
Chapter Six

Power is useless without suitable events to prove it's self-mine

The day you let your emotions overrule your wit; is the day you lost the power to shape events-mine

"Everything is alright. There's no cause for alarm" the friendly doctor said as she sat down on a chair as a nurse cleaned off the gel on ifeoma's stomach before exiting the office.

"The vomiting is also very normal, alot of pregnant women experience it right from the first stage pregnancy even to the third trimester" she adjusted her glasses by now Ifeoma was seated directly opposite her and Obi by her side looking attentive like always. "When was the last time you felt nauseated?"

"Wait! What? This isn't the first time?" Obi asked noone in particular, he sounded surprised and indeed he was.

"Mr Obi, haven't you been with your wife? You sound like you both live differently? Haven't you been paying attention to her?"

Obi felt ashamed. The guilt came gripping back at him again. He felt the familiar pang in his chest. He had thought he had taken full responsibility; taking Ifeoma to the hospital whenever he was free even making out time when he wasn't, providing her needs_ but it all felt like nothing. He knew he hasn't being the best husband or a husband at all to Ifeoma but he also knew he couldn't, even if he wanted. He had lost the emotions the same day he lost Lucy.

The ring on his phone suddenly filled the silence; he was thankful for it. He hadn't any answer for the questions the fine petite chocolate doctor had asked. Of course he wouldn't tell her that he in fact doesn't share a room with his wife nor has he touched her after the first time; which shouldn't have being in the first place. Neither could he tell her that apart from when he drives her to hospital and seat with her as she gets checked, they didn't really communicate nor stay in the same place together for more than three minutes; that was why he couldn't be more thankful for the ring.

He knew avatar the secret detective he had hired years back wouldn't call him if it wasn't something of utmost importance, he excused himself and went to a more secluded area to take the call. "Hello, Q to S, ma hear"; that was like a password between them both incase another person other than him picks the call. These days he left nothing to chance.

"One of my boys say they saw something, someone quite similar. They couldn't take pictures..."

Obi didn't allow him finish before saying: "where? Send me the address" he said in a rushed tone.

"That's the problem, she disappeared..."

"What do mean by she disappeared!" Obi asked almost shouting. "I pay you to be attentive, to leave no stone unturned" he closes his eyes and opens it again "send me the address of the exact spot she was last seen."

"My boys aren't yet sure. Boss you might have to take it easy and let my boys do some more digging to be certain first..."

"What bullshit are you saying. When I say send me the address, I mean do it ASAP, no, now!" Obi shouted.

"On the streets of Ghana. To come you need to prepare, also, you need a plan" the man on the other side of the he phone said.

"Ghana" Obi said rather than asked. He wondered if it was indeed true, what it would change. How would it affect everything? Well all the questions could wait until he was certain. He hoped it was true, he could give anything for it to be true.

"Prepare everything, I'm coming" Obi said as he hung up.

Obi walked towards the hospital exit as he was contemplating texting Ifeoma or not. He already called his driver to come pick her up. He knew it wasn't right to just leave like that without an explanation but this was more important than anything. He couldn't risk it for anything. "I'm sorry Ifeoma for everything" he said to himself as he suddenly halts.

"Wha... What are you doing here" Obi says in a near stammer.

"I've being waiting for some time now. I couldn't find you" Ifeoma said without looking at his face which was a mistake; if she had looked at his face she would have noticed the anxiety, the apprehension and near exhaustion plastered on his face.

"I've somewhere to be now" Obi pauses, "I already called Silas to come pick you up" he said confused on how to leave, just like that. It would have being easier if he hadn't met her here, if she was still seated in the doctors office, if he weren't seeing her innocent face. Why was fate always making mockery of him, he thought.

"We came together and we're going to leave together" Ifeoma said with finality in her voice. Something she hasn't done before, what was happening? Ifeoma was surprised at the tone of her voice and the resolve she was sure covered her face.

Obi was taken aback, for a moment it felt like he was imagining things but when he looked across Ifeoma's face he had known right away it wasn't his imagination; he has indeed heard right even if he didn't, the look on ifeoma's face said it all. Something he has never seen. Something isn't right, in fact nothing has ever being ever since he lost his mind and took her innocence, no, ever since Lucy.

"Get in, I'll still need to pick a few things anyway" Obi said opening the door.

The silence in the car was so empty, so were the individuals seated inside it. It felt like they both exhausted what to say even without saying nothing. Even with the cold air emitting from the car's air conditioner, the car felt stuffy and hot. They were engulfed in grief, each for different reasons. The silent seemed overwhelming that it seemed it could burst any moment and it did.

"Guwaa" suddenly eliminated the cold silence. At first Obi was not sure what it was until he perceived the familiar irritating smell.

Ifeoma knew at that moment she was done for. She hadn't meant to puke on Obi's SUV. The silence in the car was so heavy and melancholic that she didn't notice her stomach glub until she heard herself throwing up. That was when she knew it was all-over. Obi was a neat freak, he would throw her out, he would cook her. It's all over she said to her self as tears threatened to escape her eyes.