


  When I say goodbye to Christopher I come back to my girlfriend's room, I don't understand why she's been sulking at him until now

  Me: your darling just left

  Faith: well good road to him, anyway nobody wants him here

  Me: you're tempting fate, aren't you, when he goes to find the other one, don't come here crying huh because I won't even calculate you, you yourself know that we're in Logone, a guy as handsome, and nice, he doesn't run the streets, plus he's kicking, I'm sure he won't last on the walk

  Faith: you want to piss me off, right?

  Me laughing: aren't you saying the guy doesn't interest you anymore?

  She rolls over and sleeps forced, it will be better for herself

  A few hours later

  A slightly older lady enters the room with a basket that I assume is filled with food given the good smell it gives off

  The lady: good evening my daughter!

  Me: good evening ma'am!