
Once Upon A Time

((**** warning, lovelies.))

It used to be so normal between the two boys. They met when they were just barely five.

Nathan was sitting in his kindergarten class, coloring on the first day of school. The curly-haired brunette had no intention of making friends. He never once considered someone talking to him. Nathan had always just thought if he left everyone else alone, they would do the same. Although things did not go as planned, he was pleasantly surprised.

A shy looking blonde boy with bright blue eyes approached him. "P-pardon? D-do you have a red I can use?" The timid blonde spoke in a soft, warm voice.

"Huh?- Oh. A red crayon. Yes, yes, here you go." Nathan said, getting the crayon and giving it to the now smiling blonde.

"Thank you! I'm Andrew. What's your name?" The young blonde boy inquired.


"Nice to meet you, Nathan!" Andrew excitedly said, sitting at the desk beside the curly-haired boy.

"Likewise." Nathan spoke calmly, having a larger vocabulary than most children his age. The two continued coloring.

Such a bland, and normal way of meeting. They were good friends, nonetheless. Everyone knew them as being "The Besties". Andrew and Nathan, the school's image for the perfect friendship.

Middle school rolled around. Nathan and Andrew stayed together, late nights of talking til' three A.M., early morning of riding bikes, playing video games, talking about random things, weeks of wondering when they could hang out again.

Andrew was a little bit of a fuckboy. He dated so often that, one week it could be some Claire chick, next it's Moxxy. It's hard telling. Although he had such a complex love life, he always managed to keep an A & B honor roll.

Nathan wasn't intrested in dating. He was your image of the perfect boy to date your daughter. Handsome, strong, perfect grades, caring, the whole package. But he didn't want that. He never did.

Around eighth grade, Nathan came out as bisexual. His parents, both being female, had no problem with it. Of course.

Andrew didn't care.

"As long as you stay Nate-Dog, you'll always be okay with me. You'll always be my bestfriend. Why should who you go to bed with matter to me?"

Nathan at the time being oh so glad to be accepted by the people he cared about most, the short teasing was so worth it.

High school. Ohhh, high school. Less formally known as hell. The two stayed close. Closer than ever. Andrew ended up coming out as pansexual.

Nathan, of course being happy with his friend, accepted him. His parents on the other hand, not so much. Andrew's dad was a military officer. He didn't mind as much. His mom on the other hand was so obsessed with having the perfect family. She had a son that was on the football team with good grades, a husband in the air force, a daughter in college, his mother herself working in the FBI.

Andrew one night came crying to Nathan, saying how his mother hated him now, and had started drinking and telling him how ridiculous it was to even assume that he could like anything but girls. But Andrew didn't like girls. Not just them, anyways.

That was a night that brought the two closer than ever. Andrew had cried himself to sleep in his friends arms, while Nathan stayed up late just feeling bad for the poor boy. Nathan stared at the blonde, curiosity and rage flickering and taking turns to pass theough his face.. Who could ever be mad at such a perfect boy? Who could ever be angered by his sexuality while everything else was perfect? It didn't make sense.

Senior year. Almost out of school. Woo hoo, right?

Nathan woke up to the ringing of his alarm clock. "Fucking-" He turned it off and rubbed his eyes. "Another day, another nightmare." He muttered, stretching. Although he wanted nothing to do with this school, he was glad to see his friend again.

Nathan finished getting ready for school and made his way to his friends house. His warm brown eyes glanced over the cracked sidewalk as he passed it, remembering when he and his friend sat there and counted all the cracks. It took hours, but it happened. Thousands of cracks littered the oncw flawless streets.

Nathan knocked on the door, seeing his friend smile at him almost immediately. Nathan was startled at first, but quickly regained his composure. "Hey, blondie. I actually didn't have to drag you out of your bed this morning. That's a first."

"Very funny, let's get moving." Andrew said, rolling his eyes and walking out.

The two walked, making idiotic jokes and comments. You know how highschoolers talk. Sex, games, drugs, memes, vines, so on.

School was boring as ever. Thankfully, the two had all but Language Arts and Algebra together. That night, there was a huge party one of the football players on Andrew's team was throwing. Andrew and Nathan of course went.

Andrew is a complete party animal. He was dancing and drinking like it was the end of the world. He and some boy named Jacob had a contest to see who could down more whiskey without throwing up. Andrew of course won. But he was drunk as hell now.

Nathan didn't drink. He was the ride home. He simply couldn't.

Around half passed midnight Nathan dragged Andrew to the car and began to drive home. On nights like these, they both went to Nathan's house. That way, the boys wouldn't have to deal with Andrew's mother.

Nathan had pulled Andrew inside and was trying to get him to sleep, the freckled boy just trying to convince him to lay down.

Andrew laughed. "Oh, come on Nate-Dog~ It's not that late~"

"Andy, you're drunk. Go to sleep."

"What?~ No I'm not~ I'm-" He hiccuped, "I'm chi~ll."

Nathan shook his head. "Andrew, work with me here. Get some sleep. Y-"

"Stop saying that." Andrew ordered, pulling on Nathan's shirt. "I'm not drunk."


"Stop acting like you're scared. I know you-" He hiccuped once again, "You want this."

"I-I don't-"

Andrew had him pinned and began kissing his friend, slipping tongue.

Nathan was pure panic. "St-stop!"

Andrew went down his neck, gently kissing and biting.





Nathan laid there beside his best friend, who was now fast asleep.

Nathan had the older boys stronger arm around him, being pulled close and forced to have his head laying on the blondes chest.

Nathan just cried. He cried for hours. He no longer felt safe in his friends arms. He felt violated. This wasn't okay.

"Andrew... What did you do...?" He thought silently. "What have you done to me...? To us...? How will we ever be able to go back to being just friends...?"

Andrew woke up, feeling warmth on his chest. He recognized the hangover and assumed he got drunk and banged some whore from their school. He ran his hand down the mistery person's back. "Oh. They have a scar on their side like Nathan. That's neat. Who is this, anyways?" He thought, looking at the person.


It was Nathan.

Andrew stared at the curly-haired boy. He had tear stains down his cheeks, and red puffy eyes. Nathan was smaller than Andrew. His head was on one side of his chest, his hand resting on the other.

Andrew gently ran his fingers through the brunettes hair. "What did I do to you...?" He whispered to himself. "I'm so sorry..."

Hours of laying around and holding the sleeping boy, Nathan woke up.



"...Let me up... Please..."

"Nathan... I swear I was drunk... I'm so sorry..."

"You know I was waiting... I was saving myself... You... Andrew I wasn't ready..."

"I know... I know being drunk doesn't make it right, but if theres anything I can do-"

"Let me up. That's what you can do. Let me up."


Andrew let go of Nathan.

Nathan got dressed and walked out of his room.

Andrew put his clothes on and slowly walked out to Nathan. "...Look, I'm-"

"Save it. Usually I would just brush it off but... Andrew that was my first..."

"I know..."

"...I get you're sorry, but I can't just... I can't just forget that happened."

"...I understand..."

"Do you? Do you really? Because you're still here."


"Don't even. Just go."

Andrew felt hot tears for in his eyes. "...Maybe I'm not sorry then. I'm trying SO HARD to make this right! I know how bad it is! I know how violated you feel!! I-"

"Don't even try that!!! You don't know how it feels because someone you trusted with your life didn't take your first time!!! Some girl that pressured you did!"


Nathan flinched. "...Get out of my house."


Ahhh, school.

All but two classes were chaos.

The school was on alert because they weren't talking. Everything was awful. How could they ever fix this?

This should have a **** warning-

Baby_Boy_87creators' thoughts