
One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom

INHERITED WILL! The Destiny of the Age and the Dreams of the People These are things that will not be stoped! As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom... THESE THINGS WILL NEVER CESE TO BE! “Yea... yea... very cool, but... Have you ever died in an absurd way and reincarnated by a non-canon Dragon Ball character to the One Piece World to make a realistic Isekai movie of your second life?” … … … “OF COURSE NOT! THIS KIND OF SHIT ONLY HAPPENS TO ME!” A lazy salary-man otaku somewhat depressed with his life is isekaied as a normal human in a normal family in the dangerous world of One Piece without systems or balance breaker cheat skills like other isekai main characters… will try to fulfil in this life the dream that he didn’t even dare to dream in his previous life. A simple, almost innocent and in principle not so unattainable dream in this world "LIVING FREELY AND EXTREMLY COMFORTABLY ON MY OWN ISLAND WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY FUCKING TAXES!!!" However… "Oh man..." Neither in this life nor in another fulfilling your dreams without betraying yourself It’s not as simple as we would like --- Links: You’ll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Patreon patreon.com/user?u=83938371 --- Technical data: – English is not my native language, so I can make mistakes, especially with set phrases. If you detect an error don’t hesitate to say so, I will correct it and maybe I won’t do it again. – Long Chapters about 3300 - 5500 word count or more. I hate short chapters with barely content – One chapter per week (sometimes with split chapters) unless I have a problem (I'm human, more or less) or I perform the loved “Mass Release No Justsu” – The chapters are published between Sunday and Monday. Split chapters will be published during the week --- Legal disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of One Piece. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. The picture is not mine, I only modified it. I will try to create my own in the future. --- More about the story (not spoilers, but read at your own risk If you want to start reading knowing absolutely nothing): ... ... ... – This story begins after the end of my other novel “Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan” but it is not necessary to have read the previous book to understand this one. They have a small crossover in chapter 1 or 2 but from there they go their separate ways – The story has a slow start, starting from the protagonist's childhood in Volume 1 (have patience). After that we’ll have a little time skip where the story will move faster. – I'm trying to write a mature story (but always with humour), with plot coherence and where the Mc is not a pusydestroyer69 from the beginning without justification. If you are tired of convenient self-maturbative histories you may like this one. – The story takes place ONLY in the world of One Piece, without traveling to other worlds or anything like that. – The MC will not join the Mugiwara and they will meet very rarely. I want to write my own One Piece story, not edit the existing one about Luffy – The Mc will be neither a Marine nor a Pirate, he will take a radically different path. – The MC is officially reincarnated the 31.12.2022, therefore he only know’s the story until the chapter “1071” of the manga – NO HAREM

Meralman · Anime e Quadrinhos
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115 Chs

Failed (Part 2)


Do you remember what I told Edu about you on the island before we left?

About how sentimental you are?" Fred asked Stephen after a few minutes of silence.

"Yes, how can I forget it..." Stephen answered with a certain sarcasm, he could hardly forget anything that happened today

"Well, I was serious and that's what worries me...

In a while we'll infiltrate the main room and see what's going on there... and you'll most likely see horrible things...

Need I explain to you what kind of horrible things you might see?" Fred asked in an almost rhetorical way with a suffocating seriousness and a gloomy look, almost devoid of emotions, which reminded Stephen at all times what kind of scum they had come to face and how they should act to win.

"…No…no need…" Stephen answered, although he really had no idea what kind of horrors Fred was talking about. As mature as he was, he was only nine years old and had lived his entire life in a safe and almost idyllic environment, far removed from civilization in a world without TV

Everything he knew about the bad things that happened outside the island was through the cold and censored books and newspapers, the velvety stories of his father and the incredible stories of Fred, who didn't delve too deeply into certain facts that shouldn't be known by a small child. Stephen really didn't know what he would find in a few minutes and in fact he didn't want to know or imagine it, nor did he want Fred to explain it to him...


No matter what you see, no matter what happens, do nothing until I say so, which will be when the poison takes effect and we must act...

I don't care what they do and who they do it to, even if it's your mother…" Fred said more seriously than before and with good reason, after all he had just asked his little nine year old friend to do something extremely harsh and cruel in an incredibly cold way.


Fred had just asked him for something that went against his own nature and the very purpose he was here for. Those words hit his brain with the power of a cannonball, practically paralyzing his heart and brain, preventing him from reacting or even thinking of any rational reason why Fred would ask him something like that, let alone give him an answer.

However, Fred didn't give him time to think of an answer, he still hadn't finished explaining the reason for this decision and proposing an even worse scenario "If you commit an imprudence before time, you won't only be risking the life of your mother and that of others, but also ours...

Therefore, don't do anything that I don't authorize, even if they're killing people in front of your eyes... and that also includes..."



Don't continue…

Okay… don't say anything else…" Stephen said obviously stressed, interrupting Fred before he could say what he knew he was going to say.

Stephen understood, now that Fred had explained it he understood the logic behind his cold and cruel words.

If they acted too early to save someone, they would end up finding themselves outnumbered and nothing suggested that with their individual strength could defeat all these pirates, survive and save the others. Even if the pirates were injured, disoriented and drunk, it was likely that they would die facing them and if that happens the person they would try to help would die like the others, what would have happened if they hadn't come

Therefore, they shouldn't do anything until victory was assured, only if they were safe there was a chance to save someone

It made sense, it was logical, but...

"I'm not using my magic on you Stephen...

So you aren't forced like them to fulfill this pact, but...

I hope you fulfill

I wasn't lying either when I said that I fully trust you..." Fred said with less coldness and even with some kindness as he caressed his friend's almost shaved and now redheaded head, as he always used to do.

"Yes... Fred..." Stephen answered, that unlike other times he didn't take Fred's hand away from his head

Instead he shrugged, putting his head between his knees trying to get his thoughts in order and prevent Fred from seeing him cry. Tears of impotence that welled up in his eyes when he thought that he could find himself in a situation in which he shouldn't do anything despite seeing how his mother was hurt in front of his eyes

If he did, he wouldn't only be putting everyone's lives in danger, but he would also be betraying the trust that Fred, his one true best friend, had placed in him.

'You have to be strong Stephen…

You have to be strong like Fred...

You have to be strong...'

He needed to cool his mind and his heart like he never thought possible if he wanted everyone to get out of that place alive


Several minutes later the big party officially started and all the Leech pirates, including the wounded ones, the security guard and the four scumbags in Fred's service participated in some way. The only difference between the four is that Scum 3 and Scum 4 ate while trying to pretend that nothing had happened in the kitchen and Scum 1 and Scum 2 acted as waiters for the rest of the crew.

However, before carrying out their task according to the orders of Captain John, both scum left the huge cart Stephen modified in a privileged position from which the entire party room could be seen and inside it, Fred and Stephen observed what was happening without anyone noticing

"When will [Sleeping Beauty] take effect Fred?" Stephen asked in as low a voice as he could manage, something he found extremely difficult due to the atrocity he was witnessing...

From where he was he could see many women chained to the wall, almost all of them half naked or completely naked, something that exposed the large number of bruises, wounds and other more or less recent types of injuries they had suffered at the hands of the pirates who had kidnapped them

And one of them was Roxanne, her mother, who despite being awake and breathing looked like a corpse, devoid of the will to continue living, as if she had lost all hope. Many, especially those who had been assaulted during the trip, were like Roxanne, only a few were still able to cry or even pray in the hope that someone would come to save them.

Unfortunately those expressions ignited even more the low instincts of the pirates who were a few meters from them, who looked at them with a maddened and sadistic lust. As if the girls were a piece of meat and the pirates were mangy dogs waiting to be taken off the leash to pounce on them and devour them.

Seeing this, Stephen couldn't remain calm, he felt that he had to do something and quickly, however he held back, as he promised Fred

"It's difficult to estimate, but it has already been about 35 minutes since the first dish and poisoned drink left the kitchen.

In the next 15 minutes or even sooner, some of those sons of bitches should start showing symptoms of poisoning, at least the weakest and most injured..." Fred answered, trying to appear calm, but just like at home the nervous tic of his foot betrayed him

"It's taking forever..." Stephen said as he took his finger off the trigger of the crossbow for fear of pressing it instinctively. He wished with all his might that they would fall asleep at once.

"I know, but it can't be any other way...

If it took effect quickly the sons of bitches who haven't fallen yet would realize that someone has poisoned their food and drink and they would obviously stop eating and look for whoever is attacking them

In the near future, I plan to create a poison colourless, tasteless, and odourless and capable of putting anyone who ingests it into a coma like [Sleeping Beauty], but one that activates instantly upon contact with some other substance, preferably a gas that I can spread whenever I want instead of waiting for it to take effect like now

An immediate effect gas with the same characteristics would also have been good, but as you know, I still don't have the equipment to make one of those safely.

So up to that point this is the best we have" Fred replied, lamenting the lack of better means and trying to keep Stephen's mind occupied with his future scientific projects that he liked so much so that he wouldn't pay so much attention to the horrible situation that was happening in front of his eyes.

But even though they tried to look the other way until the poison took effect, the pirates kept eating, drinking, shouting, insulting, fighting, looking at the women with lust and even throwing things at them to kill time until...


The captain John the Leech and Smith the Bloodlust, his loyal but extremly wounded and bandaged second-in-command, got up from their tables located in a privileged place in the room, away from the rabble



The captain wants to say something…" Said Smith, who was unable to scream as loudly as he wanted due to his serious injuries. Marlon had almost smashed his head in, the fact that he only had trouble talking, eating, nodding and moving was practically a miracle.

"Don't try too hard Smith, get some rest..." John said, tempering the enthusiasm of his most important asset so that it wouldn't be damaged more than it already was to immediately talk to his other assets of less value "Good night little bastards!

As always I will give a speech before opening the party.

Don't worry, it will be quick"

"GREAAAAAAT!!" They shouted with joy when they heard that the real party would really start soon

"For weeks we have sailed the West Blue, going from town to town spreading joy and giving gifts that will always stay in our hearts...



We could say that this campaign has been a success since we have filled the ship to the top, we have had fun killing and sowing terror, we have brought beautiful damsels to our party and thanks to all of that our infamy is already known in all these seas!

So much so much that mine and Mr. Smith reward has increased!" John said while showing the reward posters of his crew, which adding his and Smith's had a total value of 90 million Berries, a not insignificant amount, if they were in the East Blue they would triple or quadruple the total reward of the most wanted band there

"GREEEEAAAAAAAAATTTT!" The pirates cheered once more as they saw how the gang to which they belonged was becoming more and more notorious and infamous. Like their captain, they were happy with the rewards they had obtained on this trip… however, there were certain facts that somewhat tarnished that great success...

Something that didn't go unnoticed by the captain of the crew, who quickly mentioned them with a gloomy and sad tone "Yes, I know...

I know what you're thinking...

Not everything has been perfect, we had a very difficult time in the last town we visited, we lost almost half of the crew and that mayor almost killed all of us

We've had many... many casualties...

Many..." To immediately change your tone of voice and mood 180 degrees "But look on the bright side...


"GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!" The pirates cheered with more happiness and passion than all the previous times combined

John had achieved his goal, boosting the morale of his crew in the most effective way! Which was through monetary compensation, but a good leader couldn't only resort to this method, promotion and recognition was also one of the keys to motivating employees to be productive for him.

"All of you who have participated in this campaign have contributed to a greater or lesser extent

But as always we have to choose the MVP of this raid and I guess you already know who I'm talking about...

A round of applause foooooorrr...

ALBERT!" John said while pointing to one of the pirates among all those in the room to stand up, specifically the pirate who caused Norman's death, abused and kidnapped Roxanne and indirectly caused Marlon's defeat.

Albert, the most directly responsible for the misfortunes of the Freed and Steel families, who won a loud applause, as ordered by Captain John


And after that single but powerful applause, Captain John went on to deliver the long-awaited prize that everyone wanted but that was only awarded to a single common pirate after each raid "It was thanks to your last minute appearance that we managed to beat the mayor and save our lives!

That's why he has earned not only a lucrative raise and my sympathy, but also being the only one who will be able to choose a little slut exclusively for him!


Lucky bastard..." The other pirates who hadn't had the fortune to win this time muttered enviously.

Having the captain recognition was a nice thing for his self-esteem and it was also quite useful, after all the captain was less likely to kill you if he remembered your name for some positive reason like this one... and of course getting more money was fabulous, but what really motivated them was the last award...

After each adventure, the common pirate who contributed the most had the privilege of choosing one among all the women they had captured so that it would be for his exclusive use and no other pirate in the crew was allowed to touch her (under penalty of death if the captain found out)

On the contrary, the rest of the women by elimination became a common good of the rest of the gang, becoming sexual slaves that any pirate could dispose of them whenever he wanted and in any way he wanted if someone wasn't using it at that precise moment.

Obviously everyone preferred to have an exclusive sex slave instead of having to share it with others. After all, no one likes others to play with your toys, especially since they belong to everyone, they don't really belong to anyone and therefore aren't properly cared for, being always dirty, sticky, damaged and broken.

Having one in exclusive property gives you a long-term vision, forcing you to be responsible and take care of it properly so that it would last in good conditions forever... or at least it was like that on the vast majority of occasions… Or at least that's how it's in the vast majority of cases.

"I choose that one" Albert said with bloodshot eyes and smacking his lips as he pointed to Roxanne, the beautiful woman that for various reasons he couldn't finish enjoying a few hours ago

A decision that made Stephen completely lose control and he almost cried out involuntarily.

"WH... ungh.."

Although fortunately Fred was there to cover his mouth before he could mistakenly reveal their location.

"Stephen, I understand how you feel, but...

Don't be stupid…" Fred whispered as he slowly released his gag on Stephen, reminding him that he must be strong and hold on.

And that was precisely what Stephen tried once more before apologizing for his mistake "I'm... sorry..."

However, while Fred and Stephen were biting their teeth, still hiding and waiting for the opportunity to attack… the world kept turning and Captain John was about to give his verdict "Oh, so you want our victory muse…

I guess that's fair, after all you found her first


Sorry for the wait guys...


And with these words all the pirates in the room, as if they were mangy dogs that had been taken off their leashes...


They pounced on the women who were chained in front of them and began to satisfy their baser instincts while Mr. Smith tried to calm his pain with tranquilizers and Captain John quenched his thirst with the best alcohol they had plundered and watched with satisfaction the spectacle that he had authorized and promoted


"You have no escape baby, grit your teeth and enjoy


In front of him began a chaotic, dirty and violent orgy that only one of the sides wanted and enjoyed, where the cries of pain overcame the one of pleasure and where the blood flowed more than the sweat. A Dantesque spectacle that the sadistic and ruthless John enjoyed as if he were a child, although no healthy child would enjoy something like this

'What the hell is happening?

Why? Why are they doing something like this' Stephen thought barely as he felt his heart shrink and all the blood in his heart dry as he witnessed the barbarity unfolding in front of him

Stephen was a nine-year-old boy with little knowledge of sex education, so he had little understanding of what was happening around him, but he didn't need it to know that everything that was happening around him was wrong.

While the pirates did things that were very disgusting and grotesque for his childish mind they beat the girls with their fists and other blunt items, drowned and intoxicated them by forcing them to drink bottles of alcohol in one go, they put things in places not designed to house such large and dangerous items... and many other atrocities that were traumatizing the mind of the innocent infant

However, nothing hurt him more than seeing how they did those things to his mother

"I like to finish what I start honey and luckily now we will have all the time in the world


And don't worry, I'll try to make you last longer than your new and old friends" Albert said, whispering in Roxanne's ear before following the example of his companions, officially joining the party with the intention of also being the protagonist here


Stephen couldn't take it anymore!

Unable to see that horror any longer, he closed his eyes despite knowing it was unwise to do so in the middle of enemy territory and hugged his crossbow in a fetal position as he tried to steel his broken heart and mind to avoid doing what every cell in your body was asking him to do

'We just have to wait a few minutes....

Just a few more minutes and everything will be solved...

I just have to hold on...'

However, the cries of agony from the women and the cries of amusement from the pirates did nothing but weaken his will, so he began to suggest himself even more aggressively

'I have to be strong like Fred...

Fred has his father's assassins in front of him and yet he's patiently waiting for the best opportunity without batting an eye to have a... '

Nevertheless, his mother's cries of pain echoed louder and louder in his ears, causing his voice to falter even within his own thoughts as he tried to dry the tears, which didn't stop flowing from his eyes as he repeated himself over and over again

'I have to act cool like Fred

He also loves mom a lot and yet he's holding back!

Waiting for the perfect opportunity to save her instead of acting right now to prevent that bad man from hurting her even more...'

All those horrible sounds of hell echoed in his head even though he tried to cover his ears and scream as loud as he could inside his mind to make his thoughts prevail over the dark world around him, concentrating solely on the light that could get him out of there

'I have to think with my head and not with my emotions…

Fred surely would have wanted to kill Scum 1 and Scum 2 at the moment he saw them for what they did, however he didn't…

He didn't even hurt them too much so they could help rescue mom and the others.

I can't fail Fred... I can't fail Mom... I can't fail everyone.

I have to stick to the plan, I have to be strong, I have to be…'

Until for some reason he didn't hear anything else, there was complete silence...

It was then that Stephen opened his eyes and saw how the party suddenly stopped, but contrary to what he hoped and wished, the pirates weren't asleep.

They had all ceased their criminal activities to look in the direction of one of their companions, Albert, the MVP of this campaign and the luckiest, most sadistic and most violent man of the night, who was now stretched out on the ground, with a knife stuck in the skull

'This is...'

And Stephen perfectly recognized that knife full of blood stuck in the brain of his most hated enemy

How could he not recognize it? It was one of the throwing knives he forged, throwing knives that he only made for... "Fred...

What… what have you done?"


I'm afraid I'm not as strong, cold, determined and scheming as I would like to be..."


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


Chatper Edited By: The_Bored_Immortal

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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