
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 1: A Natural

Tyr was now two years old. And his calisthenics in his room paid off. Because as soon as he turned two, Topman called for him.

"Tyr, follow me." Topman just gave him one look before walking away and Tyr followed.

"Are you not gonna ask me what I have in store for you?" Topman asked and Tyr raised a brow which he noticed.

He was hesitating to speak his mind. "Do not fear answering. Speak up, boy." Topman urged him.

"If you say so. I thought we're just advancing my studies." Tyr felt that was the purpose of his visit.

"Indeed, but this is different. I will be showing you something that can give you an edge in this world. Come now, boy." Topman gestured for him to follow.

'An edge? What does he mean? I guess it won't hurt to see it.' Tyr shrugged.

Walking at the streets of Mary Geoise, Tyr can't help but roll his eyes at the opulent structures around them.

'What use does having a big ass home do?' Tyr wanted to snort in disdain.

The houses were plated with gold. Painted white so it would highlight the shiny metal.

"We're here." Topman looked at the guards and they entered the mansion.

Following Topman, Tyr finally saw another celestial dragon.

'What the? Why are their hair curled up that way?' He was weirded out by the hair.

They nodded at them respectfully. 'I guess the god warriors really are at the top, huh?' Tyr made an observation.

'Though, why can't they just wear suits like us, or dresses?' Tyr looked around.

They then arrived at a balcony and Tyr sucked in a cold breath.

'Chained down people?' Tyr's eyebrows furrowed. He knew what that meant, slavery.

"Do not concern yourself with plebians, Tyr. Watch, do you see that fruit? It's called a devil fruit." Topman pointed at some weird fruits.

"Devil fruits?" He was confused. Thinking they were some kind of cursed fruits or something.

Topman just nodded and Tyr saw some beat up girls that were in shackles.


"Hey, we just received some new toys. They seem high quality, give them these and let's see if something interesting happens." A fat man riding on a slave's back smirked at the girls.

They were trembling like a leaf as tears and snot flowed from their faces.

"You heard saint Rosward, slaves." An attendant quickly shoved the fruits into their mouths callously and they choked on it.

Tyr gripped the rails on the observation deck they were on and Topman eyed him.

'It seems he has an aversion to this. Let us see if it will become a problem in the future.' Topman squinted his eyes.

Though he thought that would only be natural, as intelligent as he was. Tyr is only a sheltered child that hasn't been living life like a god on earth.

"Is it poisonous?" Tyr asked, he had a lot more actually. If they hurt when eaten, what are their effects, etc. But he waited for Topman's explanation.

"I will give you a book about them later, let us see what powers they will receive. Those cost a lot." Topman watched on.

Tyr gritted his teeth, but he cannot do anything.

"Ahhh! Big sis! It tastes so bad! I want to puke!" The green haired one heaved, but nothing came out.

"Sandersonia! Marigold!" The black haired girl hugged them tightly, even when she looked green.

"B-big sis Hancock... I, I feel weird." Marigold, a girl with ginger hair began to morph.

Tyr blinked as the two started transforming into snakes. They also increased in size.

"W-what's happening!? Anyone! Help!" Hancock looked around, but the slaves couldn't look them in the eyes.

Afraid to be killed as they were basically trash in the eyes of the celestial dragons.

"Two zoans and possibly a paramecia?" Topman wondered.

"W-what does that mean?" Tyr bit his lip in frustration.

"Zoans transform you into an animal or a creature. Giving its traits to the consumer. While paramecia are diverse. They either give an ability or a certain trait. Which can be useful or useless." Topman explained succinctly.

"Hahaha! Look at them, disgusting. I wonder what that one does though? Whip the dirty land crawlers and force the other one to use its abilities." Rosward ordered.

The guards were about to whip them, making the girls tremble in fear. Anticipating the pain they will endure.

But another celestial dragon raised his hand. "Heh, Rosward. Won't it be more entertaining if the other toys do it? Let's give them some motivation too, the one who makes them do something fun will have three meals today!" Another man cackled.

"Hmmm, you make a good point. Guards, give the plebs a whip. Make this worth our while." Rosward grinned and the girls looked around in terror.

The slaves ran towards the thrown whips in a hurry.

They then started whipping the girls like they were possessed. Desperate to have a meal.

'Stop...' Tyr's fingers started to bleed as his fingers gripped the railings as hard as a vice.

There was a female slave that just stared though, hesitating to whip them.

'I have a daughter their age... This... I can't do this.' She bit her lip. Torn between wanting to preserve her strength. Hoping she will have a chance to return to her village and see her daughter.

Or to do what was the right thing and let them be. Which is the only action she could do that was safe, or so she thought.

"Hey! You! Trash, I see that you are an idiotic monkey! More stupid than the others, can't even follow simple commands." Rosward took out a golden pistol from his hip.

Tyr's eyes went bloodshot. His breaths quickened like a galloping horse as the world seemed to go on slow motion.

"Stop..." Tyr whispered as he grabbed the air in front of him. Unconsciously hoping that he can prevent what would happen next.

"Forgive me! Oh most noble saint!" The woman immediately prostrated on the ground.

"Hmph, you at least recognize your owner. Plebian." Rosward snorted.

"Thank y-" The woman's head cracked open as she got shot.

Tyr froze on the very spot he was on and he held his breath.

"But I didn't say you were forgiven, take the trash out." Rosward had a grin on his face and the other celestial dragons laughed.

'He's getting antsy, what will be your next move?' Topman observed Tyr carefully.

"Stop! Please! No more!" Hancock shielded her sisters as the rags she was wearing revealed angry, red marks on her back.

And there was a red burn mark as well. A brand, a permanent reminder that they are slaves of the so-called gods amongst men.

The hoof of the flying dragon. Still fresh on her back.

"Stop it." Tyr's veins on his arms bulged as the metal started to give. His nails digging into the railing as he bled.

"Kyahahaha! Beg! They'll certainly dance to the whippings after a while! Your cries just makes it more entertaining!" The celestial dragons clapped in delight.

"Hehehe, how about we have a little taste? What would they feel like, I wonder?" They ordered the slaves to stop whipping them and began to approach the girls.

"No... Please, no." Hancock hugged her sisters tightly.

"STOP!" Tyr roared and a wave of pressure came from him.

'The mark of a supreme king... This changes everything.' Topman squinted his eyes.

The celestial dragons and a lot of slaves fell down on the ground, unconscious.

Tyr was breathing heavily as he locked in on the girls. The memory of the woman who hesitated, indicating her kindness.

Being repaid with a bullet to the head, was still fresh in his mind.

"What will you do now, Tyr?" Topman's words brought him back to reality and Tyr looked at him for a quick second.

'Quick... I have to save them at least.' Tyr gritted his teeth as he thought of a solution.

"I... I want to learn more about devil fruits. I want them, they seem to be good subjects to observe." Tyr quickly made up a lie.

'Hmph, a bold lie. When he just released his conqueror's haki like that due to extreme distress. But I shall allow it.' Topman nodded at him.

"You, guards. Bring those girls to Pangea castle immediately. Do I make myself clear?" Topman ordered and the guards that remained conscious carried the girls who looked at Tyr with anxiety.

"Let us go, you have learned a lot I assume? We will also discuss that little outburst of yours later." Topman gave him a side eye and started walking back to Pangea castle.

Tyr looked at the other slaves, but fate was cruel. He cannot help them at all. His body and mind screamed to aid the broken slaves. But he was powerless.

Returning to Pangea castle, Tyr sat down on his chair. Slumping down with the heaviest sigh he ever released.

"What the fuck's wrong with this place?" Tyr saw what the sick fucks did.

They were worse than toddlers who would beat the crap out of their toys.

He silently brooded as he waited for the girls. Thinking that there must be a way, something, anything. To help the slaves and free them.

"Saint Tyr, here are your goods." A servant opened the door and the three girls walked in lethargically.

'Damn... How am I gonna go about this?' Tyr sighed.

"Thank you, you can leave now." Tyr dismissed the maid and she bowed.

The sisters stared at him anxiously, but the eldest stood in front of them protectively.

"What's your name? I am Tyr, just Tyr." He introduced himself and the little sisters stared at him with shock.

Meanwhile, Hancock was full of suspicion. Guarded against him to the maximum.

Tyr then took a notebook and started writing. He couldn't speak against the government, it will be foolish to do so.

He handed the note to Hancock and she grabbed it slowly.

*Don't worry, I was the one who saved you girls. Those disgusting pigs won't be able to touch you now.* Hancock looked at him with suspicion.

'I... I can't feel any malicious intent from him.' Hancock calmed her breathing and she nodded at him. She then looked at her sisters, giving them a small nod as well.

"Good, because we will need to work together." Tyr thought he had to investigate them in order for him to keep them.

If he doesn't produce any results, then Topman would definitely take them back.

"W-why are you doing this?" Sandersonia still had a fearful look on her face.

"Why you ask?" Tyr was confused. "Y-you're a celestial dragon." Marigold trembled, still shaken from what happened earlier.

They stared at him, waiting for an answer. "It's quite easy, don't you think? I'm human, just like you." Tyr answered like it was a simple fact, which it is.

"B-but you must have even higher authority than those... Those monsters, if you can take us just like that..." Hancock can't believe it.

"You have two options really. Trust me and live. Or be belligerent and die a dog's death." Tyr looked at them seriously and they whimpered.

"I... I'll entrust myself and my sisters to you, Tyr... Please, please save us from this hell." Hancock prostrated on the ground.

"Hah, stand up. We still have a lot of work to do. I'm taking notes okay? Please tell me about your newfound powers." Tyr took out some papers and a pen.

They collapsed as their knees turned into jelly from the relief. They then went unconscious immediately due to exhaustion.

"I guess that can wait, they might be in better condition than the others... But I can't imagine what they've been through already." Tyr sighed and he rubbed his temples.

__Conference room__

"He has what, you say?" Saturn raised a brow at Topman.

"He's a supreme king in the making. He has conqueror's haki." Topman reported to the other elders and they went quiet for a quick second.

"He needs to be taken care of then, Topman. You already said it, he didn't like what he saw. We should've indoctrinated him first." Nusjuro squinted his eyes.

"Like that will work, he's already more intelligent than all the other celestial dragons at the age of one. The child is truly destined to be a conqueror." Marcus sighed.

"Marcus is right, Nusjuro. He doesn't ask why he is being taught at such a tender age. He just understands them. He can internalize them and make his own decisions already. He's his own man since a year ago." Peter nodded at Marcus.

"Nusjuro, can't you see? He will understand what the consequences are if he goes against us. He even gave the girls a note instead of just speaking. Meaning, he's careful enough to know that speaking against the world government is a foolish endeavor." Topman can see his worth in the future.

Never have they ever received such a promising person that can work for the world government.

In the future, he can be raised to go against the emperors of the seas.

"Intelligent enough to know that he might be on surveillance as well. Interesting, shall we pour more resources for project KING?" Saturn stroked his beard.

"You're making a mistake, conquerors forge their own paths." Nusjuro left the room as he clicked his tongue.

"Nusjuro forgets that intelligence is also a detriment. Tyr knows we have control over the world, he will think twice before biting the hand that feeds him." Topman snorted.

"Are we all in agreement then? Besides Nusjuro that is." Saturn gave them a look and they nodded.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.