Shanks and Buggy glanced at each other before looking at Lucius who was coming towards them. Lucius spoke first by greeting them "Hello, Are you two part of Uncle Roger's crew?"

Shanks nodded while Buggy narrowed his eyes at Lucius before nodding as well. Lucius feeling curious "How strong are you two?"

Buggy disdainfully replied saying "Definitely stronger than you" While Shanks awkwardly laughed before saying "Don't mind Buggy, he always has an urge to say provocative words. If you get to know him, he is quite caring" Upon hearing that Buggy looked away feeling embarrassed "Oye, Shanks! Do- Don't slander me! You bas- Bastard!"

Lucius nodded his head as if he understood then he said "So he is a Tsundere, Got it." Shank, curious what that meant, asked "Tsun..dere? What's that?" Lucius mischievously looked at Buggy before he waved for shanks to come closer then he whispered as if he didn't want buggy to hear it. Who as predicted was trying to move his ear closer to them, Afterall he was still just an 8 year old right now.

"Tsundere are people who act grumpy on the outside but they have a very sweet and caring personality inside. So they try to act tough but in the end they are soft hearted caring people" Lucius whispered to Shanks, who felt it perfectly fit Buggy so he nodded in agreement. Buggy who had also heard it though was fuming as he yelled "I AM NOT A TSUNDERE, YOU BASTARD!"

Lucius looked at Buggy with pity filled eyes as he said with a sigh to Shanks "It must have been hard for you, Big Bro" while patting Shank's shoulder. Who realized this was a prank and immediately played along by letting out an equally exhausted sigh saying "Indeed."

Buggy, not being able to hold it any longer, immediately jumped on the duo who were teasing him "SHUT UP, YA BASTARDS!!"

Roger and others smiled as they looked at the kids playing around before He chuckled and shouted "We can't let the kids have all the fun!! Let's party with everything we got!!" Which was met with a reverberated mood that spread across everyone as everyone started to drink and cheer louder.

Quickly songs were being sung that caused Lucius to have an interesting idea so he quickly hurdled together with shanks and buggy, telling them his plan.

Despite Buggy acting grumpy and almost refusing. They quickly went to the center of the party attracting everyone's attention. Even Amy opened her eyes to curiously find out why the songs has stopped.

Shanks on the right, Lucius in the middle and Buggy on the left. After briefly glancing at each other, inhaled before as if in sync "Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho~" came out of their mouth. Causing almost everyone to realize what it was. Bink's sake. A song widely popular in the world of one piece.

Lucius and his two seniors felt proud and happy as everyone eventually started joining in and singing along "Binkusu no sake wo, todoke ni yuku yo! Umikaze kimakase namimakase!"

The night continued with the ferver of that legendary song. Bringing Joy and Sake to this once lonely church.

The song also did remind Lucius of a certain miserable and lonely skeleton. 'Hmm, troublesome, I can't just go there directly without people raising questions on how I knew it... Unless. Yeah that could work' Lucius mused internally on methods he could use to rescue Brock.


"WHAT?! Roger is near Sorbet kingdom?! Why didn't nobody tell me that??" Garp exclaimed angrily before he quickly rushed to his ship and jumped atop it.

"Bogard! Start the ship, I am itching for some fight." Garp barked out loud as he angrily chomped on Rice crackers he had 'borrowed' from Sengoku.

Bogard nodded in silence before Immediately ordering everyone on the ship to start sailing.


Word count: 2361

Author's note:-

Quite a lot of yapping in this chapter, don't you think? I am unsure if that's a good thing or not. Let me know if I should continue making such chapters or tame it down.

Anyways no chapter tomorrow because it's Friday i.e my weekend. Chapter 5 will be posted on Saturday, unless I get five different readers either commenting or giving me a power stone to let me know they exist. That they want the chapter tomorrow.

Btw should I move my timeslot to another? Readers aren't interacting much 😔