
One Piece: Another Story

The story of a man who was transported to the world of One Piece. Now all he wants to do is to sail around, meet some beauties, enjoy life....thats all. Note: This is a fan fiction story made for some fun. The mc will be op from the day he starts sailing. So, read and enjoy yourself to another story of One Piece.

Shammy_007 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Sailing along with the strong current upward the Reverse Mountain, they finally reached the top.

A huge ship jumped out from the fountain, covering the Sunlight and huge shadow formed on the clouds.

Puggy: "Hurray.. we are flying!.."

Louis crew saw the vast sea that spread to the horizon. Their ship fell down on the stream and soon rushed down on the rundown canal towards the Grand Line.

At the foot of the Twin Cape, a lighthouse was on the left side. There, an old man was sitting on a chair at the front of the lighthouse reading a newspaper. He was the overseers of the lighthouse and also was the doctor of the Pirate King, Crocus.

"Hoh.. another one has entered, I wonder who will be it this time."

Then, he put down the newspaper and looked towards the 'Night Howler' ship at the Reverse Mountain canal.

Louis ship soon reached the foot of the Twin Cape and finally landed on the sea of Grand Line. They didn't meet Laboon and since they already had a log pose, they decided to immediately head for the first hand.

Crocus stood near the cliff, watching the leaving pirate ship and a smile appeared on his face.

"laugh.. So its them, the new pirate 'The Nemesis'..

Although their number is little, their bounty is quite impressive."

Then, he looked at the four wanted posters in his hand;







฿ 312.000.000








฿ 279.000.000







฿ 35.000.000







฿ 10.000.000


After sailing for few days, Lious's group reached their first island 'The Cactus Island'.On the island there are several rock mountains with multiple graves on top. The shape of the mountains along with the graves give the appearance of giant cacti.

There is a river flowing the island allowing ships to dock inland.

Louis ship sailed through the island and reached 'Whisky Peak', the only town on Cactus island and the home of all of its inhabitants.

The island was recently claimed by the secret organization Baroque Works led by Crocodile, one of the Sichibukai. They set up the island as one of their bases responsible for bounty hunting for money.

As soon as they entered the town, they were greeted cheerfully by the towns' people.

Puggy: "Eh? Are they greeting us? Hehe.. seems like we are famous."

Baby 5: "No.. something's wrong."

Louis: "Don't worry, they are just bounty hunters. They are just acting friendly to trap us."

Puggy: "How could this be? But they look like good people...*peng*"

Baby 5:"Shut up! If Louis said so then it must be true."

Puggy didn't dare to disagree with Baby 5 as he know her temper. Looking at Puggy, Louis shook his head, Puggy was so innocent just like Luffy.. he has a very pure heart.

"But I have to say, there acting is quite good.. If I didn't know their true identity, I might have also fallen in their trap. Well, since they want it why don't we enjoy their hospitality."

They docked their ship and four of them landed on the town. Several people rushed in and cheered happily. Then, an old man with curly hair came forward,

"Ahm.. mah-mah-maah.. welcome our special guests, we are the residents of this town,ahm.. mah-mah-maah.."

please enjoy your stay here."

Louis looked at the old man with a sly smile,

"Well then please to trouble you, guys lets go.."

"Mah-mah-maah.. okay everyone, lets hold a party for our guests."

"Ok.. welcome to Whisky Peak!'

While walking with the townspeople, Louis saw a woman with light blue hair and slender body. The woman also saw Louis and gave a slight smile.

But seeing Louis suddenly coming towards her, her heart started getting nervous, 'Did this handsome guy know my identity? This is bad..' But it didn't happen instead Louis slight kneeled took her hand and kissed on the back of her hand.

Louis: "This beauty.. May I know your name?"

"E-eh?! How can you say I am beautiful? B-by the way, m-my name is Miss Wednesday."

Louis: "Well, Miss Wednesday.. I can see you easily, you are really beautiful. I like you so why don't you join my crew.."

Hearing Louis honey words made her heart beat fastly, a slight blush appearred on her face. She was an innocent little princess, now her mind is very chaotic now..

"H-how can you say that? Be-besides we have just met only now. And.. and I can't join your c-crew.."

Louis: "Its a pity, then please tell me if you change your mind.. little miss"

She silently nodded her head but suddenly realized that she was going in his pace. She came here to get information about the organization not for having a good time.

Baby 5 came beside and pulled Louis away holding his ear and went forward with the crowd.

Baby 5: "Captain, don't start flirting as soon as you reach the place."

"Ok.. ok.. I will try not to do it again."

Puggy: "Sigh.. poor captain."

They enjoyed the party till late and Louis group finally went to sleep in their ship.

Soon after, several people gathered around the ship and started discussing.

"Mah-mah-maah.. Is everyone here? Now lets discuss the plan. I have searched their bounty and it turned out to be very high. Their total bounty more than 600 million."

"What! That much! How can we fight against them?"

"Wait.. ahm.. mah-mah-maah.. even though they have high bounty, they are rookies that just entered Grand Line. Also Mr.5 and Miss Valentine will arrive here any moment."

"Thats good, if they are here we can surely win."

"Yes and it is also a big harvest.. hehehe "

Suddenly a hoarse voice sounded throughout the quiet night.

"Heyy.. so that was your plan afterall. Bounty Hunters of Baroque Works.."

All of them looked towards the direction of the voice and saw 4 figures standing at the roof of a building.

"How could this be? Weren't you on sleeping drugs?"

Louis: "Hehe.. you think those drugs will work? I have already cleansed them from the body."

Baby 5: "But I have to say, you are very brave to catch us even when you know our strength."

Mr.9: "Humph.. who cares! you are just a newbie anyway.. Guys let catch them!"


The peoples started rushing towards Louis holding their various weapons. Igaram used his curled hair to fire several bullets on Louis but was easily burnt down by a flame. Looking at the rushing weaklings Louis gave a mocking smile.

"You guys, you think you can get me with this? It seems like I have to show you the gap, Puggy.. go and train your ability and don't hurt that girl"

Puggy: "Ok captain! Here I go.. 'Flame Blast'"


Several of then were blasted out by the huge flame of Puggy. The flame fruit was given to Puggy by Louis as Baby 5 didn't want to eat it. She said she like some cool type and don't like flame.

"What! That strength is not 10 million at all!"

"Ahh.. its burning me.."

Puggy: "Hehe.. time to finish 'Flame Commandment' *boom*"

A huge flame blasted out from Puggy's body covering him in flames burning them.

Seeing the scene, the survival ones fell on their knees shivering in horror.

Mr.9: "Monster.. they are a monster."

"We can't win them at all.."

On the side, Miss Wednesday looked at Louis with bright eyes,

"Maybe..with their strength, they can help me."

Suddenly two voice came from the side.

"Giggle.. you all are really useless."

"Humph, can't even handle one person."

Two figure walked out from the dark, one was a tall man in black track suit and the other was a women holding an umbrella floating in the air.

Igaram: "Ah! we are saved its Mr.5 and Miss Valentine..ahm.. mah-mah-maah.."

Mr.5: "Tch.. you guys are too weak, can't even handle a kid worth only 10 million.."

Before he could finish, Puggy used 'shave' and instantly appeared in front of him.

"Oy.. Oy.. It hurts to hear that you know. Now let me send you to hell.. 'Enki'

*boom* Puggy lightly pressed on Mr.5 stomach but he didn't have time to react. A strong heat entered his body and exploded.

*thut* The lower leg parts of Mr.5 fell to the ground while his upper body had already been blasted to ashes.

"What! Mr.5 is dead!" Miss valentine was dumbfounded. 'One of the strongest officers was killed easily! No I have to leave this place.'

She lightened her weight and was about to fly up but a hand suddenly caught her right leg.

Puggy: "Heyy.. leaving so early. You can't.. 'Ablaze'

" Ahh! No spare meee..*burn* "

Before she could talk, she was already enveloped by huge flame and burned to nothingness.


All the onlookers swallowed their saliva and watched the seen silently. Now they didn't even dare to escape in front of Louis' group.

Puggy: "How was that captain?"

Louis: "Your control is quite good. But you shouldn't depend on your ability too much. You have learn 'shave' properly, so try hard to learn the other techniques including Haki."

"Understood Captain!"

Louis: "Well then, what shall we do with the remainings.."

*shiver* Hearing the words, the remaining peoples trembled with fear, some even have already fainted.

Louis group jumped down from the roof and landed in front of the alive ones. Suddenly a figure with light blue hair rushed forward and knelt on Louis.

Louis: "Eh! Miss Wednesday! What are you doing?"

"Please help me save my country! I promise I will do anything."

Louis was slightly shocked but soon recovered, a sly smile appeared his face,

"That Miss Wednesday.."

"Just call me Vivi. My real name is Vivi Nefertari"

"Ok Vivi, are you sure you want me to help you? I'm a pirate you know.."

Vivi greeted her teeth, she also knew that it was not good taking help from a pirate but now she had no choice, her country was in chaos right now..

"I-i don't care, if you save my country.. I-i will do anything for you."

Igaram: "No you can't! Princess Vivi.."

"Igaram don't talk, this is an order."

Louis: "Hehe.. fine I will help you and as for my price, I will think about it and say later.."

Vivi: "Thank you very much.. I am very much grateful.."


A sudden flashlight appeared and two animals clicked some pictures of Louis group and flew away.

Vivi: "Ahh! Its the unluckies.. don't let them leave."

"Leave it. After all we will soon be meeting the boss."

After that , Puggy burned all the others except Vivi and Igaram. Vivi made Igaram leave alone first and she entered the 'Night Howler' along with Louis group.

Baby 5: "giggle.. Louis, I have a guess to what you will demand her."

Louis: "Heh.. you know me the most, Baby 5."


After setting up the log pose, the Nemesis Pirate suddenly sailed towards the next island.


On an underground office,

A man with a long scar across his face, smoking a big cigarette was currently looking at several pictures.

"Hahaha.. Nemesis Pirates, interesting.. Miss All Sunday, how did the job go?"

At a dark corner, a woman with white cowboy hat was reading a book,

"It went very well... Mr.0"


End of Chapter..

Hope you like it....

Several people are asking about the ship, The 'Night Howler' will look like 'Queen Anne's Revenge'..