
One of Many (DXD Fanfic)

This is going to be a different DXD Fanfic of what is usually found here on this Site/App. The DXDverse has so much potential to be had and I decided to try my luck with it. I am going to take this a little slower than some people might like, but I like to really build a strong foundation to expand later on. I also want to make every character more realistic and interesting than just big boob thots and skinny cosplaying edgelords. :) /\ Due to this it's going to take a while to arrive on canon plot. I want a very solid background foundation. General Story: MC get's transmigrated into DXDverse with a few hidden powers (nothing op but with a lot of potential). MC will stay human and become powerful with influence and intelligence use of his time. MC will be semi present at canon beginning and all that, but also active in the more unexplored potential story that makes everything more interesting. Chapters will be between 1500-2500 words long (prologue is a little shorter) I don't have a set upload schedule but that may change in the future. PS: Also this Synopsis will change after getting the story going.

Froschmann · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chasing History

It took him three entire grueling days to get back. The music on the radio got old pretty quickly and switching channels constantly didn't help much. He was just extremely tired of driving. It wasn't even pretty outside, it was just raining all the time. He will need a break after this, this was something he will never want to get used to.

The guys accepting the stuff were more formal and not in a friendly way. He may need to change customer if he will continue doing this shit. He almost got cheated by them also. He actually took more with him than they expected and he noticed it pretty quick. Needless to say he got paid handsomely after warning them of Luis.

It was all big words of air. Luis wouldn't do anything to them, maybe just not sell to them anymore, but they didn't need to know that. The stuff was worth so much on the street that they wouldn't really feel a difference. They fucked up and they knew it. Not much but just enough to exploit it.

He now had enough money to get him set up and actually make plans. He thought a lot about where to find a connection to the supernatural and learn magic. The thing was that they are unknown and hidden for a reason. There would be no way for him to just be able to find what he was looking for.

He maybe knew a few spots around the world where he could search, but that would basically be a shot in the dark. The government maybe knew about them and had information, but also no way to get there anytime soon if ever.

He was planning to maybe try and unlock his magic himself if possible, which he didn't think so. There would be people with magic running around calling themselves wizard otherwise. Well new zealand had a state wizard, how much of the real thing he was he had no clue.

The objective right now was to enjoy himself and prepare to set a foundation for the bigger picture. He needed a lot more money and maybe even people under him. He was a little uncomfortable with that idea, but it was a must eventually and he shouldn't shy away from that.

Walking along the Beach was something he would always be enjoying. He was currently at the famous Muscle Beach. It wasn't as popular as it will be in the future, but something he really wanted to visit. Seeing the people work out, reminded him having to start lifting again too.

He was only fit right now. Nothing special and enough to be reasonably healthy at a normal level. The times he spent lifting before were only beneficial to him. It also were the happiest times in his life really. The betterment to his mental health and confidence was significant.

Not even speaking of the absolute masculine feeling of being muscular. As Socrates once said: "No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." And it was true, but sadly almost forgotten in the modern world, where healthy fitness was not needed anymore and was even shunned by certain groups and extremist feminists on the internet. It can do wonders to men and women alike.


Finn has been settling into a pretty comfortable lifestyle in the next few months. He was driving the Florida tour basically once a month and enjoying himself the rest of the time. He has been making a lot of progress on his side projects too.

The money he earned was more than enough and he had been talking with Luis to maybe expand the business a little. With them both taking a more managing role in the process and hiring other people. It only really became possible with them always talking about politics and stuff. It sounded a little boring, but it was fun for him to have a friend that had such an interest in it and how he himself could explore how everything worked in this new time he was living in.

It would be some time in the future still and he was happy how everything was right now. Magic wise he really wasn't making any process. As far as he knew there was no magic inside him that he could access and that wouldn't change without help.

So he was putting his attention to the ring he was given. He couldn't remove it or scratch it, not that he really wanted to. There was also no real process he made but he felt like it was worthwhile to continue and try doing something with it. Whatever it was, it was making him frustrated.

His fitness journey was also getting more fun. He made a few friends that he worked out with in a cheap gym connected to a boxing gym also. They weren't too close but good to have someone you could spend time with while there.

Matthew who was one of them, always pushed him to try out boxing which he accepted after some time. He was pretty good and after trying it out a few times something to look up to. Finn watched a few fights of his and got a little absorbed in the sport. It was definitely a good thing to learn how to fight tho so that made him reason it was worth it even though it consumed more and more of his time.

He was getting quite good and improved at a very fast rate for now. A fighting sport was always something he wanted to do, but never fully committed to one before. His coach also said that he had good potential given his physical statue and quick mind. There definitely were some bad habits of his to root out though and would take a lot of work once he was a little better.

All in all he was getting quite comfortable living again and made him take it a little more serious now. A result of that was making him look for ways to the magical more and more. His free time was spent reading interesting books in the library and calling weird people that he found in a phone book that were supposed "seers".

It was a very annoying and fruitless process for now. Too many crazy frauds and stupid imagined stuff in books. It felt like researching weird conspiracy theories that he knew weren't true. Some things he found were more interesting and mainly in historical books about those topics. It didn't help him but made him think more deeply into it.

He began to think he needed to start at the root of all the myths, study the causes in society and history of the supposed "magical". Maybe that gave him a clearer picture. One thing was clear though, there wasn't much he could do in the US. He needed to start searching in Europe.

The main source for him was Germany, his "Fatherland". He already missed it a little. The time spent here in the US was great and he enjoyed it, but it was more of a holiday and he wanted to return to more familiar lands. Seeing Germany in the 80s was also something nice to imagine.

He found a lot of historical stuff dating back to before the middle ages of magicians and secret orders dealing with the occult springing up in Germany and vanishing from history again. Finn doubted those still existed but there had to be some that were created in more recent times.

If the massive witch hunts were any indication there were once a lot of magical people in that part of the world and he really wanted to follow those footsteps. It wasn't time yet though. He still had necessary business here in the States and didn't want to abandon it now that he had solidified himself.

There was "quick" money to be made and also investments to be allocated. He couldn't do much with his little wealth, but he had to start somewhere to gain a more passive income. He was spending a lot of his money, but he wasn't happy while doing it, so there was no worry that he would spend it irresponsibly.

His recent purchases consisted of renting a house. It was a little away from the beach but big enough to make it worth the price. He bought himself a nicer car to not have to lend one anymore. It was a Ford Escort. It wasn't anything too cool but it was more reliable and cheaper to maintain. The long drives where also more comfortable. It didn't look too bad also.

A lot of clothing had to be bought and the current fashion wasn't all that exciting. Sure, there were a few bangers that he liked, but he resorted to buying more mundane stuff mainly. It was something that could be worn anytime and look good. Something that he really liked was the good quality of the clothes. These days it was more important to have good quality clothes and be reliable for the brands than what it was in his time. It made him quite happy.

He thought about buying a gun, but quickly shut down the idea for now. He didn't really need it and he had no training in how to even use one efficiently. He was good in not getting into fights in the first place and the criminal activities that connected to various gangs weren't that dangerous as one would think. It was more business and less how the modern gangs worked, trough violence and intimidation.

It was something to also do in the future. A gun was cool and all but owning one just because it was cool and not knowing gun safety or being untrained in it, would be extremely irresponsible of him. And he was responsible of himself, at least he liked to think that. He was sure his mom would say otherwise.

'Did his mom actually exist in this timeline? She should be born around these years.' It was something to check out when he was in Germany. It would be weird maybe seeing himself be born in the future.

Anyways. Time flew by fast, and once in his life he could say that he accomplished a lot already. He was happy how things were going so far and hoped to continue doing so in the near future. He looked forward to solving the mystery of his ring and be able to actually use it. He felt he was getting closer. It felt to be more and more like a part of him.