
Chapter 16 - Going Amery!

id week of waiting for the day of when they could see and finally board their old ship. It was finally finished, marking the continuation of the Strawhat's voyage.

For this occasion, the Shipwrights and Kaya announced and held a feast of celebration for the completion of the Straw-hat's new Ship.

Everyone in every part of the Syrup village were leaving their homes one after the other, hurrying up in order to attend the celebration.

The citizens, shipwrights, and Kaya alike have known the deeds of the Straw-hats and what good they've done for the village, from chasing out the hidden pirates to saving Kaya and curing her.

Usopp's reputation has taken a positive turn, something that he had been waiting for a time now. Although he still has the reputation for being a liar, but everyone has long since considered it as a small thing as everyone acknowledged Usopp's kindness and righteousness.

Due to Usopp's strong involvement in chasing out the Kuro pirates and sending them to Impel Down. Usopp has been completely forgiven by them, as they finally accepted the fact that a child should not be held accountable by his predecessors actions, nor will they be like him.

Kaya stood in front of the crowd of Citizens on top of the stage along with the Straw-hats and Usopp sitting behind her. "Ladies and Gentlemen, these young and heroic people that are sitting behind me are the heroes who served justics not only for my family, but prevented Syrup Town from occupied and ruled by a wicked Tyrant!"


Along with Kaya, everyone held up their mugs up high as they all said in unison, "CHEERS!!" Just like that, the feast has started.

Everyone has celebrated and enjoyed the feast in their own ways. Some started binging on the scrumptious meals on the large tables, some began drinking to their hearts content, and some started to socialize with others will keeping their drinking and eating in moderation.

While everyone was drinking and eating away at the feast. The Straw-hats, along with Usopp decided to visit the ship.

Nami visited the shipwrights' quarters in order to seek them out to give them a tour in their both new and old ship, the home of the Strawhats.


{Ame's POV}


'I still can't believe that my old, fragile, yet resilient partner has become this... Majestic... This ship was Kaya's gratitude, and everyone in the village, huh?'

"Before me stands my old ship or am I supposed to call it, my new ship now, eh?" I looked over to my friends who didn't even hear me because they were also stuck being enthralled by the sight of our new and improved ship, even Luffy froze in place as we all tried to take in this moment.

The shipwrights watched over our expression with satisfied and proud expressions, they truly were worthy of being called shipwrights for this caliber of work. "Hey there starhats or watchu lads be callin yer group'o sailors, hurry up and come aboard! We ain't got all the time in the world you know?" One short but heavily bearded man wielding an oddly big hammer that almost surpasses his size called out to us.

His very loud call snapped us out of our imagination as we all quickly followed the man's call. Except for Luffy who prompted that he'd like to go off and explore the ship on his own and Zoro who just asked where the bedroom was since he was exhausted.

The bearded man raised his hands as if presenting the entire ship in a convention, "As ye lads might've already noticed, your old, weak, crude, inferior and pathetic excuse for a ship has now turned into a beauty and mesmerizing piece of art. Although your old ship was definitely meticulously taken care of, it definitely needed not just a a simple'ol repair for the holes, we deemed it was a blasphemy towards our belief if we didn't refurbish, modify, improve, and add more much needed and important features for a ship." 

The heavily bearded man pointed towards the mast and sails. "These two towerin beasts are now even more efficient in harnessing the power of the winds, the durability of the masts itself has been incredibly strengthened due to the new kind of wood we used as the material in creating it! Wanna know what kind of wood is it? We used the rare and strong Ebony! We have no idea where it came from, but some traveling merchant vessels sold this to us from a far away land." 

While listening the the beard-man with a strange accent, I coincidentally overheard Usopp and Nami coincidentally mutter the same discovery they have made, "So... His accent returns to normal when talking about ships eh?"

Shifting my attention back to the bearded man, the tour continued as the man took us and showed us around the Ship.

The once single Main deck was now divided into three parts, the Lower Main Deck which could be considered as the new main deck since its the deck that's mainly accessible when simply boarding the ship. The Forefront Deck behind the bow of the ship, and the Afterdeck close to the ship's stern.

The ship also became bigger and larger both in size and space too, the ship has became taller to about 80 feet in length vertically while it reached to about 75 feet horizontally.

The ship's width also became at least 40 feet wide in order to fit everything from the cabin, to the second floor of the ship and the ship's helm.

The Captain's Cabin also became even more spacious from its former 8x8 measurements to the now current 24x24, the Captain's cabin has now several rooms inside of it aside from the Captain's room, essentially turning it into a Crew's cabin along with the Captain's cabin.

There was a Kitchen, 3 Bathrooms with one located near the entrance of the Cabin, one near the Kitchen, and one in between the crew bedrooms. 6 Bedrooms, an Armory that has barely anything inside of it aside from the Spear I received from the screen with the 6 wooden training swords and 3 spare real swords, a Cartography room for Nami to work on her hobby of making maps, and a small dining room that also serves as a living room for the crew to hang out in.

The storage room was now located below the deck itself which wasn't too big either in order to not hollow out the base of the ship and avoid accidentally making it less durable. The room itself was just a medium sized 6x12 room, 6 feet in length and 12 feet in width/space.

Our entire food stock isn't even enough to fill up even ½ of the room but fortunately, Kaya also decides to give us a hand and gave us a lot of food supplies.

She handed out 300kg worth of meat like beef, chicken, and pork. 10 Trays of eggs stored inside a special soft protective container. 100kg of Cabbages, Carrots, Green Onions, Onion, Lettuce, Potato, and Tomato. She even gave us a crate filled with various sweets, how kind of her!

She also gave a huge container of Soy Sauce, 3 huge plastic containers of cooking oil. There was also some spices too, like Chili peppers, Black peppers, Cinnamon, Grounded Ginger, and Paprika, although there was only 3 small glass bottles of each spices since it was verg expensive.

The Kitchen itself went from a crude and weird looking clay stove set, to a clean and proper Kitchen room. Filled with the necessary conveniences, appliances, and items.

There was 1 Four Burner Stove, a Kitchen Desk with 2 Sinks to wash the dishes and to let them dry in. A big refrigerator to freeze and preserve some easy to spoil foods, there was already a few cartons of milk, and other things inside of it.

The Cartography room was filled with different maps from islands, to whole seas of the world. The Map chart for the Grand line was also attached in the middle most part of the wall in front of the entrance and just behind the working desk for Nami that had several tools and equipments. The room also has a direct access outside to the main cabin.

The bearded man also showed us the upper most floor of the ship where they built a small apple orchard. When I say small, it really is small, since it's just 2 apple trees, but its a very refreshing and cool addition. Especially since it could be seen from the existing second floor bedroom I built before.

The bedroom I built using the screen, mostly remained the same with no drastic changes, except for the fact that directly behind it was the apple tree orchard where it could be seen from the massive horizontal window inside the bedroom. Making it a very majestic view when someone wakes up.

"Oh ye, I think ye hav alre'ih seen they Cannons in yer main deck, right? Those Cannons were our new invention! We call them laddies the Rocketeers! Wanna know why, eh? Because them bad boys' modified and strengthened structure and foundation enables them to be able to handle the aftershock, force, and the pressure of firing our special cannonballs."

The bearded man paused to catch his breath for a moment, with a single deep inhale and exhale, he was swiftly back to explaining the workings of the cannons.

"Them ball are too big for the usual cannons, but with the Rocketeers, it can fit 3 of them with no problem! The cannonballs, when fired, usually releases an enormous amount of pressure and force towards the cannon because of the highly compressed air-pressure it conducts the instant it gets fired, but of course, the Rocketeers can deal with they issue."

Ussop's eyes were already visibly sparkling, as if looking like a child seeing a very fun and cool toy or gadget.

"The Cannonballs are stored below yer deck along with some spare Rocketeers, so don't ye worry about breaking one of'em!" After talking about it, the bearded man turned around to leave the ship.

Before he could deboard the ship, I thought of a very important question that needed an immediate answer, "Sir, before you leave, may I ask something?"

The bearded man turned around to look at me and replied, "Yeah? What is it, laddie?"

"What is the name of the ship?" The name of the ship is important, after all who would want to not know the new member of their family?

The bearded smirked and answered, "Going Amery! Please, I ask you ye kids. Please take care of Amery... It carries mine and my friends and colleagues' soul and dreams."

Hearing what the bearded man said filled me to the utmost brim of determination and motivation to protect the ship with everything I got. Because it's also our reliable crewmate after all.

The bearded man left our boat, at the same time, Luffy managed to find his way around back to us. After a quick meeting with Nami and Luffy, we decided to was much better to leave tomorrow for the perfect weather for sailing. Also, we intended to take in new crew members too!


{Chapter 16 - Fin}