
Chapter 2: Drama in the Palisades Part Two

I was totally floored, but didn't have the opportunity to say a word, because dad's assistant called me. He wanted me to go find my mom and meet him onstage.


I found her in the private dressing room, and she was a mess. Running mascara, deathly pale, trembling. She ran to the sink and dry heaved,  then sat on an ornate armchair, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Okay mom, that's enough", I said, pulling her into a hug.

"I know, I know. But your dad… Devon…"she stopped abruptly and began clawing at her throat.

She was hyperventilating, so I handed her a paper bag from my purse. I'd taken to carrying them around since she started having panic attacks. When she calmed down a little, I gave her the pills she always took.

Wiping the sweat and grime off her face, I fixed her makeup and led her back to the party.

"There they are!" Dad said once we entered the room. Mr. Vale, Andy and Aliyah stood together at the table I was in before.

"Dad? What's going on?"

"Well, kids, Edward and I have decided that you two," Dad gestured towards Andy and I, "are to get engaged right after graduation.

"Engaged!!?" Andy, Aliyah, Mom and I chorused simultaneously.

"Of course!" Mr. Edward Vale laughed, "seeing as you two are already dating. We would combine the families. Finally!!!"

"You two don't have any objections, do you?", Dad asked Mom and I, a slight glint in his eye.


One hour later, I managed to escape the party. I found my way to the hotel pool and sat in a lawn chair, thinking of what to do.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone sneaking up me till my eyes were covered.

"Guess who?" a low, lyrical voice muttered in my ear.

"Even though it's been only five years, your voice hasn't changed much, Henry" I said, pulling his hands off.

"My voice might not have changed much, but you definitely have" he said with a wink, lowering his 5foot frame into the chair next to mine.

"True", I said with a sigh. "So, you're back?"

"Unfortunately, I am. Mom's moving to Australia, so dad has to keep me till I graduate."

"Ouch, must be awful having to be back here"

"I thought it might be, but there are some" he smiled at me, "perks to being in Salt lake City"

I tried hard to suppress a giggle at that.

"Oh really? Like what?"

He pretended to think for a moment.

"I don't know… A little girl, I guess. Though she's not so little now"

"Ha ha"

We sat in silence for a bit, with his eyes roaming over every part of me he could see in the glow of the pool lights.

"What happened to you anyway? After you left, you stopped talking to me. No calls, texts, emails. Nothing"

"Honestly, I just snapped. With the divorce, and custody battle, I had trouble staying sane."


"Really, I even joined a gang at my new school"

"You what?" I stared at him, incredulous. "The Henry I knew couldn't even hurt a fly"

"I was being bullied. That was a lot to deal with, combined with everything else in my life, so…"

"So you got yourself into more trouble. How did Chief Iglesias take it?"

"Not well in the slightest. Had a spitting match with mom one day he visited and I came home all bloody."

"I can only imagine" I said with a shudder. Apart from Dad, Chief Walter Iglesias was one person I was absolutely terrified of.

"I think I hear your mom", Henry said, turning towards the front of the pool. Sure enough, mom was calling for me.

"I have to go, I'll see you soon?" I asked, feeling warmth from the arms he hesitantly wrapped around me.

"First thing tomorrow. I was transferred back to Saltlake High"

I said goodbye to him and walked to Mom, feeling better than I felt at the beginning of the party.

"Your dad's been looking for you, and he is not happy"

We walked back to the party in silence. Dad smiled benignly when he spotted us, but it felt off. After the party, as we drove home, I could tell by his stone-cold silence that he was raging.

It was a long drive home.